Multi-storey civil building of large prefabricated structural elements in Anapa

- Added: 22.09.2015
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Coursework. Explanatory note, graphic part.
Project's Content
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Additional information
Cover Sheet
Design Task
1 Main space-planning solutions of the building
2 Main structural solutions of the building
3 Heat engineering calculation
4.Soundproofing calculations
5 List of literature
Project Description
This course project provides an idea of the basis for designing multi-storey civil buildings from large prefabricated structural elements. Performing the course project, the student independently learns how to select heat insulation material according to the climatic construction area, for walls and coatings. Also material of large prefabricated structural elements for sound insulation calculation of enclosing structures. Build drawings according to the composition of the course project, and learn to work with regulatory literature.
The presented explanatory note to the course project on the topic: "Multi-storey civil building of large prefabricated structural elements in Anapa" has a volume of 24 sheets. It presents:
main space-planning and structural solutions of the building;
heat engineering calculation of the wall and coating;
soundproofing calculations of the interquarter wall and inter-floor;
technical and economic indicators.
The explanatory note is illustrated by the necessary explanations and drawings, as well as diagrams for all calculations.
Attached to the explanatory note is a graphic part - 2 sheets of A1 format.
This project is a nine-storey residential building designed from standard elements.
During the design process, the student must learn to correctly, with the greatest efficiency, select structural elements, as well as materials that are most optimal for the construction of a construction object (in this case, a residential building), taking into account the specified conditions.
When designing buildings and structures, design solutions are selected on the basis of technical and economic feasibility of their use in specific construction conditions, taking into account the maximum reduction in material intensity, labor intensity and construction cost achieved due to the introduction of effective building materials and structures, reduced weight of structures, etc. The adopted design schemes should provide the necessary strength, stability; prefabricated elements must meet the conditions of mechanized manufacturing at special enterprises.
When designing civilian buildings, it is necessary to strive for the simplest shape in plan and avoid height differences. When designing, you choose volume planning and design solutions, since they ensure maximum unification and reduction in the number of types and grades of structures.
An increase in the volume of capital construction while expanding the field of concrete and reinforced concrete application requires full facilitation of the structures and, therefore, constant improvement in the methods of their calculation and design.
In this case prefabricated reinforced concrete structures are used that have passed the necessary checks confirming compliance with the requirements of the current "Building Codes and Regulations."
Volumetric planning solution
General characteristics of the building:
--- fire resistance rating 2
--- durability 1
--- building class 1
TEP volumetric - planning solutions.
The nine-story building is planned for construction in
the city of Anapa.
The building in the plan has the following dimensions:
Length 27900 mm.
Width 13000 mm.
The section-type building consists of one residential section on each floor of which there are four apartments consisting of:
- two apartments with a total area of - 60.76 m2
--- 1 common room (OK); area - 17.68 m2
--- 1 bedroom (SK); area - 19.38 m2
--- 1 bedroom (SK); area - 12.24 m2
--- 1 kitchen (K); area - 8.16 m2
--- 1 bathroom area 2.2m2;
--- 1 bathroom with area of 1.1m2
- two apartments with a total area of 52.37 m2
--- 1 common room (OK); area - 19.38 m2
--- 1 bedroom (SK); area - 19.38 m2
--- 1 kitchen (K); area - 9.52 m2
--- 1 bathroom with an area of 2.72m2;
--- 1 bathroom with an area of 1.37m2
The building has staircases illuminated through window openings.
The floor height is taken as 2800 mm.
Constructive solution
2.1 Building type:
The structural system is an interconnected set of vertical and horizontal load-bearing structures of the building, which together provide its strength, rigidity and stability. In this project, a arceless structural system with transverse and longitudinal bearing walls made of prefabricated reinforced concrete panels is used. By arrangement of vertical bearing structures the designed building refers to cross-wall structural system.
2.2 Internal structural panels of walls:
The internal walls are made of concrete panels with a height of one floor of a single thickness of 200 mm. Inner wall panels are formed from heavy concrete of class B25. The range of products includes blind panels, panels with an opening, one- and two-console. Inner wall panels are equipped with reinforcement outlets, embedded parts and keyway corrugation of vertical wall faces for arrangement of connections providing spatial interaction of prefabricated elements.
2.3 External structural walls:
Outer walls are made of three-layer single-row cutting panels with size of one room. Use blind panels, panels with a window, with a window and a balcony door, with an entrance door. The panel structure is multi-layered of lightweight ceramic concrete and thermal insulation gasket made of polystyrene foam, the outer side has a protective-finishing layer of factory readiness made of decorative fine-grained concrete.
Panels of external walls are connected to each other and to panels of internal walls by steel links in 2 levels by floor height - by welded links in the upper support section and by loops - in the lower one. The joints of the panels of the external walls are protected by internal gluing, insulation inserts and grouting with concrete. Insulation of joints is provided according to the principle of drained joint.
2.5 Floor panels - designed from solid slabs with a thickness of 160mm. Since the span between the bearing walls is 3.6 m, we accept plates with preliminary stress
2.6 Panels of coatings above the technical floor - designed from ribbed plates with a height of 200mm.
2.7 Roof type - K6 consisting of:
Main water insulation carpet made of 4 layers of ruberoid of antisepted tar grade RMD350;
Reinforced concrete slab with a thickness of 160 mm; slope i = 0.03; i=0.01
Mineral wool 180 mm thick
2.8 Foundations
Prefabricated strip foundation of reinforced concrete slabs - pillows and concrete basement panels.
Reinforced concrete slabs F12 and F24 are used. Basement panels are installed on them, which also serve as a guarding structure of the technical underground room. Installation of prefabricated basement panels is carried out on cement mortar of grade 200. The outer part of the technical sub-floor contacting the soil is carefully coated with two layers of burning bitumen. On the outside of the building, a pavement with a width of 1 m is arranged along the entire perimeter, with a slope of 5% from the building (in order to protect the foundation from water). It is made of 100 grade concrete on compacted soil.
2.9 Stairs
The staircase is made (assembled) of reinforced concrete marches and platforms. The seams in the slabs of the stair flights to the platforms are filled with a solution of grade M - 100. Handrails metal, welded with a height of 105mm.
The stair march is accepted as LM 22,5.12.5 GOST 2415580.
the length of the march is 2700 mm;
width is 1590mm, respectively.
2.10 Window and door openings.
To fill window openings, the project provides window blocks with the following dimensions:
OK-1 1500x1300mm - common room;
OK-2 1200x1500mm - kitchen room;
OK-3 1500x1800mm - flight of stairs;
These products are designed made of wood.
Door webs installed in doorways:
--- entrance to the apartment, we design four-film;
--- interior - with glazing with corrugated glass;
--- entrance to the bathroom - plywood;
--- exit to the balcony - with glazing with ordinary glass;
--- the entrance to the kitchen room - with glazing with ordinary glass.
The dimensions of the doorways are designed accordingly:
--- entrance to the apartment - 2100x800mm (D-1);
--- inter-room - 2100x800mm (D-2);
--- entrance to the bathroom - 2100x600mm (D-3);
--- exit to balcony - 2100x600mm (D-4);
--- kitchen room entrance - 2100x700mm (D-5).
In rooms with a passage to the balcony, a balcony unit is installed, consisting of:
OK-2 and D4 ;
The doorway of the entrance to the entrance is a metal door;
the size of the doorway of the entrance to the entrance is 2400x1500mm;
The doorway of the entrance to the garbage collection room is a metal door;
the size of the doorway of the entrance to the entrance is 2400x1080mm;
2.11 Ventilation
In residential and kitchen areas, air inflow is provided through adjustable sashes, framugs, windows, valves or other devices, including self-contained air wall valves with adjustable opening.
Air removal is provided from kitchens, latrines, bathrooms and, from other premises of apartments, while installation of adjustable ventilation grids and valves on exhaust channels and air ducts is provided.
2.12 Elevator
Elevator relates to device for arrangement of transportation between floors of multi-storey buildings. According to the requirements of [9], an elevator 320/0.71 (lifting capacity 320 kg, speed 0.71 m/s) was designed for the designed building.
Elevators should be provided in residential buildings with a floor elevation of the upper floor from the level of the planning elevation of the ground of 14 m or more. In IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA climatic subareas and areas located at an altitude of 1000 m or more above sea level, elevators should be provided in buildings with a floor elevation of the upper floor of 12 m or more.
For buildings to be built before 2000 in IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA climatic subdivisions, it is allowed to provide for the installation of elevators at a floor elevation of the upper floor of 13.5 m and at least from the planning elevation of the ground.
Elevators should be provided in residential buildings for the elderly and families with disabilities with a floor mark of 8 m or more and 5 m or more, respectively.
According to the requirements of [1], the width of the platform in front of the elevator should be at least: for passenger elevators with a lifting capacity of 400 kg - 1200mm. We design 1750mm. The elevator machine room is located directly above the elevator shaft and the flight of stairs .
2.13 Garbage line
According to the requirements of [1], the trash duct shall be airtight, soundproofed from building structures and shall not adjoin residential premises.
We design a waste pipeline equipped with devices for periodic washing, cleaning and disinfection of trunks in accordance with the requirements [8].
Construction: The assembly pipe passes through the intermediate platforms and ends on the ground floor with a garbage collector.
The waste collection chamber is placed directly under the trash duct shaft with hot and cold water supply to it.
The waste collection chamber has an independent entrance with an opening door, isolated from the entrance to the building by a blind wall (screen), and stand out with fire partitions and a ceiling.
During the course work, a project was developed for a 9-storey residential building in Anapa., Which includes the architectural, planning and structural solution of the building sanitary and engineering equipment, external and internal decoration of the building, sound insulation calculation of the inter-apartment floor was carried out. Thermal calculation of the enclosing structures of the building and technical and economic assessment of the building. The graphic part includes plans of non-repeating floors, the facade of the building, a cross section, plans of foundations, floors, roofs and structural elements.
During the design, special technical literature, typical designs and construction drawings were used. The principles of developing a structural system and building parts from large-sized elements of factory manufacture were studied, when performing the graphic part, the skills of graphic design of architectural and structural drawings were improved.
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