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Pond Dirt Dam Design

  • Added: 03.05.2015
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Course project in the discipline Hydrotechnical structures on the topic "Design of the pond dirt dam" Archive structure: Explanatory note: 1. Selection of the type and structure of the dam
1.1.Selection of dam type 1.2.Projection of dam crest and upper slope attachment 1.3.Dam body soil physical and mechanical properties determination 2.Filtration calculation of soil dam 2.1.Defining of depression curve in homogeneous dam 2.2.Finend selection of soil dam type and its construction technology
3. Calculation of stability of slopes of soil dam 4. Construction and calculation of flood spillway 4.1. Calculation of spillway channel (fast flow) 5. Design of rest area near the pond AND drawing in AutoCad. -Plan of the recreation area near the reservoir -Perverse section along the dam - Geologic section -Rejection along the spillway - Scheme of biopath organization -Rejection along windproof plantings

Project's Content

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1. Selection of dam type and structure

1.1.Selecting the type of dam

1.2. Design of dam ridge and upper slope attachment

1.3. Determination of physical and mechanical properties of dam body soils

2.Filtration calculation of soil dam

2.1.Determination of depression curve in homogeneous dam

2.2.The final choice of the type of soil dam and the technology of its construction

3. Calculation of stability of soil dam slopes

4.Constructing and calculation of flood spillway

4.1.Compute spillway (fast flow)

5. Pond recreation area design


List of literature


Purpose: design of recreation area by the pond.

In this course project, the design (within the framework specified in the task) of a soil dam, spillways, and a recreation area will be carried out.

As initial data, the following are given: a terrain plan (hollow) in the projected recreation area, physical and mechanical characteristics of the soil of the base and quarry materials, calculated water levels in the projected reservoir, estimated flood flow rates of water, estimated wave height, purpose and composition of the recreation area structures.


To create a reservoir bed, a structural type of a homogeneous loam dam with an upper loading layer of sand performing drainage functions is selected.

To ensure the use of the reservoir throughout the bathing season, work was done on the arrangement of the tooth. This ensured the validity of the reservoir up to several seasons.

The choice of the location of the beach fully corresponds to its purpose, since the sun illuminates it almost all daylight hours, and the shores are not very steep.

A parking lot is also designed, which allows you to come to the beach in your own cars.

Wind protection is provided by planting windproof plantings.

On the beach there are: sports grounds, a boat station.

Drawings content

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