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Primary Care Centre (psp), Department Model, India

  • Added: 24.10.2015
  • Size: 1 MB
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The Primary Health Care Centre (PSC) is the main structural and functional unit of public health services in developing countries. pmp were created to ensure accessibility; affordable and affordable primary health care for people; in accordance with the 1978 Almaty Declaration by Member States of the World Health Organization. located in southern Asia; psp is the basis of the first line of primary health-care units. theoretically; there is one psp for each 30; 000 population. Each pamphlet has five or six sub-centres where health workers work for outreach services such as immunization; basic treatment services; and maternal and child health. pmp is typically composed of one or more physicians; pharmacist; nursing staff; average medical and other support staff. gobi - fff has a psp model. in India; psp forms the basic part c .

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