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Multi-storey residential building in Novosibirsk - diploma

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Document NamePage Number
Thesis Project Assignment 
Design development of DP.ZhBK.46-1-PP 
Appendix A. Estimate of the national slab.  

Appendix B. Estimate calculation for monolithic slab assembly.

Appendix B. Estimate calculation for monolithic slab.





Demo sheet numbers, titles in document title blocksDocument designation
1. General data. Facades 1-13, A-G. Situation plan. General Plan.DP.ZHBK.46-AS
2. Ground floor plan. Typical floor plan.DP.ZHBK.46-AS
3. Section 1-1. Nodes 1,2,3DP.ZHBK.46-AS
4. Layout of columns, diaphragms, floors. DP.ZHBK.46-AS
 5. Layout of the main reinforcement of the upper and lower layers. Layout of additional reinforcement.DP.ZHBK.46-AS
6. General view Diagram of reinforcement of columns, diaphragms .DP.ZHBK.46-AS
7. Frame KP1, KP1DP.ZHBK.46-AC.I-KP1
8. Frame KP2, KP2DP.ZHBK.46-AC.I-KP2
9. KP3 frameworkDP.ZHBK.46-AC.I-KR3
10. Framework of KP4, KP5DP.ZHBK.46-AC.I-KP4, KR5
11. Frame layout and design solutions. Option 1: monolithic solutionDP.ZHBK.46-V
12. Frame layout and design solutions. Option 2: prefabricated monolithic solutionDP.ZHBK.46-V
13. Frame layout and design solutions. Option 3: prefabricated solutionDP.ZHBK.46-V
14. StroygenplanDP.ZHBK.46-T
15. Diagram of valves supply. Concrete mix feed diagram. Sling diagramDP.ZHBK.46-T
16. Schedule. Layout of formwork installation for column concreting.DP.ZHBK.46-T


Project's Content

icon Титульный 2.doc
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icon Аннотация.doc
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icon содержание.doc
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icon ТСП.dwg
icon Состав ДП мой.doc
icon Задание на диплом.doc
icon гис1.jpg

Additional information



Architectural and construction design

Source Data

1.2. Master Plan

1.3. Space Planning Solution

1.4. Constructive solution

1.5. Heat Engineering Calculation

Technical and economic indicators of the entire building

2. Variant Design

2.1. Option

2.2. Option

2.3. Option

2.4. Match Key Figures and Select an Option

3. Basic Design

3.1. Slab (P1)

Calculation of slab by limit states of the first group. Definition of spans (structural and design)

Define loads and forces

Concrete and reinforcement strength characteristics

Sizing a Slab Section

Calculation of slab by section normal to longitudinal axis

Geometric characteristics of the design section

Determination of pre-stress losses of valves

Calculation of plate strength by section inclined to longitudinal axis

Calculation of multipost plate by limit states of the second group. Calculation of crack formation normal to longitudinal axis

Calculation of plate deflections

Test of plate strength during fabrication

Calculation of plate strength in transportation stage

Calculation of plate strength during installation

Calculation of the mounting loop

Plate Design

3.2. Rigel (P1)

Concrete and reinforcement strength characteristics

Determination of rigel forces

Strength of normal cross-sections of the crossbar

Geometric characteristics of the design section

Determination of pre-stress losses of valves

Calculation of strength of inclined cross-sections of the crossbar

3.2.7. Strength of inclined cross-section of crossbar cutting by transverse force

3.2.8. Strength of inclined section at the point of trim section change

Rigel shelf strength calculation

Calculation of the crossbar from the limit states of the second group. Calculation of cross-bar crack resistance

Width of normal crack opening

Calculation of cross-bar deflections

Calculation of girder during installation

Calculation of rigel strength in transportation stage. Calculation of the mounting loop

Joint of crossbar with column

Construction of a girder

3.3. Prefabricated Column Design (K5)

Calculation of average column in operation stage. Collection of loads and determination of forces in the column

Basement column strength calculation

First Floor Column Strength Calculation

Calculation of column strength during erection

Calculation of rigid column console

Calculation of rigid joint of columns on bath welding

Column Design

3.4. Approximate selection of number of stiffening diaphragms

4. Construction Organization and Technology

4.1. Object characteristic

4.2. Define Scope of Work

4.3. Selection of work methods

4.4. List of installation accessories and accessories

4.5. Selection of cranes by process characteristics

4.6. Feasibility Comparison of Work Options

4.7. Selection of vehicles

4.8. Procedure of works execution

4.8.1. Installation of columns

4.8.2. Installation of girders

4.8.3. Laying of slabs

4.8.4. Installation of stair and flight elements

4.8.5 Installation of vertical stiffening diaphragms

4.9. Production calculation of labor and wages

4.10. Work Schedule

4.11. Safety Instructions

4.12. Calculation of technical and economic indicators

Occupational and environmental protection

5.1. Occupational safety

5.1.1. Introduction

Procedure for training on labor protection and checking knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations

Meeting regulatory requirements in the project

5.2. Environmental protection

5.2.1. Introduction

Regulatory requirements for the improvement of the territory

5.2.3. Environmental protection activities



This diploma project consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note.

The Explanatory Note includes a project note that covers the following sections: general architectural and construction design; design of building structures; design of the task list; environmental protection.

In the architectural and construction part, a master plan has been developed, which includes the main objects, elements of improvement and landscaping.

When designing building structures, the following versions of the structural framework of the building are considered:

- load-bearing structures on the basis of the prefabricated framework, according to the produced series 1.0201/87;

- bearing structures based on "Cheboksary series" products;

- load-bearing structures on the basis of a frame made of monolithic reinforced concrete.

Based on the technical and economic indicators, the most economical option was chosen.

Safety and environmental measures have been developed.

Variant Design

1.1 Description of options

Three types of design solutions are proposed for variant design. All presented versions are made of monolithic reinforced concrete. The difference between these options lies in the different type of slabs and the type of structural structures. In the first version flat beam-free floor with bearing monolithic walls and columns is proposed, in the second version - floor along contour beams with bearing monolithic walls and columns, in the third version - flat beam-free floor with bearing monolithic walls. All three options have the same breakdown network. Columns do not differ in cross-sectional size.

The building is 17 storeys, as well as the basement, where the technical floor is located. The building is heated, has a plan size of 15 m by

61.20 m. There are two elevator halls and an unnamed staircase .

As enclosing structures, brickwork 250 mm thick with a ventilated facade is used.

Concrete class of all structures in all variants is B25.

1.2 Option 1

The layout of the elements of the first version is shown on sheet 1 of mark B (see list of sheets of drawings of the diploma design). As the load-bearing system of the building, a monolithic reinforced concrete frame is used. The spatial rigidity of the building is ensured by the joint work of columns and walls, interconnected by floors and forming a geometrically unchanged system.

Floors - monolithic flat beam-free, 200 mm thick. This type of overlap increases the height of the space in the room.

The columns have cross-sectional dimensions: 400x400 mm. Column Reference - Axial .

Monolithic walls have a thickness of 200 mm.

1.3 Option 2

The layout of the elements of the second version is shown on sheet 2 of mark B (see list of sheets of drawings of the diploma design). The second version is a prefabricated monolithic girder frame of the building. The basis of the prefabricated monolithic technology is a load-bearing frame consisting of three main reinforced concrete elements: vertical support columns, pre-stressed girders and floor slabs. The < colonnaregelplate > connection unit is monolithic. The entire frame is assembled without welding. Plate thickness 60 mm.

The columns have cross-sectional dimensions: 400x400 mm. Column Reference - Axial.

Monolithic walls have a thickness of: 200 mm .

1.4 Option 3

The layout of the elements of the third version is shown on sheet 3 of mark B (see list of sheets of drawings of the diploma design). The spatial rigidity of the building is ensured by the joint work of columns and girders, interconnected by floors and forming a geometrically unchanged system.

Slabs along contour beams have cross-sectional dimensions of beams: 450x200 mm. Plate thickness 220 mm.

The columns have cross-sectional dimensions: 400x400 mm. Column Reference - Axial.

Monolithic walls have a thickness of: 200 mm.

General Architectural - Construction Design


The task of this diploma project is to develop a volumetric planning solution, reinforced concrete structures and technology for the construction of a multi-storey residential building with office space on Petukhova Street, Kirovsky District, Novosibirsk.

2.2, Master Plan

2.2.2 Master Plan Key Figures

Territory balance within the fence:

The total area of ​ ​ the site is 19040 m2,

including the built-up area - 1836 m2,

the area of ​ ​ driveways, streets, open parking lots - 1601 m2,

footpath area - 409 m2,

area of ​ ​ landscaping - 3360 m2.

2.2.3 Characteristics of the land plot

The site of the designed residential building with public premises is located on the street. Petukhova in the Kirovsky district. On the western side, the border of the site runs along the red line of Viktor Us Street, on the southern side the site is limited to the territory for the construction of a 10-story residential building on ul. Petukhov 18, on the western side the territory of the hostel on the street. Sibiryakov-Gvardeytsev 58/1. The master plan provides for the placement of sites in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.0189 *, including car parks for residents of the house - in the courtyard (see the calculation of sites below).

Lawns and flower beds are laid out in front of the building and in the courtyard, and shrubs and a large number of trees are also supposed to be planted.

2.2.5 Substantiation of decisions on engineering preparation of the territory

Engineering training measures are established taking into account the nature of the use and planning organization of the territory.

When carrying out vertical planning, the design elevations of the territory are assigned based on the conditions of maximum preservation of natural terrain, soil cover and existing tree plantations, drainage of surface water at speeds that exclude the possibility of soil erosion, the minimum amount of earthworks, taking into account the use of displaced soils at the construction site.

At the site at the site of the planned construction, a fertile layer of land is to be cut and stored. After the completion of the construction of buildings and structures, the laying of communications and roads, a soil and vegetation layer with a capacity of up to 0.15 m is applied to the restored surface of the site and the territory is landscaped by sowing grasses and planting trees and shrubs.

2.2.6 Description of land improvement solutions

The project provides for the maximum possible landscaping of the territory by planting shrubs and high-growth trees with the addition of land of 50%, the installation of lawns with the introduction of a vegetal layer of land of up to 15%, and the planting of flower beds. Existing green spaces that do not fall under development are preserved.

The area adjacent to the house is being landscaped with a pavement made of paving stones and asphalt concrete. It is provided for the arrangement of recreation grounds for children and adults, economic platforms with the installation of small shapes and a coating of sand and gravel mixture.

2.3 Architectural Solutions

2.3.1 Description of the external and internal appearance of the capital construction facility

The main space-planning solutions of the building are due to the dimensions of the site allocated for construction, the linkage of the designed building with the neighboring buildings under construction and are made taking into account the existing development, in accordance with the design assignment.

The designed residential building with public premises on the 1st floor consists of a 17-story part with 1 underground floor.

2.3.2 Spatial and architectural and artistic solutions

As part of a 17-storey residential building with 1 underground floor of technical premises. On the 1st floor and on the 2nd floor, public premises (premises of legal and notary offices) are located in axes 89/VG, from the 2nd to the 17th floor residential premises are occupied .

The height of the floor of the residential part is 3 m, the height of the premises is technical. floors 2.6 m clean.

The building is made in a monolithic triangular reinforced concrete frame, enclosing walls of brick 250 mm thick with effective insulation and a facing layer of ceramic granite.

The total area of ​ ​ apartments on 117 floors is 5110.23 m2. The total number of apartments in the house is 271, including:

1 room - 237

2 rooms - 34

The number of types of apartments, the composition of the premises of the apartments and their area are accepted according to the design task. All apartments are provided with bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens equipped with an electric oven. Glazed loggia are provided in the apartments.

Natural lighting of the premises was decided through light openings in the external walls. All rooms of apartments: common rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and kitchen-dining rooms and public premises with a permanent stay of people have natural lighting. All apartments meet the regulatory requirements for natural lighting and solar insulation.

The residential building is equipped with two passenger elevators of the KONE brand with a carrying capacity of 1000 kg, an unnamed staircase of type H1, and a garbage truck. External entrances to the building are equipped with ramps.

Public premises (premises of legal and notary offices) on the floor in axes 89/VG have separate entrances isolated from the entrance to the residential part.

The architectural appearance of the building is solved in a concise modern style with elements of eclecticism. The facades are symmetrical with an accented central part of the glazing of loggia emphasized by stained glass windows. The 1st floor has large glazed surfaces, which, combined with stained glass loggia and vertical volume division, creates a feeling of lightness and slender building. External finishing

The outer walls are 250 mm thick brick with effective insulation and a facing layer of classical plaster. In loggias - an external verst of brick 65 mm thick, followed by plastering and painting. Metal elements of balcony enclosures, wings and roofs - enamel painting by primer. Interior Finishes

Internal decoration is made in accordance with the agreed specifications and fire safety requirements.

Residential floors - improved plaster.

Public premises - improved plaster.

Decoration of the floors of public working rooms - linoleum, corridors and technical. premises of the public part and out-of-apartment premises of the residential part - ceramic tiles.

2.3.3 Thermal protective characteristics of enclosing structures

The multi-storey section is solved in a monolithic triangular frame. External walls are multi-layered: the inside of the wall is made of brick 250 mm thick; external ventilated facade system with a face layer of plaster. An effective insulation with an air gap is provided between the outer and inner layers. The insulation provides the required thermal resistance of the enclosing structures.

2.3.4 Noise and vibration reduction

Volumetric planning solutions provide an acceptable level of noise in residential rooms and working spaces for public purposes. Rooms with an increased noise level: pump room, ventilation chambers, trash stack, garbage collection chamber are not located above and under living rooms, and also adjacent to them. Sanitary devices and pipelines shall not be attached directly to the inter-apartment walls and partitions. To improve the soundproofing properties of the floor structure in residential and public premises, the Penotherm layer is 8 mm thick.

2.3.5 Waterproofing and steam insulation of rooms

To protect building structures from capillary moisture, horizontal waterproofing of cement sand mortar is provided in a ratio of 1:2 and vertical coating of concrete structures with bitumen below ground level.

Waterproofing is provided in rooms with possible water spills on the floor and above the electric panels in the floors.

2.3.6 Characteristics of structures of floors, roofs, suspended ceilings, partitions, decoration of rooms

The roof of the building is a flat non-operational.

The watershed is internal.

Window blocks made of PCB plastic with double-chamber glazing.

Stained glass windows - aluminum with glazing.

In residential rooms of apartments and public premises, floors are provided mainly from linoleum; in kitchens, corridors and common areas made of ceramic tiles. To improve the soundproofing properties of the floor structure in residential and public premises, the Penotherm layer with a thickness of 8 mm is included in its composition.

2.4 Design Solutions

2.4.1 Description of structural solutions

The designed multi-storey residential building with public premises attached by an underground parking lot on the street. Petukhova in the Kirovsky district of Novosibirsk, which are separated by a sedimentary seam, are designed in a frame-link monolithic reinforced concrete frame in the form of flat beam-free monolithic reinforced concrete floors and monolithic reinforced concrete stiffness walls, monolithic reinforced concrete columns.

It consists of 17 storey residential buildings for technical purposes. On the 1st floor, public premises (premises of legal and notary offices) are located in axes 89/VG, from the 1st to the 17th floor residential premises are occupied.

The height of the floor of the residential part is 3 m, the height of the premises is technical. floors 2.6 m clean.

The building is made in a monolithic triangular reinforced concrete frame, enclosing walls of brick 250 mm thick with effective insulation and a facing layer of ceramic granite.

Public premises (premises of legal and notary offices) on the 1st floor in axes 89/VG have separate entrances isolated from the entrance to the residential part.

Public premises include working rooms, lounges and other premises. The developed rooms of the halls are determined by the specifics of the work of the organization receiving citizens and are used as a waiting place for reception.

The technical rooms are mainly located in the underground part of the building, where the rooms of the ventilation chambers, pump rooms and the inlet unit are located.

2.4.2 Residential building

The foundations for the building are designed in the form of a monolithic reinforced concrete slab 1.3 m high, concrete of class B25 for preparation with a thickness of 100 mm from concrete B7.5.

Slabs - a flat beam-free monolithic slab 200 mm thick at the level of public premises and residential floors. Concrete class B25.

Walls at the level of public premises and residential floors - 280 mm, walls of the staircase - elevator unit - 250 mm. Columns at the level of public premises and residential floors - 400 × 400 mm. All walls and columns are made of AIII and AI class concrete .

External walls floor brick 250 mm (brick grade M100 on solution grade 100). External decoration - ventilated facade system with facing with classical plaster.

Staircases - prefabricated reinforced concrete steps in metal cosors.

2.5 Power supply of the facility

Power supply to the residential building and public premises is provided from the existing transformer substations. Cables are laid in trenches. Mutually redundant cables are laid in different trenches.

Low-voltage power receivers and lighting are supplied from common transformers.

Electric panels for the residential part, public premises are provided on the 1st floor.

The designed power supply scheme complies with the requirements of the "Electrical Installation Rules" and meets the required level of reliability. All elements are normally under load. When one of the network elements fails, the load is redistributed between the remaining ones, taking into account the permissible overload.

Electricity metering is provided for in introductory switchgears by electronic meters of the Mercury type.

Apartment registration is also provided with the installation of meters in floor boards.

The main consumers of electricity are: floor plates, electric lighting, drives of plumbing equipment, elevators.

Elevator start-up equipment is supplied complete. For other electric receivers, control boxes of RUSM type are adopted as starting and protective equipment. Starting equipment is installed near electric receivers. For smoke removal fans, the RUSM with the "Remote - local" control switch is selected.

Distribution network is laid on trays in technical rooms, in pipes in electrical niches. Group network designed by cable

In the residential part on each floor, in electrical niches, storey apartment boards are installed with combined accounting and distribution of electricity, with a compartment for a low-current network. Floor boards have a set of circuit breakers and protective shutdown devices.

The selection and number of lamps are made depending on the characteristics of the rooms and the normalized illumination, the height of the installation and taking into account safety.

Emergency lighting lamps are installed at the entrances to the building, on unlit staircases, in floor corridors.

Lighting control of public areas is provided using switches. The lighting of the entrances and entrances is controlled automatically from the photorelle. On the non-smokable staircases, short-term illumination is provided using the REX timer installed in the electrical panel.

2.6 Water supply system

2.6.1 Intra-quarter water supply networks

On the territory of the site there are 2 water pipelines of household drinking water supply Ø 125 mm each, from which the designed residential building is fed.

The width of the sanitary protection strip of the water supply system is 10 m. Within the sanitary protection strip of the water supply system there should be no sources of soil pollution.

Water from the on-site networks enters the house by 2 inputs with diameters of 100 mm each. At the entrance to the house, a water meter is provided. The project accepted the "PREM" counter.

Guaranteed head in the network - 10 m.

To provide the necessary head, booster pump units are installed in the main water supply system.

Hot water is supplied to the building from CTP in the TS channel.

2.6.2 Internal water supply networks

Internal cold and hot water supply networks in a residential building are designed as dead ends from steel water and gas galvanized pipes according to GOST 326275 *, and from cross-linked polyethylene.

Accounting of water consumption for the building, for residential part of zone I, for residential part of zone II and for offices is provided in the pump station room, on branches to offices - in technical rooms, apartment accounting - in technical rooms on staircases.

The main water supply networks laid along the basement of the residential building are isolated by the Thermaflex pipe insulation.

2.6.3 Drainage Domestic sewage system

By the nature of pollution, wastewater from a residential building is classified as household. Domestic waste water diversion from the residential building is designed to the existing sewage system Ø225 mm.

Sewerage of a residential building is provided in gravity mode.

Separate sewage networks are designed in the building:

- domestic sewerage system for waste water removal from sanitary devices of residential part;

- domestic sewerage from offices;

-productive sewerage (drainage after fire elimination);

-Directional sewerage system.

External networks are designed from polypropylene pipes "PRAGMA. Wells of prefabricated railway/concrete elements are installed on the networks. Storm sewage system

Storm sewage is provided for the removal of rain and meltwater from the roof and territory of the designed residential building.

Rain drains from the territory and driveways are diverted through rainwater wells (together with drains from the roof) to the city collector. Sewerage is provided in gravity mode. The rain sewer network is designed from "PRAGMA" polypropylene pipes.

2.7 Internal sewage networks

Domestic sewage networks are designed from cast iron sewage pipes.

Storm drains are drained from the roofs of buildings into a closed rain sewer network.

Internal drain networks are installed from steel electric welded pipes.

2.8 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks

2.8.1 Heat supply sources, coolant parameters

Heat supply source - heat networks.

The heat carrier is superheated Tp/Tob water = 15080 ºC.

The heating system is connected to the heat networks via a dependent circuit through the CTP.

Coolant parameters in the heating system after CTP 9570˚C.

2.8.2 Method of heating line laying

The heating line from the intra-quarter networks to the entry into the building is laid underground in impassable reinforced concrete channels. The pipeline is made of electric welded steel pipes.


3.1 General data

In this explanatory note, the load-bearing structures of a 17-story residential building with public premises on Petukhova Street in the Kirovsky District were calculated.

Basic data for performance of calculation are architectural plans and cuts of drawings of code DP.ZhBK.461AKZh.

Based on these materials, the building was simulated in the SCAD 11.5 computing complex to determine forces and deformations (deflections and displacements), as well as reinforcement of elements of the building structural system.

The calculation is performed in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation:

- SP20.13330.2011 "Loads and impacts" (Updated revision);

- SP521012003 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures without preliminary reinforcement stress";

- SNiP 52012003 "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic Provisions ";

Construction conditions

Construction conditions (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation):

- climatic construction area according to SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology" - I V;

- design outside air temperature of coldest days with coverage of 0.92 -minus 39 C °;

- design value of snow cover weight per 1 m2 of horizontal ground surface according to SP 20.13330.20011 "Loads and impacts" (updated version of SNiP 2.01.0785 *) - 240 kg/m2 (IV district);

- standard speed value of wind pressure up to 10 m above the ground surface according to SP 20.13330.20011 "Loads and impacts" (updated version of SNiP 2.01.0785 *) - 38 kg/m2 (III district);

- site seismicity according to SP 14.13330.2011 "Construction in seismic areas" (updated version of SNiP II781 *) - up to 6 points on MSK scale.

Basic Design Solutions

The load-bearing structural system of the monolithic reinforced concrete building includes the following elements:

- cast-in-situ columns with a section of 400x400 mm from BGS B25 concrete, GOST 747394. The pitch of the columns in the longitudinal direction is 4.8; 6; 3; 4,5; 6.3 m and crosswise 6 and 3 m;

- slabs and coating at elev. + 0.000 - + 50.920 non-panning dripless, 200 mm thick, made of monolithic concrete BGS B30 GOST 747394;

- cast-in-situ walls 150 mm thick, concrete BGS B25 GOST 747394;

- enclosing brick walls 250 mm thick with a facade system "Kraspan";

- internal brick walls 120 mm thick;

- foundation slab on natural base, 1300 mm thick from BGS B25 concrete, GOST 747394.

The spatial rigidity and general stability of the building are ensured by the joint operation of the frame columns, the floor disk and the rigidity diaphragms .

Accounting of buildings and structures liability

The level of responsibility according to the "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" (Federal Law of 30.12.2009 N 384FZ) is normal.

Design values of forces in elements of building structures of the structure are determined taking into account the safety factor by responsibility adopted - 1.

Construction Organization and Technology

On the basis of the task, it is necessary to develop a process plan for the construction of one floor of a reinforced concrete monolithic frame of a building with a flat floor.

5.2 Basic building parameters

The building is 17 storeys, the first floor is intended for public premises, as well as one basement floor, where the technical floor is located. The building is heated, has dimensions in axes in the plan 61.2 m by 15 m. There are two elevators, an elevator hall, an unnamed staircase .

The layout of the elements of the first version is shown on sheet 1 of mark B (see list of sheets of drawings of the diploma design). As the load-bearing system of the building, a monolithic reinforced concrete frame is used. The transverse and longitudinal rigidity of the building is provided by the monolithic frame of the building.

Floors - monolithic flat beam-free, 200 mm thick. This type of overlap increases the height of the space in the room. Concrete class B30.

Plate columns have cross-sectional dimensions: 400x400 mm. Column Reference - Axial. Concrete class B25.

Monolithic walls have a thickness of 280 mm. Concrete class B25.

As enclosing structures, brickwork 250 mm thick with classical plaster is used.

5.5 Selection of work methods

Before starting work on the construction of the framework of a monolithic building, it is necessary to equip additional warehouses (for reinforcement products, for formwork), equip places for receiving concrete mixture.

To erect the framework of a monolithic building, we use a universal inventory disassembling - rearranged formwork. The formwork is supplied by the crane, and the installation is carried out manually.

All reinforcement products are supplied by crane. Installation of all rebar products is performed manually.

Transportation of concrete mixture is carried out by concrete mixers from the nearest solution - concrete assembly, which allows to preserve homogeneity and necessary mobility of concrete mixture.

The following concrete mixture supply schemes are possible in the structure: cranes in bays; Motor concrete pumps.

The formwork is disassembled manually. The formwork is supplied to the ground using a crane. On the ground, the formwork is cleaned, lubricated, checked and then used in the next cycle.

Accessories for concrete works are accepted based on concreting intensity, which is determined based on the time norm for concrete mix laying by concreters.

Option 1.

For unloading of reinforcement, formwork and further supply of reinforcement products, formwork and necessary construction products and equipment, an attachment tower crane is used.

The concrete mixture is supplied to the place of its laying according to the "crane - badya" scheme. During crane feed, concrete mixture from vehicles is unloaded into rotary buckets, the capacity of which should be a multiple of the intensity of laying the concrete mixture and the capacity of the body of the car carrying the concrete mixture .

Option 2.

For unloading of reinforcement, formwork and further supply of reinforcement products, formwork and necessary construction products and equipment, an attachment tower crane is used.

Concrete mixture is supplied to the place of its laying by means of concrete pump.

5.13 Development of the schedule (schedule) of the complex concreting process of one floor

The work schedule reflects the sequence and organization of the processes in the concrete works complex and conditionally consists of two parts. The first part in the form of a table includes all engineering calculations, and the second - reflects the sequence and duration of work with the indication of the calendar time of the start and end of individual processes, as well as their relationship .

The basis for the construction of the first part is the data of the production calculation and process diagrams, taking into account that machines and people must work throughout the process.

See the concrete work schedule on sheet 3 of grade T.

Fill in the table part of the plan

Column 2 records the processes in the execution sequence. Column 3 shows the units of measure of the type of work specified in each item, the scope of work being measured in physical units - t, m, m2, m3, pcs, 100 m2, 100 t, 1 element, 1 frame. Column 4 shows the number of accepted scope units included in each row. In column 5, the amount of labor of all the processes and works performed by one link from the production calculation is entered with the transfer of labor from person-hour to person-shift (by dividing this amount by 8 hours). After that, the columns (9, 10, 11) characterizing the operation of the machines used in the processes and works listed in the paragraph are filled in. The graphical part of the schedule is made in the form of lines that reflect the duration of work in days or shifts and their relationship. Under the schedule, a schedule of labor movement is created, reflecting the number of workers employed in all processes daily.

Drawings content

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