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Natural water treatment - coursework

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Developed course work on the treatment of natural waters

Project's Content

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I. General part

1.1 Requirements for water quality

1.2 Selection of natural water treatment method

1.3 Selection of structure composition

1.4 Determination of Design Capacity

1.5 Determination of calculated doses of reagents

1.6 Calculation of reagent capacity

1.7 Calculation of reagent economy in wet storage

1.8 Dosing of reagents

1.9 Water fluorination

1.10 Calculation of microfilters

1.11 Mixer calculation

1.12 Calculation of vertical settling tank with built-in whirlpool

1.13 Calculation of filter design

1.14 Water disinfection

1.15 Calculation of high-altitude diagram of treatment facilities

Conclusion......... 23 List of used literature


The high requirements for the quality of water imposed by the consumer are very different and depend on its purpose. For example, water for drinking and household purposes should be safe in epidemiological terms, harmless in chemical composition, have favorable organoleptic properties. Therefore, before supplying it to the consumer, it must be cleaned of mechanical, chemical and bacteriological contaminants. For this purpose, water supply systems provide for special engineering facilities associated with certain processes in which water treatment is carried out.

In this course project, the technological scheme of natural water treatment will be selected, calculation of all structures along the technological chain will be carried out.

The application of a technological technique for improving water quality or the combination of these techniques is determined, on the one hand, by the water properties of the water supply source, on the other hand, by the requirements imposed by consumers on the quality of the water supplied to them.

Typically, requirements for the quality of water supplied to the consumer are set by the water treatment plant designer. Requirements for drinking water quality are defined in SanPiN "Drinking water"; The requirements for the quality of water supplied for industrial water supply are determined by the technologists of the production to which water is to be supplied from the treatment plant.

To select water treatment methods and composition of treatment plant facilities, it is also necessary to know the physicochemical properties of water supply source. These properties are given to the designer by the sanitary and chemical analysis of the water that will be supplied for purification. In this analysis, there are data on the chromaticity, turbidity, stiffness of water, its content of chlorides, nitrates, bacterial contamination, etc.

Efficiency of individual plant structures depends on correct selection of their size. Therefore, the calculation and design of the structure has a significant impact on the quality of the clarified water.

1.2 Selection of water treatment methods

The choice of methods for chemical treatment of water is based on a comparison of the quality of the source water and the requirements for it of the consumer. When designing a treatment plant, the quality of drinking water in the water supply source is compared with the requirements of SanPiN.

- If there is increased turbidity in water, clarification should be used;

- discoloration should be used in water of increased color;

If there is an elevated coli titre in the water, decontamination should be used;

- in the presence of tastes and odors, deodorization, ozonation, sorption purification should be used on activated carbon filters;

- if fluorine is lacking, fluorination;

- in case of bacterial contamination of water - chlorination.

1.3 Selection of structure composition

When selecting the composition of the main structures for water clarification and bleaching, it is recommended to follow the instructions of SNiP 4 01022009/1/and SanPiN 2.14 107401/2/.

The selection is made according to the following parameters :

- quality of source and treated water;

- design capacity of the station.


In the course project, the main structures of the natural water treatment plant were calculated and designed. According to the initial data, methods for purification and decontamination of water and the necessary doses of reagents are selected. The structure of the station included microfilters, vertical settling tanks, fast filters .

Selection, calculation of treatment facilities, as well as necessary doses of reagents was carried out in accordance with regulatory documents: SNiP 2.04.02-84 * Water supply. External networks and structures. SanPiN Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control.

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