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Mechanical calculation of the column apparatus. Three-section stripping distillation column

  • Added: 03.03.2024
  • Size: 559 KB
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The object of the study is a column apparatus.


As a result of the study, the selection of structural materials and contact devices was made, the strength of the column apparatus body was calculated, the reinforcement of the holes, flange connections, the hatch cover, the wind load on the column apparatus, the reduced loads and the choice of support were made, and the strength of the column apparatus was checked.


Source data:

Apparatus diameter, m                            1.8

Operating pressure in the apparatus, Mpa    0.25

Operating temperature in the device,       300 °C

Total height, m                                   19

Pole height, m                                    4.9

Vehicle weight, t                                  22




    1 Calculation of the apparatus for strength. 7

1.1    Selection of structural materials for the main elements of the apparatus. 7

1.2    Selection of the strength factor of welds. 8

1.3    Determination of design parameters. 9

1.4    Calculation of the wall thickness of a cylindrical shell. Determination of as-built wall thickness. 13

1.5    Calculation of bottom wall thickness. Choice of standard bottoms. 15

    2 Calculation of hole strengthening. 18

    3 Design of flange connection. 20

    4 Calculation of the apparatus for wind load. 34

    5 Specification 40


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