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Project for Construction of Three Primary Radial Settling Tanks -POS


This course design provides for the development of the technology and organization of the construction of three primary radial settling tanks, diamet-rum 40 m. These settling tanks are made of wall panels of the PSC 1-42-1 type (H = 4, 2m, m = 1, 9t) - trays are provided inside the perimeter of the settling tank, for receiving and discharging waste water of the LT 1- 6-4.5 type (m = 1, 0t, L = 5, 9m)

Project's Content

icon карточка определитель1.doc
icon карточка определитель2.doc
icon карточка определитель3.doc
icon чертеж.dwg
icon поясн ТСП и ОСП.doc

Additional information

6.4. Calculation of duration of works and construction of the facility

On the basis of Table 6.1 the work determinant card is drawn up, Table 6.2

The number of shifts is determined based on the condition of maximum use of machines and mechanisms, taking into account the requirements of safety and labor protection.

The number of people and composition of teams is accepted for practical reasons and in accordance with regulatory requirements.

The duration of mechanized types of work is determined based on the maximum load of the driving machine and is calculated by dividing the number of machine shifts by the number of mechanisms used and the number of shifts.

To accelerate the concrete hardening process, the project adopted electronic heating at a temperature of + 50 ° С. Concrete strength gain time is accepted in accordance with reference data equal to - 5 days.

Drawings content

icon чертеж.dwg


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