PPR building facade arrangement - Reconstruction of PS No. 18 Red triangle with 110 kV translation

- Added: 04.12.2021
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Project for the performance of works No. PPR 12-9027-AR (Reconstruction of PS No. 18 Red triangle with conversion to 110 kV) on the construction of the facade system of the building. St. Petersburg
Project's Content
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Additional information
10. Work Execution Project Approval Sheet
Attachments to PPR 12-9027-AP:
Building plan. Layout of scaffolding (on one sheet of A3 format);
The facade of the building in axes 1-13. Layout of scaffolding (on one sheet of A3 format);
The facade of the building in axes A-L. " Scaffolding diagram (on one sheet of A3 format)
1. introduction
This Work Execution Project, hereafter PDP, is developed on the basis of Contract No. 1711848 dated 07.08.2017. for the purpose of quality and timely performance of work at the facility: "Reconstruction of PS No. 18 Red triangle with a 110 kV transfer (facade system device)." The PPR establishes the process sequence and the necessary technical requirements during the works on the installation of the facade system on the facade of the building PS No. 18 Red Triangle.
The PPR is intended for managers, specialists and workers of LLC Leningrad Construction Company as a leading material in the performance of work.
The following regulatory documents shall be used in the performance of works:
SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization";
SNiP 3.04.0187 Insulation and finishing coatings;
P M0122000 SWEAT Interindustry rules on labor protection during the work at height;
SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";
SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";
PB 1038200 "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes"
Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 28.03.2014 No. 155n (revision dated 17.06.2015) "On Approval of the Rules for Labor Protection at Work at Height"
SNiP 3.03.0187 Bearing and enclosing structures;
SNiP 3.05.0685 Electrical devices;
PUE 7 ed. "Electrical Installation Rules";
Rules on labor protection during operation of electrical installations (as amended from 19.02.2016);
SP 121362002 "Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction organization projects and work execution projects";
SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work";
PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation";
Organization of works
Contractor OOO "First Professional Community," then Contractor shall draw up and forward to Owner for approval:
1. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner, including the Owner's responsible manager, the following permits and ensure their storage throughout the entire period of work execution:
1.1 Certificate of admission to a certain type or types of work that affect the safety of capital construction facilities (SRO permit).
1.2 Appendix to the certificate of admission to a certain type or types of work that affect the safety of capital construction facilities - "Types of work that affect safety."
1.3 Information on the qualifications of managers and specialists (standard form).
1.4 Regulation on production control.
1.5 Work schedule (schedule).
1.6 Work Execution Design, the content of which shall include the following sections:
1.6.1. Explanatory note containing justification of decisions on works execution.
1.6.2. Industrial and fire safety, occupational health and safety solutions.
1.6.3. Lists of process equipment, tools, accessories, machines, mechanisms used in the performance of works.
1.7. Order on appointment of the responsible work manager at the facility, with responsibility for industrial safety, labor protection, fire safety, environmental safety and electrical safety at the work performance facility, as well as performers of works, including for preparation and performance of gas hazardous works, fire works and high-risk works performed along with the permit.
1.8. Order on appointment of the person responsible for production control (for incoming, post-operational and acceptance control).
1.9. Qualification certificates of the head and executors of works for the right to perform types of activities and works.
1.10. Certificates of the head and executors of work on the passage of the fire technical minimum.
1.11. Certificates of the head and executors on assignment of the corresponding electrical safety group to electrical personnel.
1.12. Certificates of assignment of the relevant electrical safety group to non-electrical personnel.
The validity period of permits must not end during the period of work.
2. List of persons participating in the work;
The presented work execution project shall be reviewed and approved by the Customer.
The following documents shall be obtained from the Customer prior to commencement of electrical installation works:
order on appointment of a responsible person on the part of the Customer for technical supervision of the works;
work permit for CMR production in the territory of the reconstructed facility;
Safety measures shall be developed by the responsible Contractor.
Contractor's Manager shall be responsible for compliance with safety measures and safety of equipment in the area handed over for installation works.
The required number of workers of the required qualification is prepared. Contractor shall ensure availability of technical facilities, devices and equipment for construction and installation works.
The workers are given an introductory briefing and a briefing at the workplace.
Places of work are provided with fire extinguishing facilities.
Source Data and Object Characteristic
The site of the existing substation PS 36/5kV No. 18 Red Triangle is located at the address Embankment of the Obvodny Canal d.185 of the Admiralty District of St. Petersburg.
Seismicity of PS area is not more than 6 points.
Wind district - I th.
Ice region - IIth.
The normative depth of seasonal freezing of the soil for sands is 2.0 m.
The weight of the snow cover on 1 m2 of the horizontal surface of the earth for the III snow region is 100 kg/m2. Standard wind speed for the III wind area for height up to 10 m above the ground surface - 36 kg/m2.
Soils (in the territory of PS):
soil-plant layer, power - 2 m;
dusty, yellow, brown sands with medium-density sandy layers saturated with water, power 1.2-1.7 m;
heavy dusty loam, gray flowable tape, capacity 2.5- 3.8 m.
UHF at - 1.5 m from the ground surface, during periods of intense snowmelt and heavy rains it is possible to raise the level of groundwater.
The relief is relatively flat with elevations from 4.25 to 4.50.
According to external inspection, a surface vegetation layer was formed on the territory of the PS, except for passages with crushed stone and broken asphalt pavement to existing buildings.
055 Графическая часть для ППР Устройство.dwg
054 Графическая часть для ППР Устройство.dwg
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