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Physiculiturnium complex -AP, PP


Course project: sports and recreation complex. Explanatory note, two drawings

Project's Content

icon 1. титульный лист.doc
icon 2. архитектура.doc
icon 3. генплан.doc
icon 4. конструкции.doc
icon 5. инженерные сети.doc
icon 6. список литературы.doc
icon лист 1.dwg
icon лист 2.dwg

Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Architectural and construction section

2.1 General characteristics of the building

2.2 Space Planning Solution

2.2.1 Volume and planning parameters

2.3 Technical and economic indicators

3. Development Master Plan Solution

4. Design Section

4.1 Foundations

4.2 Walls

4.3 Internal walls and partitions

4.4 Overlaps

4.5 Roof, roof

4.6 Stairs

4.7 Windows, Doors

4.8 Floors

5. Utilities and Equipment

6. List of literature


The purpose of the task is to master the basics of the methodology and skills of creating individual design solutions for public buildings with compositional expressiveness, technically, economically and functionally rational and structural adaptability to the existing architectural environment.

Fitness complex - a public building for general physical and athletic training and gymnastics, for sports games.

General characteristics of the building.

The building of the sports and recreation complex (FOK-1) from light metal structures consists of two one-story buildings: block 1 with a pool of 25.0x11.0 with a depth of 1.4 m, with a capacity of 32 people/shift and block 2 with a hall of 42.0x16.0 m with a capacity of 40 people/shift, connected to each other by a transition gallery (block 3), where a playground is arranged.

Space-planning solution.

A space planning solution is a solution on the basis of which a particular composition and size of premises are made.

The building has a mirror shape with a plan alignment; designed with a technical floor under the pool where all communications are conducted.


- building height from elevation 0.00 - 10.79 m;

- dimensions in axes - 61.82 m (1-17) and 67.14 m (A-U).

Technical and economic indicators

Economic indicators of public buildings are determined by their space-planning and structural solutions, the nature and organization of sanitary equipment.

Projects of public buildings are characterized by the following indicators:

construction volume - 31450.76 (m3)

building area - 4,150.60 (m2);

total area - 2963.54 (m2);

Development Master Plan Solution

Architectural and planning solutions of the master plan are developed in accordance with the purpose of the designed building, compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards .

The plot plan is completed on a scale of 1:500.

To ensure the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions, a set of measures for landscaping and landscaping is planned at the site. In areas free from development, the construction of lawns, freely growing shrubs, flower beds, deciduous trees of ordinary planting is provided.

Underground water supply, sewerage, electric cables and heat networks are designed in the channel. Such laying of utility networks ensures the convenience of their maintenance during operation.

The building is located next to the highway. In front of the main entrance to the building there is a car park for visitors, and on the rear side of the building for car cars of service personnel. To the right of FOK-1 is the House of Culture .

Sidewalks are made of paving tiles (paving stones). The road and parking lots are paved.

Design solutions.

Frame diagram. The frames of the Block-1 and Block 2 buildings are identical to each other, designed according to the frame-coupling scheme from welded single-span frames with variable-section elements. Frames with rigid upper assemblies and flange joint in ridge are hinged to foundation on elev. - 0,150. The frames are 2-pitched, the slope of the girders is 10%. Span of frames 24.0 m; step 6.0 m.

The frame of the building Blok3, transition gallery is also designed according to the frame-coupling scheme and single-span frames with rigid pinching in the foundation at el. – 0,150. Span of frames 10.6 m; step 4.77 m .

Spatial operation and stability of building frames of 1,2,3 units is provided by joint operation of frames, system of spacers, vertical and horizontal connections. The role of horizontal links is performed by sections of disk of profiled flooring with reinforced fastening to runs.

End faces of buildings are solved with the help of inclined fachwerk posts with rigid fixation on elev. - 0.150 and hinged attachment to coating runs. Inclined fachwerk posts play the role of an architectural element that gives buildings expressiveness and allows you to increase the area without additional structures .

The upper crossbar at the end serves as a spacer between the fachwerk posts.

The design provides the following design solutions:


Foundations - underground structures that transfer loads from the building to the ground.

The depth of foundation laying is 2.40 m, which exceeds the depth of soil freezing, which is 1.2 m in this construction area.

The entire perimeter of the building is paved with a width of 1000 mm with a slope of i = 0.03. It is designed to protect the foundation from rain and meltwater penetrating into the ground near the walls of the building .


The walls of the building are designed to protect and protect against environmental influences.

The building wall fence is designed from three-layer frame panels with steel skins and mineral wool insulation.


Partitions are internal vertical enclosing structures in buildings.

To form functional and auxiliary built-in rooms, panel partitions with filling from asbestos cement sheets are used.

For sound and heat insulation, a layer of asbestos cement sheets is additionally attached to the partitions on the mounting site in the ventilation chambers and sanbes, and ceiling panels of profiled sheet and asbestos cement sheets are installed with filling of the space between them with mineral wool plates.

Partitions are made in several versions: blind, with a door, with a distribution window. In terms of height, partitions are used with dimensions: 2.1; 2.75 and 3.0 m.

Partition structures meet the regulatory requirements for strength, stability, fire resistance, sound insulation.


Posts from partitions are designed to receive loads from panels of partitions, connection, partitions to each other and their connections to load-bearing structures and building foundation.

Racks are executed from rectangular steel pipes by section 100х100х3 with basic heels 120х120 8 mm thick. Supporting element of posts are frames.


Slabs - horizontal bearing and enclosing structures dividing buildings into floors and accepting loads from the actual weight, weight of vertical enclosing structures, stairs, as well as from the weight of interior items, equipment and people on them. These loads are transferred from floors to the structural walls of the building.

The floor floor is made of columns and cross beams made of steel I-beams. The covering of the floor itself is made of monolithic reinforced concrete on a galvanized profiled sheet. All components of the load-bearing frame are primed to protect against corrosion.

Slabs provide sound and thermal insulation, they also meet high requirements for rigidity and flexural strength.

Roof, roof.

The roof is a structure that protects the building from precipitation and is the upper fence of the building.

The roofing covering is designed half-devout assembly three-layer with the top and lower sheets H577500,8 in accordance with GOST 2404586. In Block 3 lower leaf of roofing covering C1510000,7.

Insulation in roofing - mineral wool slabs P175 as per GOST 957382 or mineral wool piercing mats of type M2, M5 as per GOST 2188086. Insulation thickness is accepted 160 mm.

Roofing sheets are connected to each other by means of bent perforated elements (strap).


Stairs are designed to communicate between spaces on different floors.

Internal stairs are designed for daily operation, from prefabricated metal elements. The staircase is single-arch. The width of the steps is 300 mm, the height of all steps is 150 mm. The width of the march is 1000 mm, which is sufficient for its operation.

You can climb the stairs to the second floor. There is a fire escape from the 2nd floor. The door for access to the fire escape platform and the doors of the tambours open towards the exit from the building according to fire safety conditions. The fence of stairs is 900 mm high, the handrail is lined with plastic .

Windows, doors.

Windows - building elements designed for lighting and ventilation of rooms. Doors are used to connect isolated spaces and to enter the building.

To fill window openings, windows with triple glazing in separate binding are used. For glazing the outer binding, a double-glazed window is used, for the inner - sheet glass. Outer and inner bindings are made of combined profiles with breaking of cold bridge. All external bindings are made blind, with the exception of 18 windows designed for ventilation and located in the lower row of triangular stained glass windows on the facades of the building.


The building provides for the installation of the main vestibule (T1) in block 3, and 4 tambours (T2) in the walls of the rear facades of the pool and gym. Double stained glass windows are used to guard the tambours.

In the side walls of the tambourines T2 there are louver grills of triangular shape, related to the building ventilation system.

For glazing the external stained glass window T1, a glass window is used, for the external and internal stained glass window T2 and the internal stained glass window T1 - sheet glass.

Doors in the building are designed: from PVC with glazing D1 (2.1x1.45), D2 (2.1x0.55), D6 (2.1x1.4), D7 (2.1x1.0); filenoid double-deck glazed D3 (2.1x1.4) and blind (metal frame with asbestos-cement filler sheet) D4 (2.0x0.9), D5 (2.0x0.7). Glazing some doors is mainly necessary in order to achieve more uniform lighting of rooms.


The type and structure of the floor is determined based on the purpose of the room, and the requirements for the floors.

Floors are structures that are constantly subjected to mechanical effects. They must be durable, low-heat, resist abrasion, in sanitary units - waterproof. Floors along intermediate floors shall have sound-insulating properties. In the sanitary unit and showers, the floor is made of ceramic tiles. Floors adjoin walls in rooms. In order to ensure that there are no gaps between the floor and the walls, wooden plinths are nailed throughout the peri-meter of the room. In the rooms where the surface of the floor is ceramic tiles, a plinth made of shaped ceramic tiles is used.

Floors made of ceramic tiles are hygienic, water resistant. For waterproofing of floors, roll materials are used - ruberoid, waterproofing, which are glued to the base of the floor with bitumen mastic.

Drawings content

icon лист 1.dwg

лист 1.dwg

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