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Power supply of the forging and pressing shop

  • Added: 15.02.2023
  • Size: 97 KB
  • Downloads: 2
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The section of the forging and pressing shop (PTS) is designed to prepare metal for processing.


It has a machine department, in which equipment is installed: peeling machines of the RT-21001 and RT-503 types, electrothermal installations, forging and pressing machines, overhead cranes, etc. needs, etc.


Power supply is carried out from GTP. The distance from the GTP to the workshop TP is 1.4 km, and from the ENS to the GPP - 12 km. The voltage at the GPP is 6 or 10 kV.


The number of work shifts is 2. The consumers of the site have 2 and 3 categories of power supply reliability.


The soil in the area of the KPC is loam with a temperature of 15 °C. From the same workshop TP, the ESN begins with the expansion of the machine park.


The additional load of the CPC in the future will be:


Rdop = 683 kW, Qdop = 828 kVAR, Kn = 0.5.


The frame of the building is assembled from blocks-sections 8 m long each


Plot size A × B × H = 96 × 56 × 10 m.


Auxiliary premises are two-story, 4 m high.

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