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Mechanics of soils, foundations - course design

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Course Design, Graphic + Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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icon Курсовой, 11201716, Петрушенко.docx

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Foundations of shallow foundation on natural base

Analysis of physical and mechanical properties of building spot soil

Selection of depth of foundation bottom

Selecting a Foundation Type and Sizing

Foundation for stand-alone column (section 5-5)

Foundation for part of structure with basement (section 1-1)

Calculation of probable foundation settlement

1.4.1. For foundation for column (5-5)

1.4.2. For foundation for stand-alone column (1-1)

1.5 Selection of working valves

1.5.1 Selection of working reinforcement of foundation bottom for section 1-

1.5.2. Selection of working reinforcement of foundation bottom with section 5-

2. Pile foundations

2.1. Basic Provisions for Calculation and Design of Pile Foundations

2.2 Calculation and design of pile foundations

2.3 Construction of the pile pile body

2.4 Calculation of pile foundation base by deformations

2.4.1 Calculation of extra-centered loaded foundation with section 1-

2.4.2 Calculation of extra-centered loaded foundation with section 5-

3. Reconstruction of foundations on natural base with load increase by 30%


List of literature used


During the implementation of this course project, practical skills of designing the foundations of buildings and structures were obtained, knowledge of theoretical foundations was enshrined in their practical application.

In the design for the housing of the residential building, shallow foundations in the form of columnar foundations and pile foundations using driven piles are calculated and designed. Calculations were also carried out for the reconstruction of shallow foundations with an increase in load by 30%, a classical method was chosen to strengthen the foundations - expansion of the supporting part. The reconstruction technology implies the reinforcement of the foundation by the cage method.

Drawings content

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