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Drawings and schedules of industrial complex construction organization


work schedule

Project's Content

icon plot.log
icon ЗАПИСКА (Восстановлен).docx
icon ЗАПИСКА.doc
icon Карточка-определитель.doc
icon ЛИСТ.dwg
icon Смета.xlsx

Additional information



1. Initial data

2. Introduction

3. Analysis of volume-planning and structural solutions of buildings under construction

4. Diagrams of building plans. Section diagrams of buildings

5. Construction volumes of buildings under construction

6. Determination of estimated cost of the building

7. Project of construction organizations

8. Summary Schedule

9. Calculation of requirements for basic construction materials

10. Calculation of requirements for construction machines and machinery

11. General Site Construction Plot Plan

12. Calculation of temporary administrative sanitary facilities

13. Calculation of temporary warehouses of building materials and structures

14. Calculation of temporary water supply

15. Calculation of temporary power supply

16. Work Execution Project

17. Breaking of the main building for grabbing

18. Nomenclature and scope of construction and construction works

main building

19.CIW Volumes for Construction of Knitted Goods Factory

20. Selection of method of works and complexes

machines and mechanisms

21. Selection of a set of construction machines for earthworks

22. Selection of lifting mechanisms for installation of structures

23. Determination of the duration of work (master record)

24. Protection of labor and environment, fire fighting


25. Technical and economic indicators

List of literature used

2. Introduction

A significant part of industrial buildings and structures is built according to standard designs. Typing consists in the constant selection of the most universal space-planning and structural solutions for a given period, which give the greatest economic effect in the construction and operation of buildings. Industrial buildings limited by a certain production capacity and sections of universal buildings limited by certain production areas and vehicles serving them are typified.

In this work, the development of PIC elements for the knitwear factory is underway. Today - these are progressively developing production facilities, the latest technologies and equipment, about 100 people of qualified personnel combined with the traditions of quality laid down by time. Thanks to the expanded structure, the knitting factory provides a complete production cycle of work - from the idea to its implementation. In the production of knitted goods, webs and fabrics are mainly made of natural fibers, a strict system is in place to monitor the compliance of manufactured clothes with sanitary and hygienic standards and standards for the production of knitted goods.

The project also developed the construction of secondary buildings: a five-story warehouse of finished products and a four-story administrative and household building.

Structures of frames of all buildings are made of precast reinforced concrete. Prefabricated reinforced concrete elements are successfully used in load-bearing frames of single-storey buildings up to 18 m high, with support cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 30 tons and with spans of up to 24 m and in multi-storey buildings with loads on the floor up to 2.5 tf/m2. The main advantages of reinforced concrete structures are durability, flammability and steel saving. To organize the construction of the building, an in-line method has been adopted. The advantage of the in-line method: retains all the advantages of consistent and parallel work organization methods and avoids their disadvantages.

The main task of designing the construction flow is to determine such parameters of it, which, taking into account rational technology and organization of work, ensure the performance of work in a given time frame.

Design of construction flows is carried out in the following sequence:

1) objects are identified as homogeneous or close to each other in terms of space-planning solutions, as well as in terms of their construction technology, which are planned to be built in-line;

2) the process of erection of buildings is divided into separate composite works taking into account uniformity of technology of their execution;

3) a reasonable sequence of works and their connection into the overall aggregate process is established.

4) individual types of work are assigned to individual performers, and the sequence of transition of workers' teams from capture to capture is established;

5) the main flow parameters are calculated taking into account ensuring the necessary sequence of work;

6) the rational sequence of the transition of teams and leading construction machines from object to object (from capture to capture) is determined.

On the construction site, during the construction of the building, the organization of in-line construction is carried out as follows:

1) the entire front of work during the construction of the building is divided into several sections with approximately the same volume and labor intensity of work;

2) breaking down the complex construction process into simple processes, it is necessary to entrust their implementation to individual teams or links;

3) brigades (links) move evenly along the work front, perform work and switch from one grip to another;

4) the first team begins the technological process all the time, the last completes.

Thus, the work is simultaneously performed on several grips, and the object on each gripper is in different stages of readiness.

Decisions taken in the course draft should be aimed at:

reduction of labor intensity and cost of construction and installation works;

reduced construction time;

rational use of material and labour resources;

increased productivity;

environmental protection.

The project should use: advanced technology for performing work, modern methods of organizing construction and installation work on the basis of complex mechanization of construction, labor and environmental protection standards, as well as fire safety standards.

The construction organization project (PIC) is part of the project and is being developed to ensure the timely commissioning of production facilities and residential and civilian facilities.

The Work Execution Project (WP) is developed according to the working drawings. It is used to identify effective methods of performance that contribute to:

- reduction of their cost and labour intensity;

- reduction of construction time of facilities;

- increasing the use of construction machinery and equipment;

- improvement of CMR quality.

The project is carried out in accordance with the program of the course "Construction Organizations" on the basis of DBN A.3.1-5-96 "Organization of construction production," the current estimated standards - DBN D.2.2, collections No. 1... 47 "Resource element estimated standards for construction works," other regulatory reference materials, in the scope and sequence defined by these methodological guidelines.

Construction Organization Project

The construction organization project (PIC) is part of the project and the working project and is being developed to ensure the timely commissioning of production facilities and housing and civil facilities.

The construction organization project is developed by the general designer or design organization, where the construction part is developed or, at its request, by specialized organizations. PIC is developed at the expense of the customer from the funds for design.

It is the basis for:

1. Distribution of capital investments and CIW volumes by construction years;

2. Basis of construction cost;

3. Carrying out organizational and technical training, including:

- provision of personnel construction;

- logistical resources;

- equipment, etc.

The composition, content and design procedure of anti-icing system are defined by DBN A.3.1-5-96. "Organization of construction production."

PIC is developed as part of the project of the enterprise or housing estate under construction and is its integral part and independent section.

The starting materials for PIC development are:

1. Design task.

2. Technical decisions made in other parts of the project or working project.

3. Data on the scope and timing of preparatory works.

4. Information on the material and technical base of construction.

5. Data on the capacities and capabilities of construction organizations.

6. Information on the presence and type of construction machines.

7. Information on sources of construction supply with water and electricity.

8. Materials of engineering surveys.

9. Requirements of the customer and contractor (need to design temporary housing, industrial buildings and structures).

10. Building codes and other regulatory and reference documents.

The anti-icing system consists of:

1. Schedule or Integrated Consolidated Construction Network (KUSG) with indication of:

- order and terms of construction of main and auxiliary structures;

- start-up complexes and preparatory period of construction;

- distribution of capital investments and CIW volumes by construction stages and by time.

2. Calendar of the preparatory period;

3. Construction master plan with indication of:

- permanent buildings and structures;

- sites for the location of temporary inventory buildings and structures;

- Permanent and temporary road and railway;

- main utilities;

- warehouses;

- installation cranes and mechanized installations;

- production base objects;

- existing and to be demolished buildings.

4. Diagrams of construction of main buildings and description of methods of production of complex construction and construction works;

5. Instructions on the structure of the geodetic basis and methods for monitoring the accuracy and quality of work;

6. Lists of CIW volumes, including installation of process equipment;

7. Schedule of requirements for construction structures, products, semi-finished products and equipment with distribution by objects, launch complexes and construction dates;

8. Schedule of requirements for workers;

9. Explanatory note containing:

- characteristics of construction conditions;

- basis of accepted methods of works execution;

- justification of the need for transport, loading and unloading machines and warehousing;

- basis of demand for electricity, water, steam, oxygen, compressed air, as well as in inventory buildings and temporary structures, housing;

- recommendations on the structure and composition of construction organizations;

- Basic technical and economic indicators:

- estimated cost of construction works;

- cost of fixed production funds and working capital of construction organizations;

- construction duration;

- CIW labour intensity, etc.

The PIC shall be agreed with the customer and the general contractor construction organization.

Site-wide construction plot plan

The construction master plan is the second most important document of PIC and PPR. It establishes:

- site boundaries;

- location of permanent buildings and structures under construction;

- arrangement of operating and newly laid temporary permanent, underground and air utilities;

- permanent and temporary roads;

- place of installation of construction and lifting machines with indication of ways of their movement;

- sources and means of power and water supply of the construction site;

- place of storage of materials and structures;

- pre-assembly sites.

Site-wide construction master plan is the main document of the construction organization project. Its design includes solving the following main problems: calculating the need and choosing temporary administrative-domestic and cultural buildings and structures, warehouses, calculating the need for temporary water, electrical and heat supply for construction, etc.

The number and location on the construction site of construction machines, temporary buildings and structures and other elements of the construction site arrangement should be taken into account:

convenience and safety of their use during construction and installation works;

sanitary, fire, environmental and economic requirements.

There are 2 types of building plans:



The site-wide construction master plan is developed as part of the PIC for the entire territory of the construction of the complex of facilities and includes, on a series of existing and designed facilities, temporary buildings and structures, main communications, warehouses, roads, construction machines and mechanized installations serving the needs of the construction of the complex of facilities as a whole.

An object construction master plan is developed on the site immediately adjacent to a specific building or structure, and determines the location of temporary buildings, roads, engineering networks, construction machines and devices necessary for the construction of a separate construction facility.

Work Execution Project

The PDP is developed by the general contractor or at his request by specialized design organizations at the expense of the overheads of the general contractor.

The main purpose of the PWP is the rational organization of construction and construction at the facility with the minimum cost of all resources.

The initial data for the development of PPM are:

1. Design assignment;

2. Design, working documentation, summary estimate, PIC;

3. Information on deliveries of structures, materials and products, etc.

4. Availability of construction machines, workers in professions;

5. Data on construction organizations involved in construction;

6. Regulatory data.

The composition and content of the PPM depends on the complexity of the object. It consists of:

1. A comprehensive network or schedule that establishes the sequence and timing of the construction and construction work;

2. Schedule of arrival of building structures and materials to the site;

3. Schedules of demand for construction machines and machinery, workers;

4. Job instructions for complex works and for works performed according to new technologies;

5. Layout diagrams of signs for geodetic works;

6. Documents on quality control of CIW;

7. Construction Master Plan;

8. Explanatory note.

The PPM serves as:

1. To determine and clarify the construction duration;

2. For control, regulation and accounting of construction production;

3. For operational planning of construction construction organizations and all construction participants as initial data.

The PPR approves the chief engineer of the general contracting trust or SMU, and the chief engineer of the subcontractor organization for special works.

2 months prior to commencement of construction, the PDP shall be transferred to the construction site. All changes and deviations from the decisions made in the PPM shall be recorded in the work log.

Drawings content



icon ЛИСТ.dwg
