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Planetary mechanism design

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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Course project on the theory of machines and mechanisms

Project's Content

icon лист 1.bak
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icon лист 1.doc
icon лист 2.bak
icon лист 2.cdw
icon лист 2.doc
icon лист 3.bak
icon лист 3.cdw
icon лист 3.cdw.bak
icon лист 3.doc
icon литература.docx
icon маховик.cdw
icon Чертеж.bak

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Brief description of piston compressor mechanisms operation

1. Sheet 1. Involute Gear Design and

planetary reduction gear box

1.1 Design of involute gear

1.1.1 Setting of tasks

1.1.2 Initial data

1.1.3 Involute Gear Calculation Algorithm

1.1.4 Selection of bias factors

1.1.5 Scale Selection

1.1.6 Construction of involute gear

1.1.7 Construction of machine engagement

1.1.8 Conclusions

1.2 Planetary gear box design

1.2.1 Setting of tasks

1.2.2 Initial data

1.2.3 Selection of wheel gear numbers by means of multipliers

1.2.4 Construction of planetary reduction gear box diagram

1.2.5 Graphical examination of planetary gear box - check

gear ratio

1.2.6. Conclusions

2. Sheet 2. Dynamic study of the main mechanism

2.1 Setting of the task

2.2 Initial data

2.3 Synthesis of the main mechanism

2.4 Calculation of kinematic transfer functions and their construction


2.4.1 Analytical method

2.4.2. Plan Method

2.5 Calculation of resistance force and construction of its diagram

2.6 Construction of expanded resistance force diagram

2.7 Replacement of mechanism with dynamic model

2.7.1 Calculation of reduced moment of forces and construction of its diagram

2.7.2 Calculation of reduced moments of inertia of the second group of links

2.8 Kinematic energy of the second group of links

2.9 Diagram of resistance forces operation

2.10 Kinetic energy of the first group of links

2.11 Calculation of flywheel dimensions

2.12 Defining the law of movement of the initial link

2.13 Conclusions

3. Sheet 3. Design of cam mechanism

3.1 Setting of the task

3.2 Initial data

3.3 Construction of kinematic diagrams of the pusher

3.4 Chart and minimum dimensions

3.5 Cam profiling

3.6 Construction of replacement mechanism

3.7 Kinematic examination of the replacement mechanism

3.8 Output



Drawings content

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