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PPR for Mololite Cores Foundations

  • Added: 02.06.2014
  • Size: 246 KB
  • Downloads: 0
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Work Plan for Installation of Fine Concrete Foundations. It is also designed for tape foundations and the entire iron of concrete as a whole. It covers the production of work in high and very low temperatures. There are no drawings.
The works considered by the map include: - reinforcement of the foundation; - installation of disassembling and rearranging formwork and steel formwork forms; - concreting of foundations with the help of crane and buckwheat, concrete pump; - dismantling of formwork .

Project's Content

icon ППР на мололитные жб фундаменты 641 кж3.docx
icon МУ техн. карты в ВКР.docx

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