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Marine engine ZA-40S


ZA-40S marine engine with drawing, indicator diagram, dynamic force curves

Design features of the engine. 5

1. Thermal calculation. 8

1.1 Initial parameters.  8

1.2 Calculation of the duty cycle. 9

1.3 Filling process. 10

1.4 Compression process. 11

1.5 Thermochemistry of the combustion process. 11

1.6 Extension Process. 12

1.7 Indicator and effective indicators of the work process. 13

1.8 Construction of a calculated indicator chart.  13

2. Calculation of gas exchange and pressurization. 16

2.1 Determination of available time-section. 16

2.2 Determination of the theoretically necessary time-section. 18

2.3 Calculation of the energy balance of the pressurization system. 20

3. Calculation of the dynamics and equilibrium of a diesel engine. 24

3.1 Initial data. 24

3.2 Determination of the masses of moving parts. 24

3.3 Calculation of dynamic forces. 25

3.4 Calculation of the degree of unevenness of rotation of the crankshaft. 27

3.5 Engine Equilibrium Analysis. 28

4. Calculation of the strength of the main parts of the internal combustion engine ..  32

4.1 Calculation of the crankshaft. 32

4.2 Connecting rod calculation. 38

4.3. Calculation of the piston ring  40

Project's Content

icon 4680-6-ZA40S.docx
icon 1_Indikatornaya_diagramma.docx
icon 3_1_Tablitsa_Krivye_sil_dinamiki_v_krivoshipno-shatunnom_mekhanizme.docx
icon DIZEL_ZA-40S_ISPR.cdw

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Drawings content

icon DIZEL_ZA-40S_ISPR.cdw


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