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One-stage vertical gearbox

  • Added: 23.02.2017
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Project's Content

icon ПЗ.doc
icon Приложение 1.doc
icon Вал.cdw
icon Колесо.cdw
icon редуктор.cdw
icon ведомого вала.frw
icon Приложение 1 лист 1.frw
icon Приложение 1 лист2.frw
icon рис 2.frw
icon рис 3.frw
icon Эпюра.frw
icon Эскиз ведущего вала шестерни.frw
icon ВАЛ.m3d
icon Колесо.m3d
icon Спецификация.spw

Additional information



Terms of Reference

Calculation of the drive

1. Electric motor selection

2. Determination of gear ratio

3. Gear Material Selection and Definition

allowable contact stresses

4. Defining the Center Distance

5. Determining the Transmission Module

6. Determination of gear and wheel gear numbers

7. Gear ratio refinement

8. Determination of basic geometrical dimensions of gear and wheel

9. Test of teeth for endurance by contact stresses

10. Comparison of design and allowable contact stresses

11. Determination of forces in engagement

12. Check of teeth for endurance by bending stresses

13. Comparison of design and allowable bending stress

14 Design calculation of shafts

141 Drive shaft

14.2 Driven shaft

15 Determination of design dimensions of gears

16. Selection and checking of keys

17. Calculation of forces in engagement, closed and open gears

18. Slave Shaft Calculation Scheme Selection

19. Fitting and calculation of bearings

20. Check calculation of driven shaft

20.1 Selection of shaft material

20.2 Calculation of the shaft for endurance

20.3 Calculation of shaft for static strength during G-loads

21. Calculation of housing elements

22. Reduction gear box lubrication

23. Selection of bearing lubrication method and type

24. Assembly of driven shaft assembly

List of literature





Reduction gear is a mechanism used to reduce rotation speed and increase torque. The reduction gear is a complete mechanism connected to the engine and the working machine by a clutch or other detachable devices. The reduction gear consists of a body (cast iron or steel welded). Gear or worm gears fixed on shafts are arranged in reduction gear case. Shafts rest on bearings located in housing sockets; rolling bearings are mainly used. The type of reduction gear is determined by the composition of the gears, the order of their placement in the direction from the high-speed shaft to the slow-speed shaft and the position of the axes of the gear wheels in space.

The purpose of the reduction gear is to reduce the angular speed and increase the torque of the driven shaft compared to the driving shaft. The gearing principle is based on the engagement of a pair of gears. The advantage of gears is: high efficiency, constant gear ratio and a wide range of powers.

In this design, a mechanical drive consisting of a closed cylindrical spur gear was calculated.

Reduction gear box lubrication

Currently, in mechanical engineering, a crankcase lubrication system is widely used at a circumferential speed of wheels from 0.3 to 12.5 m/s. Oil is poured into the reduction gear case so that wheel rims are immersed in it. When they rotate inside the housing, a suspension of oil particles in the air is formed, which cover the surface of the parts located inside.

Selection of bearing lubrication method and type

Bearings are lubricated with the same oil as gear parts. Other oil is used only in essential products.

During crankcase lubrication of the wheels, the rolling bearings are lubricated with a splash of oil. At wheel rotation circumference V > 1 m/with oil spatter all gear parts and internal surfaces of housing walls are covered. Oil flowing from the wheels, shafts and walls of the housing enters the bearings.

Since the lubricant is liquid, to prevent it from flowing out of the bearing assemblies, as well as to protect them from ingress of dust, dirt and moisture from the outside, the end covers will be installed with fat grooves, which we fill with thick grease.

Assembly of driven shaft assembly

Operations for assembly of driven shaft assembly are performed in the following order:

install key in slot for diameter of shaft for cylindrical wheel;

installation of cylindrical wheel;

installation of spacer bushing;

installation of bearings up to stop against shoulders, axial clearance is adjusted during installation of covers using a set of thin metal gaskets;

laying the shaft in the bosses of the lower housing;

installation and attachment of the upper housing;

installation and attachment of covers fixing bearings (fill the fat grooves of the through cover with grease before installation);

installing the key into the slot at the output end of the shaft;

Drawings content

icon Вал.cdw


icon Колесо.cdw


icon редуктор.cdw


icon ведомого вала.frw

ведомого вала.frw

icon Приложение 1 лист 1.frw

Приложение 1 лист 1.frw

icon Приложение 1 лист2.frw

Приложение 1 лист2.frw

icon рис 2.frw

рис 2.frw

icon рис 3.frw

рис 3.frw

icon Эпюра.frw


icon Эскиз ведущего вала шестерни.frw

Эскиз ведущего вала шестерни.frw

icon ВАЛ.m3d


icon Колесо.m3d


icon Спецификация.spw
