Mineral fertilizer loader

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Additional information
1. Scope of Application
2. Process Organization and Technology
2.1. Metal roof arrangement
2.2. Repair of metal roofs
3. Quality and Acceptance Requirements
4. Calculation of labor, machine time and wages
5. Work Schedule
6. Logistical resources
7. Safety precautions
8. Technical and economic indicators
List of sources used
1 Scope
The Job Instruction is drawn up in accordance with the "Guidelines for development of Job Instructions in Construction."
The technological map was developed for the construction and repair of the metal roof of a four-story sixteen-apartment building with a plan size of 33.6 m × 13.2 m along the axes.
The Job Instruction has been developed for the roofing of roofing sheet steel on the screen. The lattice consists of bars 50 × 50 mm with a distance of 200 mm in the light between them.
The coating is made of paintings made of standard sheets with a size of 1420 × 710 mm thin-sheet roofing steel.
The Job Instruction includes the work on the arrangement of the screen, roofing, cornice overhangs, wall troughs, as well as the coating of roof slabs, wall troughs and flutes. The map can be used in the construction and repair of this type of roof coatings on other buildings after specifying the scope of work, calculation of labor costs, work schedule and technical and economic indicators.
Work is carried out in Norilsk in the summer conditions of the climatic zone IB.
2 Process Organization and Technology
2.1 Metal roof arrangement
Organizational and preparatory measures must be performed before the metal roof is installed.
Preparatory work includes:
check of compliance with design slopes of roof slopes;
checking the correctness of the grating device;
sorting and quality check of the supplied metal sheets.
Roofs made of galvanized or black roofing steel are provided for roofs of buildings with a slope of 30 to 60% (160300). The main materials for steel sheet roofs are non-galvanized (black) or galvanized roofing steel. Roofing steel is produced in the form of sheets measuring 1420 × 710 mm, 2000 × 1000 mm, thickness 0.40.8 mm, weight (depending on thickness) from 3 to 6 kg.
In addition to sheet steel, the following are used in roofing works:
roofing nails with a thickness of 3.54 mm, a length of 4050 mm with a large hat for punching steel sheets to the grill on cornice overhangs and attaching clammers;
construction nails from 2.5 to 4 mm thick, 50100 mm long for punching crutches and hooks;
clummers (made of roofing steel trimmings) for attachment of roofing sheets to the screen;
hooks (made of strip steel 5-6 mm thick, 1625 mm wide and 420 mm long) for fastening wall chutes;
crutches (made of strip steel 5-6 mm thick, 2536 mm wide, 450 mm long) to maintain cornice overhangs;
takeovers for fixing the drain pipes to the walls of the building;
clamps on bolts for attachment of drain pipes, funnels and casting.
Any roofs consist of two main parts - the load-bearing and enclosing (the roof itself). With a wooden load-bearing structure under the roof of steel sheets and the distance between the rafters 1.22 m, a grating is usually arranged from boards with a section of 200 × 50 mm and bars with a section of 50 × 50 mm. Bars and boards are located at a distance of 200 mm from each other.
The grating for the roof of sheet steel should be even, strong, rigid, without protrusions and depressions. Clearance of not more than 5 mm is allowed between control rack with length of 1 m and screen.
For the device of cornice overhang and wall troughs, a continuous board flooring is laid from trim boards with a width of 3-4 boards (700 mm). The faceplate of the cornice overhang must be straight and hang from the cornice by the same amount throughout its length. Continuous flooring from trim boards is also arranged under the grooves (for a width of up to 500 mm in each direction).
Along the skate, two boards converging with edges are laid, which serve to maintain the skate joint.
The durability of the roof depends on the correct arrangement of the screen, since even a slight deflection of the sheets on it weakens the density of joints (falcons), which leads to leaks and destruction of the coating.
Process Organization and Technology
Of the total work on the construction of metal roofs, about 50% are installation work performed directly on the roof, that is, in the most difficult conditions.
Roofing works include the following operations:
coating of cornice overhangs;
laying of wall troughs;
arrangement of ordinary coating (covering of roof slabs);
coating of flasks.
Pre-prepared roofing paintings are lifted to the roof using a KS35714K car crane in special containers. To receive them, an inventory demountable platform and a light sheet storage stand are installed on the roof.
The coating of the cornice begins with the installation along the overhang of crutches designed to support paintings. Crutches are nailed to the lattice 700 mm from each other with the extension (overhang) from the edge of the lattice 130170 mm. All crutches must be laid with the same overhang, so first nail two extreme crutches, and one of the nails on each crutch is not completely clogged. A cord is pulled between these nails, from which the position of all intermediate crutches is determined.
The roof is covered with sheet steel from pre-prepared sheets called paintings. Paintings can be single and double (of two sheets), connected on short sides. The latter method is more productive, since it reduces the labor cost of joining the roof sheets and allows the use of enlarged roofing elements.
The blank of paintings consists in bending the edges of the sheet on four sides for subsequent connection on the roof with folds. It can be produced manually or mechanically on folding machines.
Roofing sheets are usually connected to each other on the short side of the sheet with recumbent folds, and on the long side with standing (ridge) ones. When covering roofs, the ridge falcons are located along the stingray, and the recumbent ones are located across (parallel to the skate of the roof), which does not prevent the flow of water from the stingrays. The folded compounds may be single and double.
As a rule, the connection of sheets for covering roof slabs is made by single folds and only with small slopes of the roofs (about 160) and in places of the largest accumulation of water (troughs, troughs) - double.
Covering roof slopes is one of the most time-consuming operations in the construction of steel sheet roofs.
In the complex of works carried out on the roof for the arrangement of ordinary covering of stingrays, the greatest labor costs fall on the connection with ridge falcons, since the length of the latter is twice as long as the length of lying falcons, of which half is performed in the workshop when preparing paintings.
Cornice paintings previously prepared and supplied to the roof are laid over crutches along the roof overhang so that their edge, having a flap tape, tightly envelops the protruding part of the crutch. The unbent edge of the sheets on the opposite side is nailed to the screen with a distance between them of 400500 mm. The nail hats are further covered with a wall chute. Paintings of Carnese overhang are connected to each other by lying falcons.
Process Organization and Technology
At the end of cornice overhangs coating wall chutes are laid. Typically, the troughs are placed between water intake funnels with a slope of 1:20 to 1:10. The work starts with the installation of hooks, which are placed along the line intended for laying the chutes and beaten off with a planted cord. Hooks are placed on top of paintings at a distance of 650 mm from each other. Hooks should be placed perpendicular to the line of wall troughs and nailed with two or three nails to the screen.
Upon completion of works on laying of wall troughs, roof slopes are covered. Paintings of the ordinary covering of forceps roofs (gable) are usually laid, starting from the forceps wall (pediment), and shaft (four-gable) - from the edge of their skates. The paintings are laid out in stripes along the roof slope in the direction from the skate to the trough. Paintings in each strip are connected to each other by lying falcons. In this way, several strips are laid, which are temporarily attached at the skate to the grate with nails (beyond the edge of the bent edge of the ridge). The front overhang must hang from the screen by 4050 mm. Attachment of overhang is made with end clammers installed through 200400 mm, which together with longitudinal bending of row strip are bent in the form of double standing folds.
Along the strip assembled from the paintings, clammers are nailed to the side of the lattice at a distance of 600 mm from each other. Then second strip is assembled and laid so that bent large edge of first strip adjoins small bent edge of sheets of second strip. At the same time, adjacent strips are shifted relative to each other by 4050 mm so that the recumbent folds of neighboring paintings are located separately.
Row strips are laid on ramp with outlet of 5060 mm above roof skate to form ridge ridge. In order to avoid meeting two ridge falcons of opposite roof slopes on a skate, they are placed in a run-down at a mutual distance of at least 50 mm.
Neighboring strips of paintings are first connected with a ridge falcon only at the clummers, while they are tightly pulled to the lattice, and then along the entire length of the ridge falcon.
Following the coating of the roof slopes, the glands are covered from skate to overhang. The reamer strip assembled in the workshop and fed to the roof in the folded form is deployed and placed in place so that its longitudinal edges fit under the edges of the row cover of slabs, which are trimmed with hand scissors along the boundaries of the reamer. Then the edges of the flask are connected to the edges of the row cover with a lying falcon bent towards the flask, with the final sealing of the flasks with a kiyanka.
After connection with the row coating, the upper end of the flute adjacent to the skate is cut in the shape of the skate, and the lower end adjacent to the wall chute is parallel to the direction of the flute with leaving an edge for the folding piece. Then the flask is connected to the skate with a ridge phantom and to the wall chute - with a recumbent phantom bent towards the chute (in the direction of water runoff).
The folds, with which the sheets of the grouse are connected to each other and with an ordinary roof cover, must be marked with suric putty.
Process Organization and Technology
2.2 Repair of metal roofs
Repair of old steel sheet roofs, depending on the degree and nature of their wear and tear, is divided into two types: capital and current. Overhaul includes a complete (or large areas of the roof) change of roofing, as well as drainage pipes and linear coatings on the facades of the building. Maintenance includes a partial change of roofing (small areas or individual sheets), patching, fistula sealing, replacement of unsuitable parts of drainage pipes.
During overhaul of sheet roofs, which provides for a continuous or significant change of roofing, work on the preparation or laying of roofing paintings is carried out in the same methods and techniques as during the construction of a new roof. In this case, only the operation of preliminary removal of the old roofing, which has fallen into disrepair, is added. When disassembling the roof, the ridge folds are first extended or cut, then the recumbent ones are separated.
The roof steel removed from the roof is carefully sorted. Reusable sheets are trimmed with scissors, straightened and cleaned.
Maintenance is performed as follows: Before starting repair, to detect damaged places, the roof is inspected simultaneously from the outside and from the attic room. Inspection of the attic is carried out at the lumen in heavy rain or after it. Detected places of roof damage are delineated with chalk and applied to roof diagram, where dimensions of replaced roof sections are indicated.
Removal (disassembly) of damaged roof sections is performed for the entire width of the sheet (between adjacent ridge folds). When setting new sheets or paintings, they are first connected to the old coating with lying falcons, and then ridge with simultaneous strengthening with clammers. At the same time, the line of falcons of one lane should not (as in the new cover) coincide with the line of lying falcons of the neighboring lane.
With small damaged areas of the roof, roof steel patches are placed on them. To do this, the damaged part of the sheet is cut with a tooth along the grid lines so that the new joint is located on a rigid base. Patches on the roof are placed on the entire width of the sheet (between ridge falcons). Work is carried out in the same sequence as when changing whole sheets or paintings.
Repair of the roof sometimes requires a partial or continuous change of wall troughs, eaves or eaves, which are destroyed faster than others from rust.
When changing the gutters, you must first make sure that the coverage of cornice overhangs is healthy, otherwise you must first change the unsuitable parts of the overhangs so that subsequently you do not have to remove the repaired gutters.
Repair of cornice overhangs consists in replacing damaged areas with new ones or in straightening of bent parts. When changing damaged cornice overhangs, first disassemble the troughs and remove the hooks. When changing troughs and troughs, it is necessary to make extensions to the ordinary coating, since the use of old lying falcons of the ordinary coating to connect them with the trough or trough paintings is not allowed.
Process Organization and Technology
Fine repair of roofs made of sheet steel involves the device of patches. Fistula and holes up to 5 mm are cleaned from dirt, rust and fragile coloring with a steel brush and sealed with thick oily suric putty from the outside and from the side of the attic, covering the damaged place by 2030 mm.
In 530 mm damage, the ragged edges of the holes are straightened and cleaned. The hole is hemp-coated with pacley impregnated with thick suric paint. The cleaned place with a law-infused hole is washed with suric putty on top, then a patch larger than the damaged place is applied to it by 80100 mm from thin glass fabric impregnated with thick suric paint. The patch is carefully leveled and pressed against the metal sheet, monitoring the full impregnation of the glass fabric and the quality of gluing, especially around the perimeter of the patch.
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