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Production of full-white brick brand M 75 and M 100 with a capacity of 9 million units per year.


Plastic clay 65% and granular blast furnace slag 35%. The method of forming raw brick is plastic. Consumption of plastic clay raw materials and granulated blast furnace slags, material balance, selection of equipment is shown. I_l_md_ it is created to the zhena a blast furnace ozhysynan tratyn keramikala қ massana ң құ frames: i_l_md_ saz-65% to the zhena granuldanan blast furnace of a ozhysa of 35%. atalan M to 75 zhena of M 100 Marcala k_rp_shterd_ i_l_md_ ts_l boyynsha of a dayyndayda. Қazhettі su mөlsherі 22-24% aralyғynda bolmaқ. shikіzattardyң zhyldyқ shyғyny, materialdyқ balance sheets, қoldanylatyn zhabdyқtar tүrlerі keltirilgen.

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