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Multi-storey residential building with administrative premises


Contains all necessary drawings, explanatory note
The diploma project on the topic: "10-storey 81 apartment buildings, with retail premises on the ground floor in Moscow" is presented in the form of a graphic part and an explanatory note. The graphic part consists of 13 sheets, including: feasibility study, master plan, facades, standard floor plans, section, 1st floor plan, pile plan, foundation sections, work flow diagrams, network schedule of work, construction plan. The calculation and explanatory note reflects issues on architecture, structures, foundations and foundations, technology of construction production, economics and organization of construction, as well as issues of labor and environmental protection.

Project's Content

icon АР.dwg
icon АС_ФиО.dwg
icon Аннотация.docx
icon Архитектура ПЗ.docx
icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.docx
icon ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ.docx
icon Конструкции.Лестница ПЗ.doc
icon Конструкции.Плита ПЗ.doc
icon Литература.doc
icon ЛС,ОС,ССР.doc
icon Организация ПЗ.docx
icon Охрана труда.doc
icon Приложение варинтное.doc
icon Приложение Е.docm
icon Приложения 1 и 2.doc
icon сравнение вар.doc
icon сравнение вар_2.doc
icon Стена 2 вариант.docx
icon Технология ПЗ.docx
icon Фундаменты .docx
icon Экономический раздел.doc
icon Этикетки.doc
icon Подрамник.dwg
icon Сеть.dwg
icon ТСП_Организация.dwg

Additional information





1. Architectural and construction section

1.1 Design Input

1.1.1 Brief description of the construction area

1.1.2 Building Requirements

1.1.3 Characteristics of the functional process of the building

1.2 Space-planning solution of residential building

1.3 Structural solution of residential building

1.3.1 Foundations

1.3.2 Walls and partitions

1.3.3 Floors and floors

1.3.4 Roof

1.4 Architectural and compositional solution of the building

1.5 Sanitary equipment

1.6 Plot Plan

1.7 Calculation of sound insulation

1.7.1 Calculation of soundproofing of the partition

1.7.2 Calculation of slab sound insulation

1.8 Substantiation of building structural solution selection

1.8.1 Heat Engineering Wall Calculation

1.8.2 Thermal calculation of the coating

1.9 Technical and economic evaluation of design options for interior decoration of apartments

1.9.1 General characteristics of the object

1.9.2 Definition of nomenclature and scope of work by options

1.9.3 Calculation of direct costs and labor costs of workers by options

1.9.4 Calculation of cost and estimated cost of construction and construction works by options

1.9.5 Calculation of capital investments in working capital by options

1.9.6 Calculation of coefficient of change of service life of structural elements by variants

1.9.7 Calculation of reduced costs by options

1.9.8 Calculation of annual depreciation deductions during operation of structures according to options

1.9.9 Summary Table of Feasibility Indicators (TEP) for Options

1.9.10 Calculation of the economic effect at the construction stage

1.9.11 Calculation of economic effect in the field of facility operation

1.9.12 Calculation of the overall economic effect

2. Design section: building structures

2.1 Calculation of multi-stop slab

2.1.1 Calculation by limit states of the first group

2.1.2 Calculation of limit states of the second group

2.1.3 Pre-stress loss of valves

2.1.4 Calculation of crack formation normal to longitudinal axis

2.1.5 Calculation of plate deflection

2.2 Calculation of brickwork

2.2.1 Structural diagram of the building

2.2.2 Ultimate Wall Flexibility

2.2.3 Design diagram of the building

2.2.4 Calculation of extra-centered compressed rectangular spacer of the first floor, section a-a

2.2.5 Calculation of extra-center-compressed non-reinforced masonry of rectangular section

2.2.6 Calculation of extra-centered compressed rectangular spacer of the sixth floor, section b-b

2.2.7 Calculation of extra-center-compressed non-reinforced masonry of rectangular section

2.2.8 Calculation of the center-compressed section of the brick wall of the first floor section b-c

2.3 Calculation of precast reinforced concrete march

2.3.1 Determination of loads and forces

2.3.2 Preliminary assignment of dimensions of the cross-section of the march

2.3.3 Calculation of inclined section for transverse force

2.4.1 Calculation of reinforced concrete slab

2.4.2 Determination of loads

2.4.3 Plate Shelf Calculation

2.4.4 Calculation of frontal edge

2.4.5 Calculation of the inclined section of the frontal rib for a transverse force

3. Design section: foundations and foundations

3.1 Geotechnical conditions

3.2 Determination of required physical and mechanical characteristics of base soil

3.3 Collection of loads on the foundation

3.4 Pile Foundation Design

3.4.1 Purpose of pile cap laying depth. 3.4.2 Determination of pile length

3.4.3 Determination of pile bearing capacity

3.4.4 Determination of number of piles

3.4.5 Determination of foundation settlement by equivalent layer method

3.4.6 Selection of equipment and determination of pile failure

3.4.7 Calculation of pile pile by material

4 Section on construction production technology

4.1 Definition of Scope of Work

4.2 Calculation of required parameters of installation cranes

4.3 Job Instruction for Construction of Aboveground Residential Part


4.4 Requirements for quality and acceptance of works

4.5 Costing Labor

4.6 Work Schedule

4.7 Logistical resources

4.8 Safety precautions

5. Section on organization of construction production

5.1 Selection and description of the method of work execution

5.2 Determination of logistical requirements

5.3 Drawing Up and Calculating the Network Model

5.4 Building and Optimizing the Network in Time

5.5 Definition of Vehicle Requirements

5.6 Calculation and design of construction plan, determination of technical and economic parameters of construction plan

5.6.1 Calculation of storage rooms and platforms

5.6.2 Procedure for design of temporary construction at SGP

5.6.3 Calculation of Construction Water Demand

5.6.4 Calculation of construction lighting requirements

5.6.5 Heat supply of the construction site

5.6.6 Technical and economic indicators of the construction plan

6. Construction economy

7. Occupational Safety Section

7.1 Basic requirements for labor organization at the construction site from the point of view of safety

7.2 Basic Requirements for Production Lighting

7.3 Calculation of searchlight of construction site

7.4 Fire prevention measures

7.4.1 By degree of fire resistance

7.4.2 By functional fire hazard

7.4.3 By structural fire hazard

7.5 Installation works

7.6 Electrical Safety

7.7 Organization of safe working conditions at altitude

7.8 Operation of construction machines

7.9 Operation of process tooling and tools

7.10 Loading and unloading operations

7.11 Insulation works

7.12 Roofing works

7.13 Finishing works

7.14 Protective grounding



Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

Appendix D


The diploma project on the topic: "10-storey 81 apartment buildings, with retail premises on the ground floor in Moscow" is presented in the form of a graphic part and an explanatory note. The graphic part consists of 13 sheets, including: feasibility study, master plan, facades, standard floor plans, section, 1st floor plan, pile plan, foundation sections, work flow diagrams, network schedule of work, construction plan.

The calculation and explanatory note reflects issues on architecture, structures, foundations and foundations, technology of construction production, economics and organization of construction, as well as issues of labor and environmental protection.


The housing problem was and remains one of the most important problems for the Russian Federation and the Moscow region in particular. The only correct way to overcome the real problem is the intensive construction of residential buildings.

Construction, being a material-intensive, labour-intensive, capital-intensive, energy-intensive and knowledge-intensive production, contains a solution to many local and global problems, social to environmental. Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, design facilitation, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use. The correct choice of building floors determines its cost-effectiveness.

Construction organizations have an urgent need for large volumes of construction and installation work involving free labor resources, especially from among unemployed citizens.

In connection with the aggravated environmental problems, it is extremely important to use the natural conditions of the construction site as rationally as possible.

The construction complex of the region has a great influence on the economic and social development of Moscow. Each industrial enterprise built by builders and commissioned gives additional tax revenues to the budget. And in the end, this is the salary of state employees - doctors, teachers, cultural workers. In addition, 1 workplace of the builder gives more than 10 jobs in related industries.

More than 90 social and cultural facilities were introduced, among them new schools, hospitals, clubs, sanatoriums, the regional swimming pool was reconstructed. Here they are, performance indicators of the construction complex of Moscow.

A diploma project on the topic: "10-storey 81 apartment buildings, with retail premises on the ground floor in Moscow" reveals the possibilities of designing buildings that are most rationally inscribed in urban conditions. Therefore, a multi-storey residential building was developed, which is the main type of housing in the cities of our country. Such houses allow rational use of the territory, reduce the length of engineering networks, streets, and urban transport structures. A significant increase in the density of housing stock (the amount of living space (m ²) accounted for 1 hectares of built-up territory) with multi-storey development gives a noticeable economic effect. In addition, their high-altitude composition contributes to the creation of an expressive silhouette of development. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use local building materials, that is, to reduce the cost of construction.

Architectural and construction section

1.1 Initial design data.

1.1.1 Brief description of the construction area.

The designed building is intended for construction in the city of Moscow. In the Moscow region there is a fairly developed material and technical base for construction. There are enterprises of the construction industry: brick factories producing silicate and ceramic bricks, plants of reinforced concrete products, a plant of metal structures, a woodworking plant, a paint factory, a plant of thermal insulation materials. The city has construction and installation and specialized organizations leading the construction, as well as specialized enterprises for the operation and repair of construction machines and transport. Energy is based on natural fuel, groundwater serves as the source of water supply. In the region, a network of roads and railways is developed.

Engineering-geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the construction site are given in Section 2.

Natural and climatic characteristics of the construction area are given

Natural and climatic characteristics of the construction area.

1.1.2 Building requirements.

Requirements for the building are given in Table 1.2 - 1.4.

Main characteristics of building structures.

1.1.3 Characteristics of the functional process of the building

The main functional requirements for the designed building are the creation of favorable conditions for all types of life activities. The settlement formula is observed: n = N1, where n-number of rooms, N-number of residents. Standard living space per person = 9 m2.

To ensure the convenience of living, each apartment has the following functional groups of rooms:

• recreation area (bedroom) - 1,2 - depending on the number

• Community working area (common room)

• economic area (kitchen)

• Sanitary and hygienic unit

• auxiliary area (corridors, loggia, balconies)

• inlet, distribution unit (entrance hall).

The correct arrangement of different functional zones is the ODA of the apartment. The central place in the apartment is occupied by the zone of the most day activity includes: kitchen, common room, entrance hall, which are conveniently connected to each other, bedrooms are located in the depths of apartments, they are located deep from kitchens and entrances, but communication with the bathroom is provided.

1.2 Space-planning solution of the building

The multi-storey residential building is solved in the form of a volume consisting of three sections in the plan. Plan dimensions: 14, 35x56.86 m.

In the decoration of the building, it is proposed to use facing bricks (sand and terracotta).

The external walls of a residential building of variable thickness in height of the building are made of face silicate and ceramic red full-white bricks with subsequent insulation, plaster and painting.

The height of residential floors is 2.8 m.

Basement height - 3.0 m

The height of the technical floor is 2.1 m.

Height of the 1st floor - 3.5 m

The apartments provide: front, dressing room, hall, separate and combined bathrooms.

Each section of the apartment building is equipped with a passenger elevator. Dimensions of elevator shafts 1700x2600 mm.

Technical and economic indicators of space-planning solution of the building

Technical and economic indicators of volume planning

building solutions.

1.3 Structural solutions of the building.

The spatial rigidity of the building is provided by horizontal stiffening discs formed by floor slabs, reinforced concrete belts, as well as by a vertical stiffening core formed by a staircase lift unit. (see sheet 3)

1.3.1 Foundations.

On the basis of engineering and geological surveys, foundations from bored piles with a monolithic reinforced concrete pile were developed for a residential building.

The foundation plan is presented in the graphic part of the project (Sheet 9).

1.3.2 Walls and partitions.

The building is brick with longitudinal and transverse bearing walls. The external walls in the residential building are made of silicate brick with insulation on the inside with 550 mm foam concrete. Internal walls made of solid silicate bricks with a thickness of 380mm and 510mm. Partitions - brick from gas silicate blocks with a thickness of 120 mm. The section along the wall is represented in the graphic part (Sheet 4).

1.3.3 Floors and floors

Slabs - reinforced concrete hollow flooring from prefabricated railway/concrete slabs. The seams are ground with 200 grade concrete with fine aggregate. The floor plan is shown in the graphic part of the project (Sheet 4).

The floor explication is presented in the graphic part of the project (Sheet 2).

1.3.4 Roof

The roof is flat roll with an internal drain. Roof slope i = 0.01. Access to the roof is provided through the elevator engine room.

Covering - reinforced concrete hollow flooring from prefabricated railway/concrete slabs Roof plan, covering plan see graphic part (Sheet 4)

1.3.5 Stairs

Prefabricated reinforced concrete staircases and platforms, set steps on metal kosuors.

1.3.6 Windows, doors, ramps.

Wooden windows OK1, OK-2, OK3, OK-4, OK5, OK-6, OK7. Doors - wooden, metal, metalplastic. D1, D-2, D-3 - internal doors. DO1, DO-2, DO-3 - internal doors with glazing.

DN-1, DN2, DN-3, DN-4 - external and on-site doors.

B1 - balcony doors.

The entrances to the building are equipped with ramps, canopies to protect against precipitation and equipped with tambours. The canvas of the entrance doors is equipped with a glazed panel made of anti-shock glass. Cover of inlet platforms and ramps is made with rough surface.

1.4 Architectural and compositional solution of the building.

The designed residential building has a complex configuration in plan and is formed by one angular and two rotary sections. The method of its placement on the plot plan determines the relationship between the outer and inner spaces of the quarter in relation to the surrounding building. It is the III phase of construction and is attached to the existing 9-story residential building. The prevailing architectural environment dictated its stylistic methods, with the help of which the architectural image of the designed building was formed. The facade of the house has developed plastic due to the planning features of the sections, which is also supplemented by loggia of complex configuration and inserts made of colored brick. Glass stained glass windows are arranged on the first floor, which, combining with the glazed vestibules of the entrances, form an elegant composite passage that distinguishes the building from the existing environment. Additional expressiveness is given to decorative elements on the attic floor. The urban planning situation in this area of ​ ​ the city required the creation of an architectural dominant, which is the turning section of the designed house. When designing its facade, compositional moves were deliberately used, different from those that we can observe on an existing house. In this case, it is the "vertical" of the solid glazing of the stairwell assembly, highlighted by colored brick, completed by a brick portal on the roof of the building. The ends of the building are distinguished by a technique similar to a turning section: glazed vertical, loggia, colored brick, but a more modest portal on the roof.

To improve the appearance of the building, its base is decorated with artificial stone. Colored inserts are made of red facing bricks.

1.5 Sanitary and technical and engineering equipment.

Sanitary equipment of the designed building includes cold and hot water pipelines, sewage and gas water heating devices, gas devices. The building is equipped with electric, low-current, telephone networks, as well as lighting.

In the basement of the house, an individual thermal station (ITP) is designed, where plate heat exchangers for heating and hot water supply, pumps, metering and control devices are located.

The heating system of a residential building is connected to heat networks according to an independent scheme through a heat exchanger. Water circulation in the heating system is carried out by circulation silent pumps.

For a residential building, exhaust ventilation is designed with a natural urge. Exhaust from apartments is provided through the ventilation channels of kitchens and bathrooms. Air is taken from the upper area of ​ ​ the kitchen and bathroom rooms to the satellite channel and then passed to the prefabricated channel on the overlying floor. Exhaust channels transit into the warm attic and then through the national shaft to the roof.

Plastic grids are installed on the exhaust holes in the rooms of kitchens and bathrooms.

Air inflow for exhaust compensation is supplied through windows in windows to the upper area of rooms.

1.6 Plot plan of the site.

The residential building is located on a free territory. The construction of the building is planned to be carried out in one line. When developing the project, the requirements of SNiP 31012003 "Residential apartment buildings" are taken into account.

The plot plan was developed at a scale of 1:500, with a relief section in contours in 0.5 m.

The improvement of the territory is developed taking into account existing green spaces. Footpaths are designed from concrete tiles. Intra-quarter driveways are a two-layer pavement of asphalt concrete. On the courtyard territory there are recreation grounds for children and adults, economic sites. Small architectural forms at children's playgrounds are accepted according to the AVEN catalog.

1. Area - Sy = 12690 m2

2. Building area - Sz = 2683.58 m2

3. Pavement area - Sd = 5199 m2

4. Landscaping area - Soz = 4379.42 m2

5. Building factor Kz = Sz/Sy = 0,211 = 21.1%

6. Territory utilization factor Ki = (Sz + Sd )/Sy = 0.62 = 62%

7. Greening coefficient Goats = Soz/Sy = 0,345 = 34.5%

The plot plan is shown on sheet 1 of the graphic part.

1.7 Calculation of sound insulation.

1.7.1 Calculation of soundproofing of the partition.

Calculate partition thickness between rooms at initial

During approximate calculations the index Ivn by single-layer enclosing structures can be determined

1.7.2 Calculation of slab sound insulation.

Insulation of air noise by interstage overlap is determined mainly by slab. The insulation index of air noise Ib is determined in the same way as I in a single-layer design

Calculation of shock noise insulation.

In the building, floors made of rolled materials are designed - heat-and-insulation linoleum for cement-and-sand bracing.

Surface density of the slab

me = 2500x0.14 = 350 kg/m2 > 200, with K = 1

Iuo = 82dB - insulation index of reduced impact noise by slab

ΔIв =16db - the amendment size accepted according to the tab. of P10 [8]

Iy = 65dB < Iun = 67dB.

The slab design meets the sound insulation standards.

1.8 Substantiation of building structural solution selection.

1.8.1 Heat Engineering Wall Calculation.

The wall thickness is calculated on the computer according to the program "Civil Calculation System" BASE. " The results of the calculation are presented in annex A.

1.8.2 Thermal calculation of the coating

The wall thickness is calculated on the computer according to the program "Civil Calculation System" BASE. " The calculation results are presented in Appendix B.

1.9 Technical and economic evaluation of design options

solutions for interior decoration of apartments.

1.9.1 General characteristic of the object.

This object is an 81 apartment, 10-story, 3-access residential building and can be designed in two versions.

I. Option

Living rooms, hallway, hallways and pantries

Walls: high-quality painting with acrylic compositions - E15-314-1


Board floor device - E11101; E11-12-3; E11-33-1

Walls: high-quality acrylic painting - E15-314-1

Improved coloring with oil coloring scattered in plaster walls -



Walls: high-quality painting with acrylic compositions - E15-314-1

II. Option

Living rooms, hallway, hallways and storerooms:

Walls: stitching walls in wallpaper and dense - E15-251-2


The device of coverings from ceramic tiles - E11273;

Walls: high-quality acrylic painting - E15-314-1

Wall lining with ceramic tiles using mira mixtures -



Wall lining with ceramic tiles using mira mixtures -


1.9.8 Calculation of annual depreciation deductions during operation of structures according to variants.

Annual depreciation charges (Ao) are determined

1.9.9 Summary table of technical and economic indicators (TEP) by options.

Note: the standard estimated cost of the facility and the standard estimated cost of construction and construction are accepted in accordance with the data of the facility of the analogue. According to Annex E for housing facilities, the estimated cost structure is as follows:

- basic salary - 13.3%;

- operation of machines and mechanisms - 3.6%;

- materials - 45.1%;

- overhead - 16.0%.


As a result of the economic comparison of the design options, the II option turned out to be the best, due to the economic effect in the field of structural operation.

The total economic effect in the field of operation of the facility for the estimated service life of 60 years from the application of the II variant is rubles. in 1991 prices. Taking into account the index of changes in the estimated cost of construction and installation works (including the cost of materials, remuneration and operation of machines and mechanisms) for the first quarter of 2010 - 73.45.

310.48 X 73.45 = 22804.75 rubles.

Design Section: Building Structures

2.1 Calculation of multi-stop slab.

2.1.1 Calculation of limit states of the first group.

Design span of slab ℓ0 = 6.280m.

We will collect loads per 1 m2 of slab.

Collection of floor loads per 1 m2

Design load by 1 m with a plate width of 1.5 m taking into account the reliability factor for the purpose of the building n = 0.95; permanent:



Standard load per 1 m: constant:


Forces from design and standard loads: from design load:

From full regulatory load:

From standard constant and long-term loads:

Cross section height of multistage (7 round voids ∅159 mm) prestressed plate:

Section working height:

Plate dimensions:

the thickness of the upper and lower shelves is cm;

the width of the ribs: average 3.5 cm, extreme 4.65 cm.

In calculations on limit states of the first group, the design thickness of the compressed T-section shelf hf "= 2 cm; the ratio hf "/ h=2/22=0,1≥0,1, the width of the shelf bf "= 146 cm; estimated edge width:

Hollow prestressed plate is reinforced with rod reinforcement of AV class with electrothermal tension on mold stops. Requirements of the third category are made to crack resistance of plates. Article is subjected to heat treatment at atmospheric pressure. Heavy concrete of class B25 corresponds to stressed reinforcement. Standard prism strength Rbn = Rb, ser = 18.5 MPa, design Rb = 14.5 MPa, concrete working condition factor b2 = 0.9; standard tensile resistance Rbth = Rbt, ser = 1.6 MPa, design Rbt = 1.05 MPa, initial modulus of elasticity of concrete Eb = 30000 MPa. The transfer strength of the concrete Rbp is set so that the stress ratio bp/Rbp≤0,75 during reduction.

Reinforcement of longitudinal ribs of class AV, standard resistance Rsn = 785 MPa, design resistance Rs = 680 MPa; elastic modulus Es = 190,000 MPa.

Preliminary reinforcement stress is taken equal to:

We verify that the condition is met:

where sp is the prestress value in the valves.

In electrochemical method of tension p=30+360/ℓ, where ℓ - length of tension rod, p = 30 + 360/6.3 = 87.14 MPa,

the condition is met.

We calculate the limit deviation of the preliminary voltage by the formula:

Voltage accuracy factor at favorable influence of preliminary voltage is determined by formula:

When checking for the formation of cracks in the upper zone of the plate during reduction, sp = 1 + 0.16 = 1.16 is taken.

Prestress considering tension accuracy:

Calculate the strength of the plate by the section normal to the longitudinal axis (M = 74.4 MPa).

T-section with shelf in compressed zone. Select the section at the specified moment.

We find:

by SNiP we find = 0,125; = h0 = 0,12517 = 2.13 cm < 3 cm, neutral axis passes within compressed shelf = 0,938.

Compressed zone characteristic:

Boundary height of compressed zone:

The coefficient of operating conditions, which takes into account the resistance of the stressed reinforcement above the nominal yield strength, is determined by the formula:

We calculate the section area of the stressed reinforcement:

We take 8∅10AV, As = 9.28 cm2.

We will calculate the strength of the slab on a section inclined to the longitudinal axis, Q = 47.4 kN.

Effect of compression force P = 338 kN:

where ° n is a factor that takes into account the influence of longitudinal forces.

Check if transverse reinforcement is required by calculation. Condition:

Another condition (transverse force at the vertex of the inclined section):

therefore, transverse reinforcement is not required by calculation.

On support sections with length ℓ/4 reinforcement is installed structurally, ∅4BpI with pitch S = h/2 = 22/2 = 11 cm, in the middle part of span transverse reinforcement is not installed.

2.1.2 Calculation of limit states of the second group.

Geometric characteristics of the given section

We replace the circular outline of the voids with an equivalent square outline with the side h = 0.9d = 0.916 = 14.4 cm. The thickness of the shelves of the equivalent section:

Edge width is:

The area of the given section is determined by the formula:

the same for the upper zone W'red = 13689.7 cm3.

The distance from the core point farthest from the stretched zone (upper) to the center of gravity of the section is:

Ratio of stress in concrete from normative loads and reduction force to design resistance of concrete for limit states of the second group is previously taken equal to - 0.75.

Elastoplastic moment of resistance along stretched zone according to formula:

where is a coefficient that takes into account the influence of non-elastic deformations of concrete of the stretched zone depending on the shape of the section. For T-sections at hf/h < 0.2; received = 1.5.

Elastoplastic moment of resistance in stretched zone in stage of manufacture and reduction W'pl = 20535 cm3.

2.1.3 Pre-stress loss of valves.

Reinforcement tension accuracy factor is taken as sp = 1. Losses due to stress relaxation in valves during electrothermal method of tension 1 = 0.03; sp = 0,03470 = 14.1 MPa. Losses from temperature difference between tensioned reinforcement and stops 2 = 0, because during steaming the mold with stops is heated together with the article.

Compression force:

Eccentricity of this force relative to the center of gravity of the section:

Stress in concrete during reduction is determined by formula:

We set the value of concrete transfer strength from the condition:

We take Rp = 12.5 MPa, then the ratio

We calculate compressive stresses in concrete at the level of the center of gravity of the area of ​ ​ stressed reinforcement from the compression force (excluding the moment from the weight of the slab):

Losses due to rapid flow at

i.e. greater than the set minimum loss value.

Compression forces taking into account total losses:

2.1.4 Calculation of crack formation normal to longitudinal axis.

To calculate crack resistance, we take the values ​ ​ of reliability coefficients for load f = 1, M = 62.11 kNm.

Using the formula M < Mcrc, we calculate the moment of crack formation using the approximate method of core moments, using the formula:

Since M = 62.11 kNm < 76.1 kNm, cracks in the stretched zone are not formed.

We check whether initial cracks are formed in the upper zone of the plate during its reduction, at the value of the tension accuracy factor sp = 1.1 (moment from the weight of the plate is not taken into account). Calculation condition:

the condition is satisfied, therefore, no initial cracks are formed.

2.1.5 Calculation of plate deflection.

Deflection is determined from constant and long-term loads and it must not exceed ℓ/200=2,99 cm.

We calculate the parameters necessary to determine the deflection of the plate taking into account cracks in the stretched zone.

Moment from constant and long-term loads M = 62.11 kNm. The total longitudinal force is equal to the pre-reduction force taking into account all losses. We calculate ¼ m by the formula:

are taken to be 'm = 1'.

Coefficient characterizing non-uniformity of strain of stretched reinforcement in the area between cracks

We calculate the deflection of the plate by the formula:

therefore, the plate has an allowable deflection.

2.3 Calculation of precast reinforced concrete march.

It is required to calculate a reinforced concrete march 1.2 m wide for stairs of a residential building, floor height - 2.8 m;

slope of the march = 300; stages measuring 1530 cm;

concrete of B25 grade;

reinforcement of A300 class frames;

reinforcement of meshes of class B500;

design data for concrete B27.5:

Rpr = 13.5 MPa;

Rp = 1 MPa;


Rpr = 17 MPa;

Rp = 1.5 MPa;

Eb = 26000 MPa;

For Class A-300 valves

Ra = 270 MPa;

Ra.x = 215 MPa.

For class B- planning valves:

Ra = 315 MPa;

Ra, h = 220 MPa.

2.3.1 Determination of loads and forces.

The own mass of standard marches on the catalogue of industrial products for housing and civil engineering is:

gn = 3.6 kN/m2 in horizontal projection.

Temporary standard load according to SNiP for civil building ladders pn = 3 kN/m2, load reliability factor f = 1.2, long-term temporary design load pnld = 1 kN/m2 per 1 m of the march length:

Q = (gf + pnf) a = (3.61.1 + 31.21.35) = 10.3 kN/m.

design bending moment in the middle of the march span:

M = kNm

transverse force on the support :

Q kN.

2.3.2 Preliminary assignment of dimensions of the cross-section of the march.

For standard factory forms, we assign:

plate thickness (cross section between stages) hf = 30 mm;

height of ribs (kosors) h = 170 mm;

rib thickness br = 80 mm.

We replace the actual cross section of the march with a design T-ray with a shelf in the compressed zone: b = 2br = 280 = 160 mm;

the width of the shelf bp, in the absence of transverse ribs, we take no more than: bf = 2 (l6) + b = 2 (280/6) + 16 = 116 cm or bf = 1 + (hf) + b = 122.8 + 16 = 52 cm,

we take as the calculated lower value bf = 52 cm.

Selection of longitudinal reinforcement section.

According to the condition: MRbbx (h00.5x) + RscAs (h0a) we set the design case for the T section at MRBb2bfhfx (h00.5hf).

The neutral axis passes in the shelf, the condition is satisfied, the reinforcement calculation is performed according to the formulas for rectangular sections with a width of bn = 52 cm. We calculate:

Cm2 A0=

=0,953, =0,095,

As = cm2.

We accept: 214 A-, As = 3.08 (4.5%) - permissible value.

At 216 A-, As = 4.02 cm2 (+ 25%) - overflow .

In each edge we install 1 flat frame K-1.

2.3.3 Calculation of inclined section for transverse force.

Transverse force on support Qmax = 17.80.95 = 17 kN. We calculate projection of calculated inclined section on longitudinal axis with by formulas:

Вb=b2 (1+f+n)=1+0,175=1,1751,5 Hcм;

Bb = 21,1751,050,91001614,52 = 7,5105 H/cm;

In design slope section Qb = Qsw = Q/2, and since by formula

Qb =/c, Qb = Bb/2, then

C = Bb/0.5 Q = 7,5105/0,517000 = 88.3 cm, which is greater than 2 h0 = 2.9 cm, then

Qb = Bb/c = 7,510529 = 25,9103 H = 25.9 Kn, > Qmax = 17 kN,

therefore, transverse reinforcement is not required by calculation.

In ¼ span, for structural reasons, we assign transverse rods with a diameter of 6 mm from steel of class AI, pitch s = 80 mm (not more than h/2 = 170/2 = 85 mm),

Asw = 0.283 cm2, Rsw = 175 MPa; for double frames n = 2,

Asw = 0.566 cm2,


=Еs/Eb=2,1105/2,7104=7,75. In the middle part of ribs transverse reinforcement is arranged structurally with spacing of 200 mm.

We check the strength of the element along the inclined strip M/q with inclined cracks according to the formula:


where w1 = 1 + 5w = 1 + 57,750,0044 = 1.17;

b1=1 – 0,0114,50,9=0,87;

Q = 17000,0,31,170,8714,50,91614,5100 = 9300 H

The condition is observed, the strength of the march along the inclined section is ensured.

Then we calculate the deflections of the ribs and check them for crack opening.

The march plate is reinforced with a mesh of rods with a diameter of 4-6 mm, arranged in steps of 100300 mm. The plate is monolithically connected to the stages, which are reinforced for structural reasons and its bearing capacity is quite ensured taking into account the operation of the stages. The steps laid on the cosors are calculated as free-resting beams of triangular cross-section. The diameter of the working reinforcement of the stages, taking into account transport and installation effects, is assigned depending on the length of the stages lst:

at lst = 11.4 m - 6 mm; lst = 1.5 - 1.9 - 7-8 mm; lst = 2 - 2.4 m - 810 mm,

clamps are made of reinforcement d = 46 mm, spacing 200 mm.

2.4.1 Calculation of reinforced concrete site slab.

You want to calculate the ladder edge slab of two stairs.

The width of the slab is 1600mm;

plate thickness - 60 mm;

temporary standard load of 3 kN/m2;

load safety factor f = 1;

Material tags are accepted the same as for the flight of stairs.

Design section: foundations and foundations

3.1Engineological conditions.

3.2 Determination of required physical and mechanical characteristics of the base soil.

Initial and design characteristics are summarized in Table 3.1

Physical and mechanical properties of soil

3.3 Collection of loads on the foundation.

A = 2.98m2

Collection of loads on the extreme foundation.

3.4 Design of pile foundation.

3.4.1 Purpose of pile cap laying depth.

According to the climatic map, the standard freezing depth is:.

We determine the calculated freezing depth:,

We accept the depth of the pedestal sole 3.1m.

3.4.2 Determination of pile length.

3.4.3 Determination of pile bearing capacity.

3.4.4 Determination of number of piles.

Since the bearing capacity of the pile on the ground is less than the bearing capacity of the pile on the material, the number of piles is determined correctly.

We determine the design distance between pile axes by length:

3.4.5 Determination of foundation settlement by equivalent layer method.

S ≤ Su must be met

We define the weighted average value of the internal friction angle.

We determine additional vertical stress at the level of the base of the conditional foundation

3.4.6 Selection of equipment and determination of pile failure.

Based on the design design load allowed on the pile, the minimum impact energy E is determined by the formula:

Э = 1.75 • α • R,

wherein a is a factor of 25 J/kN;

We select a hammer, the impact energy of which corresponds to the calculated minimum.

We have a pipe diesel hammer with water cooling C995 with the following characteristics:

weight of impact part - 1250 kg;

the height of the bump of the impact part is from 2000 to 2800 mm;

impact energy - 30 kJ;

number of beats per minute - at least 44;

hammer weight with cat - 2600 kg.

To check the bearing capacity of the pile foundations and final assessment of the applicability of the selected hammer, we determine the failure of the pile:

3.4.7 Calculation of pile cap by material.

Cross fittings we accept Ø 6 A240

3.4.8 Collection of loads on the foundation.

A = 6.3m2

Collection of loads on the extreme foundation.

Foundation calculation is performed on the computer according to the "Foundation" program. The calculation results are presented in Appendix D.

Appendix B

Method of determining pile bearing capacity

Calculation (cof. soil reliability Gk = 1.4)

Type of pile: Hanging driven

Calculation type: Match optimal

Calculation Method

Vertical Load Calculation and Pulling

Initial data for calculation:

Pile bearing capacity (excluding Gk) (Fd) 922.3 kN

Pulling capacity of pile (without Gk) (Fdu) 0 kN

Diameter (side) of pile 0.3 m

Foundation height (H) 3.7 m

Maximum distance between axes of extreme rows of piles (b max) 2 m

Approximate pitch of pile in row (a) 1 m

Required characteristics of pedestal: a = 0.93 m Number of rows (n) 1 pc.

Maximum pile load 658.83 kN

Minimum pile load 658.83 kN

Accepted soil reliability factor Gk = 1.4

Bottom of rectangular strip pile pile

Working valves along X 5D 6 A-III

Bottom of rectangular strip pile pile

Working reinforcement along Y 3D 6 A-III

Appendix D

Foundation type:

Strip on pile base

Method of determining pile bearing capacity

Calculation (cof. soil reliability Gk = 1.4)

Type of pile

Hanging scoring

Calculation type

Find the optimal

Calculation Method

Vertical Load Calculation and Pulling

Initial data for calculation:

Pile bearing capacity (excluding Gk) (Fd) 922.3 kN

Pulling capacity of pile (without Gk) (Fdu) 0 kN

Diameter (side) of pile 0.3 m

Foundation height (H) 3.7 m

Maximum distance between axes of extreme rows of piles (b max) 2 m

Approximate pitch of pile in row (a) 1 m

Required characteristics of pedestal: a = 1 m b = 0.9 m Number of rows (n) 2 pcs.

Maximum pile load 460.79 kN

Minimum pile load 460.79 kN

Accepted soil reliability factor Gk = 1.4

Stepped pedestal

Bottom of the ribbon pedestal

Working valves along X 5D 10 A-III

Ribbon foundation wall, side faces

Vertical working valves 5D 6 A-III

3.4.2 Determination of loads.

Dead weight of the plate at hf = 6 cm; qn = 0,0625000 = 1500 H/m2;

Design weight of plate q = 15001.1 = 1650 N/m2;

Design weight of frontal rib (less plate weight)

q = (0,290,11,+,0,07) 1,250001,1 = 1000 H/m;

Estimated Edge Weight

q = 0,140,09125001,1 = 350 H/m;

Time design load p = 31.2 = 3.6 kN/m2.

When calculating the site plate, a separate shelf is calculated, which is elastically embedded in the ribs on which the marches and the wall rib are supported, which receives a load from the half span of the shelf of the plate.

3.4.3 Calculation of the plate shelf.

Plate flange in absence of transverse ribs is calculated as beam element with partial pinching on supports. The design span is equal to the distance between the ribs and is 1.13 m.

If formation of plastic hinge is taken into account, bending moment in span and on support is determined by formula, which takes into account moment equalization.

Ms = ql2/16 = 52501,132/16 = 420 N/m,

where q = (g + p) b = (1650 + 3600) 1 = 5250 H/m, b = 1.

With b = 100 cm and h0 = ha = 62 = 4 cm, we calculate

As = cm2 ;

As per Table 2.12 we define: = 0.981, = 0.019,

As = 0.27 cm2;

We lay grid C-I from reinforcement 3 mm B500 in step S = 200 mm by 1 m of length with bend on supports, As = 0.36 cm2.

3.4.4 Calculation of frontal edge.

The following loads apply to the frontal rib:

constant and temporary shelves evenly distributed from half span, and from own weight:

q = (1650 + 3600) 1.35/2 + 1000 = 4550 H/m;

Uniformly distributed load from the support reaction of the marches applied to the projection of the frontal rib and causing its torsion,

q = Q/a = 17800/1.35 = 1320 H/m.

Bending moment on projection from load q by 1 m:

M1 = q1 (10 + 7 )/2 = 13208.5 = 11200 Cnm = 112 Nm;

We determine the calculated bending moment in the middle of the rib span (counting conditionally due to small breaks that q1 acts throughout the span):

M = (q + q1) l02/8 = (4550 + 1320) 3.22/8 = 7550 N/m.

Calculated value of transverse force considering n = 0.95

Q=(q+q1)ln/2=(4550+1320)3,20,95/2=8930 Н.

The design section of the frontal rib is T-shaped with a shelf, in the compressed zone, width bf = bf + b2 = 66 + 12 = 48 cm. Since the rib is monolithically connected to the shelf, which contributes to the perception of the moment from the cantilever protrusion, the calculation of the frontal rib can be carried out on the effect of only the bending moment, M = 7550Nm.

In accordance with the general procedure for calculating bending elements, we determine (taking into account the reliability factor n = 0.95).

Location of central axis by condition at x = hf


= 14.51000.9486 (31.50.56) = 10.7106 Nsm,

the condition is met, the neutral axis passes in the shelf,


=0,993, =0,0117

As = cm2 .

We accept for constructive reasons 210 A300, cm2 As=1.570; reinforcement percentage = (As/bh0) 100 = 1,57100/1231,5 = 0.42%.

3.4.5 Calculation of the inclined section of the frontal rib for a transverse force.

Q = 8.93 kN

We calculate the projection of the inclined section on the longitudinal axis ,


Bb = 21,2141,051001231,52 = 27,4105 H/cm, where n = 0;

f=(0,75 3hf)hf/bh0=0,75362/1231,5=0,2140,5;


In the calculated inclined section Qb = Qsw = Q/2, then

c = Bb 0.5 Q = 27,4105/0,58930 = 612 cm,

which is more. 2h0=231,5=63; taken with = 63 cm.

Qb = Bb/c = 27,4105/63 = 43,4103 H = 43.4 kHQ = 8.93 kH.

Consequently, transverse reinforcement is not required by calculation. According to the design requirements, we accept closed clamps (taking into account the bending moment on the cantilever ledge) from reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm of class A-I in increments of 150 mm.

Cantilever ledge for support of free march is reinforced with mesh C-2 from reinforcement with diameter 16 mm, class AI, transverse rods of this grid are fixed with clamps of frame K-I of rib .

Section on Construction Production Technology

4.1 Definition of Scope of Work

The purpose of this section is to select the most rational economically feasible methods of safe operation.

Definition of scope of work - initial stage of the work execution project. This item involves the analysis of the technical design, working drawings of the building from the process positions of rational work execution. The BOM is used to calculate the scope of work for the main, auxiliary and transport processes, which are the main parts of the entire construction and installation process.

Specification of prefabricated elements

Define the quantities of stonework.

Define Object Masonry Quantities:

Definition of auxiliary work quantities.

1. Fills slab and slab seams. Defined by the total length of the seams between slabs:

Bill of Quantities

4.2 Calculation of required parameters of installation cranes.

To determine the required hook lifting height, the minimum boom of the crane and its required load capacity, we will perform the following calculations, illustrating them with a diagram (Fig. 4.1).

According to the required installation characteristics, we select a crane for mounting structures.

We accept the tower crane KB405, which has the following technical characteristics:

Boom flight, m:

maximum -30;

minimum -10;

Lifting capacity, t:

maximum - 9;

minimum - 3;

Hook lifting height, m;

maximum - 62.5 m;

minimum - 23.7 m;

Speeds, m/min:

lifting (lowering) of cargo - 31;

landing - 4.8;

freight trolley movement - 15;

rotation of the rotating part, rpm - 0.72;

movement - 27;

Crane weight, t - 80.5.

4.3 Job Instruction for erection of aboveground part of residential building.

The above-ground part of the building shall be constructed as follows.

Considering that the technological map is being developed for the construction of the above-ground part of the three-way house, we will break the building into three grabs. In order to create a flow during the construction of the above-ground part, we will adopt a vertical flow scheme.

Stone works.

The brickwork of the walls is performed by the "deuce" link. The work is organized as follows. The mason of the 4th category strengthens the formations, attaches the cord to the berth for the outer and inner versts and begins laying the outer verst. At this time, the mason of the 3rd category feeds and spreads the brick under the hand of the leading mason, and also spreads the masonry solution until the end of the plot. The mason of the 4th category rearranges the berth and, moving in the opposite direction, performs masonry of the inner verst of the next row. When performing complicated masonry (slopes, niches, installation of anchors), the mason of the 4th category works somewhat slower. At this time, the mason of the 3rd category partially lays out the dam.

At the end of the masonry of the inner verst, the mason of the 4th category at the end of the plot rearranges the berth for the next row, the mason of the 3rd category spreads the mortar and begins masonry, after which they finish the masonry together.

The mason's workplace during masonry includes a section of the erected wall and part of the scaffolding, within which materials, devices, a tool are placed and the mason himself moves. The masons' workplace consists of three zones: working (width 600... 700 mm); material zones (width 650... 1000 mm); transport area (width 1150... 1250 mm).

When laying brick walls, materials are placed along the front of the work in alternating order, i.e. brick on pallets, mortar in a drawer, then brick on pallets again, etc.

In order to be convenient to supply the solution to the walls, the distance between adjacent boxes with the solution should not exceed 3 m.

The stock of bricks at the workplace should be 2... 4 hour need for it.

Installation of floors.

According to the accepted technology of work, the installation of slabs (coating) is carried out after the completion of stone work on the floor and the removal of scavenging equipment from this floor.

Prior to installation of floors (coatings), position of upper support parts of masonry is checked. They shall be in the same plane (permissible deviation not more than 15 mm).

During the installation of floors (coating), it is necessary to ensure the horizontal level of the ceiling. To do this, by leveling all support surfaces within the grip, the mounting horizon is determined, that is, the elevation at which the bottom of the coating structures will be located. Then, strictly according to leveling marks and level, a leveling layer of mortar (brace) is laid, it is masted according to level and after the brace gains 50% strength, panels are mounted, separating a layer of fresh mortar with a thickness of 3... 4 mm on the support surfaces.

The installation of the floor (coating) is carried out by the "four" link. One installer picks up the slabs, slings them with a four-branch sling and gives signals when lifting the slabs. Two installers are located on the floor (first on the scaffold), located one at each support of the mounted plate. They take the plate supplied by the crane, unfold it and direct it when lowered to the design position. Installers make a small movement of the plate before removing the slings. However, moving the slabs in a direction perpendicular to the walls is not allowed. Therefore, before lowering the plate to the solution bed, it is necessary to precisely lay it out in order to obtain the support area of ​ ​ the required width. The fourth installer is located on the floor of the underlying floor. He guides the laying of slabs and checks the horizontality of the ceiling by sighting along its plane. If it is found that the plane of the laid plate does not coincide with those previously laid by more than 4 mm, the plate is lifted with a crane, the solution bed is corrected and the plate is re-installed.

Floor slabs are permanently fixed after final alignment. In brick houses, mounting loops of slabs are welded to anchors embedded in walls. Seams between slabs are ground with cement mortar of grade 100.

Joints of floor slabs with walls are closed after installation of floor. In hollow floors, when resting on external walls, voids are necessarily sealed with light concrete or ready-made concrete plugs to a depth of at least 120 mm. This is done for the purpose of heat insulation so that walls do not freeze in the places where the floors rest in winter.

Installation of stairways and platforms.

Stairways and platforms are mounted as the walls of the building are erected. The first (intermediate) platform and the first march are installed in the course of masonry. The second (storey) platform and the second march - at the end of masonry floor.

Before the installation of staircases, the places of their installation are marked and the elevations of the platforms are transferred to the walls, it is checked whether the levels of the nests in the walls coincide with the design levels, where the supporting parts of the mounted platforms need to be laid.

After checking, a layer of solution is applied to the resting places and a platform is installed. Methods for installing staircases do not differ from techniques for laying slabs. However, check the stairway position not only vertically but also in plan. To check the position of the platform in the plan, a wooden template is used that copies the profile of the stairwell. Check by template is performed in two points of support of march.

Immediately after the alignment of the position of the platform, a flight of stairs is mounted. This allows you to adjust the relative position of the flight of stairs and the upper platform before the solution is fixed. Staircase marches are delivered by crane using four-branch slings, which, when lifted, give the elements a slope that is slightly larger than the design one. When setting a flight of stairs, it is first rested on the lower platform, and then on the upper platform. If the landing of the march on the support platforms goes vice versa, then it can break off from the upper platform. With such landing of the march, it can also be jammed between the upper and lower platforms.

When setting up stairways, one installer is on the lower landing, the other is on the overlying floor or on the scaffold next to the stairwell. He is the first to take a flight of stairs and guide it into the stairwell, moving simultaneously to the upper platform. At a height of 30... 40 cm from the landing place of the march, both installers press it against the wall, give the crane driver a signal and first set the lower end of the march, then the upper one. The inaccuracies of the installation are corrected with slices, after which the sling is disconnected and the joints between the march and the sites are ground with cement mortar, and inventory fences are installed.

4.4 Requirements for quality and acceptance of works.

Limit deviations of elements position at acceptance of mounted structures are assigned by the project. In the absence of special instructions in the draft, the limit deviations of the position of the elements in the structures relative to the layout axes or reference marks at acceptance shall not exceed the values specified in Table 4.3.

Quality Control and Acceptance

4.5 Calculation of labor costs.

The calculation of labor costs is based on the QoQ and is given in Table 4.4?

Calculation of labor costs, machine time and wages.

4.6 Work schedule.

The schedule of works is presented in the graphic part on sheet 9

4.7 Logistical resources.

This section describes the requirements for the tool, inventory and fixtures, as well as materials, semi-finished products and products for the costing work.

The need for machines, equipment, tools and accessories is shown in Table 4.5.

Required machines, machinery, equipment and accessories.

4.8 Safety precautions.

Design installation shall be guided by the instructions of SNiP III480 "Safety in Construction," "Rules for Arrangement and Safety of Operation of Lifting Cranes," "Fire Safety Rules for Construction and Installation Works" and the Work Execution Project.

Workers who are fit for health reasons and who are trained in safe working methods and have appropriate certificates are allowed for installation work.

All those working at the construction site shall be provided with personal protective equipment and overalls in accordance with the "Standard Industry Standards for the Free Issue of Overalls, Overcoats and Safety Devices.

Lifting equipment and load-gripping devices shall be inspected and tested with the corresponding report before operation. Typical slinging diagrams of the main structures shall be displayed in a prominent place. Hooks of cranes and load grips shall be equipped with locking device. Cargo grips shall be provided with passports, QTC stamp and inventory number.

When unloading structural elements from vehicles, the element is lifted to a height of 2030 cm, the reliability of the sling is checked, after which the lifting can be continued. The elements of the structure should be stored on a site intended for this purpose in stacks or cassettes. It is not allowed to store structural elements by leaning against stacks or walls of the building. The cassette is loaded starting from the middle of the cassette, and unloaded from the edges. Slinging of elements stored in cassettes is performed from rolling mounting platform.

The following installation rules should be followed: before lifting elements in prefabricated structures, it is necessary to check the quality of products and the reliability of slinging; do not lift parts pressed by other elements or pressed to the ground by the crane; move the elements in the horizontal direction at a height of not less than 0.5 m and at a distance of not less than 1 m from other structures, the elements should be transported to the installation site from the outside of the building, it is forbidden to transfer the structures above the grip where construction work is carried out; the supply element can be received when it is 2030 cm from the installation site; in the process of receiving the element, the installers must not be between it and the edge of the floor or other structure; The elements should be installed without shocks, preventing impacts on other structures; If it is necessary to reinstall the element, clean the solution with a blade with a long handle; installed elements are released from slings or other grips only after reliable permanent or temporary fixation; temporary fasteners can be removed only after permanent fixation of the elements; mounting of mounted elements, their disassembly, installation of fasteners, as well as sealing of joints should be carried out from mobile scaffolds or conductor platforms - use of stairs for these purposes is unacceptable; work areas shall be protected, empty openings shall be covered with shields, staircase routes shall be equipped with protective fences during installation; in evening and night shifts all drives, passes, ladders, warehouses of products and jobs have to be lit according to GOST 12.1.04685 "Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites "; It is not allowed to work in open places at wind speed of 15 m/s or more, in case of ice, thunderstorms and fog, which excludes visibility of the work front; crane operation at wind speed of 15 m/s or more should be stopped and the crane should be fixed with anti-theft devices; When performing work in winter, staircases and marches, passageways, mounted structures and installation devices should be cleaned of snow and ice, and the marches, platforms and workplaces should be sprinkled with sand.

When performing electric welding gas-flame works, in addition to the above rules, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST 12.3.00386. Metal parts of welding equipment as well as welded items shall be grounded.

When operating at height, welders and other workers shall be provided with checked and tested safety belts as per GOST 12.4.08986, without which they shall not be allowed to work.

After completion of welding and flammable works, it is necessary to check the workplace, as well as the lower platforms and floors in order to eliminate the fires.

In case of electrical heating of concrete, connection of electrical equipment shall be performed only by electricians having a safety qualification group not lower than III. The electrical heating area shall have a protective fence in accordance with GOST 2340778, light alarms and safety signs and be under 24-hour supervision of the electrician.

When preparing a concrete mixture using chemical additives, it is necessary to take measures to protect workers from adverse effects of these substances in accordance with the "Guidelines for the use of concrete with anti-frost additives,"

Stroyizdat. M of 1978.

Section on organization of construction production

5.1 Selection and description of the method of work execution.

Combining processes in each stage.

The construction of the facility is planned in three main stages:

1st stage - construction of the underground part of the building;

2nd stage - erection of the above-ground part of the building;

3rd stage - organization of finishing works.

For each stage of construction we define our own gripping system.

The first stage. In plan, the building is divided into three grabs. The leading process is the installation of structures of the underground part of the building. To perform the work, a boom crane is used on a pneumatic wheelbarrow with a carrying capacity of 16.2 tons. The excavation of the pit is carried out by bulldozer DZ54S, with a capacity of 79 kW (108l.s.). Piling is carried out with diesel hammer S-995 based on SP28A. Cut concrete from the reinforcement frame of piles with a bump hammer, cut the reinforcement with a gas cutting unit. Rostworks on piles are made of monolithic reinforced concrete. In parallel with the installation of the basement walls, pits and communications inputs are made. Installation of floors above the basement is planned after installation of foundations. Backfilling of foundation sinuses is performed after installation of floors and vertical waterproofing of walls.

The second stage. Includes the following works:

• civil buildings for building box erection;

• special works.

The leading process is brickwork and installation of prefabricated structures.

The division of the building into grabs is carried out based on the accepted installation scheme of the above-ground part of the building. Installation of structures of the above-ground part of the building is carried out using a tower crane of type KB405 with an arrow 30 m long and a lifting capacity of 8 tons.

Special works are organized in connection with civil and finishing works. Prior to the start of special works:

• installation of at least two floors;

• window glazing;

• work on punching furrows, holes and plaster niches for heating devices.

Special works are carried out in parallel in two stages:

The 1st stage of plumbing works includes installation of internal systems of hot and cold water supply, heating and gas supply. This step must be completed prior to the start of plaster work.

The 1st stage of electrical installation works includes marking of routes, punching and drilling of nests, fines and furrows, laying of risers, pipes and hoses for hidden wiring, laying of wires with partial sealing in walls and in preparation for floors, installation of floor, apartment and other cabinets and boards. The complex of works ends with tightening of wires, laying of cables in the basement, assembly and inspection of assembled systems.

The 2nd stage of plumbing begins after the first cycle of painting work (when the preparation for the last painting is completed in the bathrooms and kitchens).

The 2nd stage of electrical works begins after painting the ceilings and ends after painting the walls. At this stage, lighting fixtures are suspended, switches, sockets, calls, etc. are installed. Operations of this stage are performed outside the flow without division by grips.

Upon completion of finishing work, low-current wiring is carried out in the house.

The third stage. Prior to the start of finishing works:

• construction works, draft plumbing and electrical installation works;

• cargo lifts were installed and put into operation to supply materials to floors and cargo and passenger lifts at a building height of more than 25 m;

• Access to them is provided for vehicles;

• temporary water supply, power supply and lighting networks are installed and connected;

• glazed windows;

• preparation of domestic premises for workers and ITR.

To carry out the work of the third stage, the building is divided into four grabs. We take three floors of the building as one capture.

Plaster work is carried out in such a sequence: in bathrooms and kitchens, then in rooms and at the end on the stairwell, which allows you to timely transfer the front of work to other performers.

Lining works shall be performed after plaster works. Upon completion of plaster and lining works, re-glazing of windows is performed, if required.

Painting works are performed in two stages:

1st stage - covering and painting of ceilings, loggia, balconies, external slopes of windows, preparation for painting of walls.

2nd stage - walls and carpentry are painted. Painting works on staircases are performed after completion of work on apartments. Finishing works are completed by painting plinths.

5.2 Determination of logistical requirements.

The section presents the requirements for machines, machinery, transport, materials, semi-finished products and products to perform the works provided in the determiner card.

The demand list for construction structures, products, materials is given in Table 5.2.

Construction Structure and Material Requirements List

5.3 Drawing up and calculation of the network model.

The network planning and management system is based on a network model, which is a graphical representation of the processes that are required to achieve one or more of the goals, indicating the relationships between these processes.

A network model with calculated process dates is called a network schedule. When calculating network models, the following parameters are determined: early start time T and early end time T; values of late start time T and late end time T; common Rij and private rij time reserves; duration of critical path tkr. Calculation is carried out in a sector way.

Work in the network model is depicted by an arrow, and its result (event) is represented by a circle with a digital code inside. Arrows in the network are arranged in the order that characterizes the logical sequence of work in a certain production process. When you select a logical work diagram, you must decide which work precedes, accompanies, and follows this work.

The network model must include all processes whose duration is calculated by the determinant card. The network schedule is built on grips. The network model should not have "booms," for which additional events and dependencies, "dead ends," "tails," closed circuits are introduced.

The calculated network model is made on sheet 13 of the graphic part.

5.4 Construction and optimization of the network in time scale.

Based on the calculated parameters along one horizontal or repeating the outlines of the critical path on the network model, events corresponding to the early beginning of critical work and the final event are applied. These events are connected by a double line, resulting in a critical path. Up and down from the critical path line, events are applied to the ordinate grid, corresponding to the early beginnings of non-critical work, so that arrows depicting non-critical work are, if possible, parallel and do not intersect (repeating the outlines of the original network model). All events are connected by arrows, the arrows indicate the duration of work and the number of workers involved in this work. The equality of the projection on the time axis of non-critical works is checked by the sum of the durations of the corresponding work and its partial time reserve, which is depicted by a single dashed line indicating the value of this reserve.

The plotted network is made on sheet 12 of the graphic part.

Optimization of the network involves finding the most rational and efficient version of it is carried out according to the following criteria: time, labor resources, one- or multi-resource logistical restrictions and financing.

The following indicators (criteria) are used to optimize the work:

- average number of workers Asr;

- maximum number of working Amakh;

- labour unevenness coefficient n:

5.5 Determination of vehicle requirements.

The need for machines, machinery, transport is determined based on the scope of work and the timing of their execution

where Q is the total quantity of cargo transported during the calculation period, t; tts is duration of a cycle of transport unit, h; T - duration of calculation period, h.; qn - carrying capacity of transport unit (Table 9 [3]); k1 is the utilization factor of the load capacity, i.e. the ratio of the weight of the cargo carried to the nominal load capacity; k2 - speed utilization of machines

(k2 = 0,08); k3 - time utilization of machines (0.85).

l - distance of transportation, km. (15÷20); is the average speed of transport (50 km/h).

For the transportation of slabs and coatings, a slab truck based on KamAZ5511 with a lifting capacity of 20 tons is used. The volume of cargo transported is 6875.23 tons.

Hence N = 6875, 23x0.85/( 344x0.39x20x0.8x0.85) = 3.2 - we accept the machine 3.

For concrete transportation, KAMAZ concrete locomotive with a lifting capacity of 11 tons is used. The volume of transported cargo is 6130t.

Hence N = 6130x0.85/( 320x0.9x11x0.8x0.85) = 2.2 - we accept 3 machines.

For the transportation of beams, a beam truck based on KrAZ252 is used, with a carrying capacity of 20 tons. The volume of cargo transported is 887.3 tons.

From here N=887.3x0.85/(268.8x0.9x20x0.8x0.85) =0.23 - we accept 1 car.

For the transportation of bricks, KamAZ is used, with a carrying capacity of 15.3 tons. The volume of cargo transported is 14987.43 tons.

Hence N = 14987.43x0.85/( 45905x0.9x15.3x0.8x0.85) = 0.3 - we take 1 machine.

To perform the work in accordance with the network schedule, it is necessary to organize the procurement of the object with material and technical resources. To this end, sheet 12 of the graphic part shows the schedule of arrival of the main structures and materials to the object and the schedule of work of the main construction machines.

5.6 Calculation and design of construction plan, determination of technical and economic parameters of construction plan.

In this section of the diploma project, an object construction master plan is developed for the main construction period (installation of the above-ground part) of the building.

The Construction Master Plan (SGP) is designed to determine the composition and placement of construction facilities in order to maximize the efficiency of their use and taking into account compliance with labor protection requirements.

5.6.1 Calculation of storage rooms and platforms.

The amount of the materials which are subject to storage is determined by a formula: Rskl = k1*k2*Robshch*Tn/T,

where Roshch is the quantity of materials required for construction during the estimated period of intensive consumption of materials; k1 = 1.3 - non-uniformity coefficient of materials consumption; k2 = 1.1 - non-uniform coefficient of goods receipt to warehouses; Tn - material stock rate, days; T - duration of consumption of this resource. day.

5.6.2 Procedure for designing temporary construction at SGP.

The volume of construction of temporary buildings on the construction site is calculated according to the number and nomenclature in accordance with the recommended norms and the maximum number of workers.

List of calculation of temporary buildings and structures

5.6.3 Calculation of construction demand for water.

For water supply of the construction site, the water demand is determined by the formula:

Qt = Qpr + Qhoz + Qpoz,

Qpr, Qhoz, Qpoz - respectively total water demand for production, household and fire-fighting needs, l/s.

Water consumption for production needs (for the period of foundation construction):

Qpr = kn * kh * qn * Nn/( 3600 * t),

kn = 1.2; kh = 1.5; qn - specific water consumption for production needs; Nn - number of production consumers (plants, machines, etc., in the busiest shift), pcs; t - number of hours taken into account by calculation per shift.

Qpr = 1.2 * 1.5 * 1700 * 8/( 3600 * 8) = 0, 85l/s.

Calculation of water for household needs:

Qhoz = qx * np * kh/( 3600 * t) + qd * nd/( 60 * t1);

Qhoz = 15 * 67 * 1, 5/( 3600 * 8) + 30 * 27/( 60 * 45) = 0, 35l/s.

Minimum water consumption for fire protection purposes;

Qperm = 20 l/s.

Qt = 0.85 + 0.35 + 20 = 21, 2l/s.

Diameter of pipes of the external pressure network:

D=2 ,

D = 2 * 69.44 = 139mm

We take D = 150mm, Q = 15.. 28, 5l/s.

5.6.4 Calculation of construction requirements for lighting.

We determine the number of spotlights by the formula:


n = 0,335 * 0.5 * 12500/500 = 4 pcs.

For external lighting we accept searchlights 4pPZS35 at Rl = 500 V,

125 light bulbs with a capacity of 100 V are received internally.

5.6.5 Heat supply of the construction site.

Heat supply of the area during finishing works in winter is carried out using an electric heater.

5.6.6 Technical and economic parameters of the construction plan.

Technical and economic parameters are given on sheet 13 of the graphic part.

Economic section

The products of the construction industry are the completed and commissioned facility. To create it, you must attach both one-time and current costs. These are costs of a construction organization, salary, cost of construction materials, depreciation (cost of construction and installation work).

There are two stages in determining the cost of construction. First, when developing a feasibility study on the consolidated indicators, the estimated cost, that is, the preliminary amount, is determined. Secondly, the estimated cost of construction as part of the design and estimate documentation is determined.

The economic part of the diploma project was developed in accordance with the requirements of MDS 8135.2004 "Methodology for determining the cost of construction products in the Russian Federation."

The estimated part consists of three estimates: local estimates for civil works, object estimates and a consolidated estimate for the construction of a multi-storey residential building.

The estimated cost of construction is determined in the base price level, that is, at the rates adopted in 2001, and in the current level of prices established at the time of calculation of the estimate. The estimated cost of construction is determined by TEP collections for construction work in the Tambov region. Transition to current price level 2010. is carried out on the basis of the "Information Collection on Pricing in Construction in Current Prices II Quarter 2010" issued by the Tambov Center for Pricing in Construction.

6.1 Identification of the nomenclature and calculation of the scope of work.

To prepare local and object estimates, it is necessary to determine the list of works performed and calculate their scope. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a specification of prefabricated elements (Table 5.1) and a bill of quantities (Table 5.2)

Specification of prefabricated elements

6.3 Preparation of estimates.

In the diploma project, we determine the estimated cost of civil works, which consists of direct costs, overhead costs and estimated profit. Direct costs consist of material costs, basic wages and machine costs. Overhead costs and estimated profit are determined as a percentage of the wage fund (POT). The local estimate is designed to determine the cost of the object by type of work. It is the basis for financing and lending to the object. The local estimate is based on the Bill of Quantities, Estimated Rates and Prices at 2001 prices with conversion to the current price level. Local estimate for civil works shall be in form No. 4 (att.)

The object estimate is based on local estimates for civil works. It calculates the cost of construction work, the cost of installation work, the cost of equipment and other costs. The object estimate is drawn up in form No. 3 (att.)

The consolidated estimate is based on the object estimate and is designed to determine the full estimated cost of construction, to conclude a contract between the customer and the contractor, to calculate the amount of work completed, to open construction financing, to plan the performance of work on the site. The consolidated estimate consists of 12 chapters that group the homogeneous costs required for the construction of a multi-storey residential building. The summary estimate is given in (Annex D).


This degree project has developed such sections as architectural, design and construction, foundations and foundations, organization and technology of construction production, construction economics, labor protection in construction.

In the construction of a residential building, it is planned to use all modern methods of work and new materials, the use of which leads to a decrease in material consumption, an increase in labor productivity, and an increase in construction efficiency.

The building is designed class II. The building is designed brick, the structures are reinforced concrete. The construction duration is 489 days.

Estimated cost - 11,392,203 tons.

The building is intended for construction in Moscow along Mira Avenue Street.

List of literature used

SNiP 230199 * Construction climatology. M.: Gosstroy of Russia, 1999.

SNiP 210197 Fire safety of buildings and structures Gosstroy Rossi.M: State Unitary Enterprise CPP, 1997.17s.

SanPin Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises.

SNiP 230595 * Natural and artificial lighting.

GOST 21.50193. Rules for execution of architectural and construction working drawings.

GOST 21.50893. SPDS. Rules for execution of working documentation of master plans of enterprises, structures and housing and civil facilities .

GOST 21.10197. Basic requirements for design and detailed design documentation .

ENiR. Collection E1. Internal construction transport works/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Price list, 1987. – 40 pages.

ENiR. Collection E2. Earthworks. Out. 1. Mechanized and manual earthworks/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1988. – 224 pages.

ENiR Collection E2. Mechanized and manual earthworks.

ENiR. Collection E3. Stone works/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1973. – 56 pages.

ENiR. Collection E4. Installation of prefabricated and construction of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete structures. Out. 1. Buildings and industrial structures/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Price list, 1987. – 64 pages.

ENiR. Collection E7. Roofing works/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Price list, 1987. – 24 pages.

ENiR. Collection E9. Out. 1. Sanitary equipment of buildings and structures/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1987, 79 p.

ENiR collection 12 "Pile Works" Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1983. – 95 pages.

ENiR. Collection E19. Flooring/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Price list, 1987. – 48 pages.

SNiP I.02.07.-87 Engineering surveys for construction. Main provisions. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1987.

SNiP 2.01.07-85 Loads and impacts. M.: ZITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1986.

SNiP 2.02.01-83. M. Foundations of buildings and structures.: Gosky USSR for construction, 1985. With changes to SNiP 2.02.01-83. Postan. Gosstroy of the USSR from 09.12.85, No. 211 with a period of implementation with 01.07.86. 54 pages .

SNiP 2.03.01-89 Residential buildings. - M.: Ed. CITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1989.

SNiP 2.03.01-84 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. M.: TSITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1985.

SNiP 2.07.01-89 Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements. M.: ed. CITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1989

Manual for designing foundations of buildings and structures (to SNiP 2.02.01-83). Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures named after N.M. Gersevanova (Research Institute of Gersevanova OSP) Gosstroy of the USSR. M.: Stroyizdat, 1986. 415 pages.

Veselov V.A. Design of foundations and foundations. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1990.

Foundations, foundations and underground structures: Designer's Handbook ./Ed. E. A. Sorochan, Yu. G. Irofimenkov. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1985.

Tsytovich N. A. Mechanics of soils. - M.: Gosstroyizdat, 1934; 1940; 1951; 1963; 1971; 1979; 1983.

Dalmatov B.I. Mechanics of soils, foundations and foundations. L.: Stroyizdat, 1988.

Ukhov S. B., Semenov V.V., Znamensky V.V., Ter - Martirosyan Z. G., Chernyshev S.N. Soil mechanics, foundations and foundations. Ed. Chl. - corr. MIA S. B. Ukhova. - M.: DIA Publishing House, 1994. – 524 pages .

Bartholomew A. A. The basics of calculating pile tape foundations according to the maximum permissible precipitation. – M.: 1982 .

Sotnikov S. N., Simagin V. G., Vershinin V. P. Design and construction of foundations near existing structures. – M.: 1986.

Bugrov A.K. Calculation of sediment of bases with developed areas of the ultimate strained state of the soil. In Book: Foundations and Foundations. Directory. Ed. Prof. G.I. Shvetsova. M.: Higher School, 1991, S. 127-131.

Berlinov M.V., Yagupov B. A. Examples of the calculation of foundations and foundations. M.: 1986 .

Dalmatov B. I., Morareskul N. N., Naumenko V. G. Design of the foundations of buildings and industrial structures. M.: 1986 .

Lapshin F.K. Foundations and foundations in graduate design. Saratov. Ed. - Saratov University, 1989.

Foundations and foundations. Builder's Guide. Ed. M.I. Smerodinov. – M.: 1983.

Foundations, foundations and underground structures. Designer Reference Book. Ed. E. A. Sorochan, Yu. G. Trofimenkova. – M.: 1985.

Malyshev M.V. Soil strength and stability of the base of structures. – M.: 1980.

Florin V. A. Fundamentals of soil mechanics. – M – L.: T. 1, 1951; T. 2, 1961 .

Shvedenko V.I. Installation of building structures. M.: Higher School, 1987.

Neufert E. Construction design. M.: Stroyizdat, 1991.

Bodyin G. M. and others. Technology of construction production. - L.: Stroyizdat, 1987.

Pishchalenko M. Yu. Technology for the construction of buildings and structures - Kiev.: Higher School, 1982.

Baykov V.N., Sigalov E.E. Zh/concrete structures. General course. M.: Stroyizdat, 1991.

Nevzorov L. A. and others. Tower construction cranes. Directory. - M.: Engineering, 1992.

Architectural structures of civil buildings: buildings and their parts; foundations and basements; walls; partitions; flooring and floors; roofs. S. B. Dekhtyar, L. I. Arinovsky - Kiev: Budevilnik, 1987

Dickman L. G. Organization, planning and management of construction production. - M.: Higher School, 1982

Civil building structures. T. G. Maklonova, S. I. Nasonova - M.: Stroyizdat, 1986

Nevzorov L. A. and others. Tower construction cranes. Directory. -M.: Engineering, 1992

Badyin T. O. and others. Technology of construction production. -L.: Stroizdat, 1987

Shereshevsky I. A. Civil building design. L.: Stroyizdat, 1986.

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