Machining of ring part and roller of assembly unit

- Added: 27.01.2021
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Fundamentals of mechanical engineering technology
Project's Content
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Additional information
1.1 Basic information:
1.2 Guidance Information:
1.3 Reference Information:
2.1 Analysis of technical requirements for the production facility
2.2 Part Constructability Analysis
2.2 Definition of production type
2.4 Feasibility Study for Procurement Selection
2.5 Development of part machining process
2.6 Calculation and selection of cutting modes
2.7 Process rationing
2.8 Development of process operation and control program fragment
3.1. Calculation and design of the accessory
4.1 Occupational Safety
5.1Creates and objectives
5.2 Theoretical component of the economic section of the diploma project
5.3 Practical component of the economic section of the diploma project
The essence of engineering technology is the doctrine of methods and processes of industrial production of products of a given quality and in the required amount. The modern development of mechanical engineering technology is a set of interconnected processes of improvement, primarily, methods of processing materials, technological equipment, processing and measuring tools, as well as the theoretical and practical foundations of processing processes. It is stimulated by the complexity of the design of products, increased requirements for the quality of their manufacture and the desire to reduce the cost of production, as well as the frequent change of production facilities. The use of multi-tool CNC machines equipped with mechanization and automation means allows designing technological processes for processing parts with enlarged saturated transitions in operations, reducing the labor intensity of their production and significantly reducing the time for technological preparation of production with a frequent change in the range of manufactured products.
In modern production, the proportion of technological processes that do not fully meet the above requirements is still quite high. Therefore, the introduction of progressive methods of dimensional processing of parts, the economically justified use of high-performance equipment, wear-resistant combined cutting tool, mechanized equipment and means of automation of production processes in the mechanical workshops of modern machine-building plants becomes very relevant.
The purpose of this diploma design is to improve the operational technology of making the Roller part and achieve the best technical and economic indicators compared to the basic version of the factory technology.
Initial Design Information
1.1 Basic information:
1) basic manufacturing process of "Roller" part;
2) working drawing of "Roller" part;
3) workshop operation mode - single-shift;
4) part material - Steel 40X GOST 454371.
1.2 Guidance Information:
ESKD standards; AETPP; ESTD.
GOST 2.00193 GOST 2.1042006 GOST 2.105-95
GOST 3.111882 GOST 3.140486 GOST 3.1105-2011
GOST 14.00483 GOST 3.1109-82
1.3 Reference Information:
1) type of initial stock - round rolled stock;
2) available equipment;
3) normative data on selection of workpiece, allowances, cutting modes, rationing, etc.,
4) reference literature.
Feasibility Study for Procurement Selection
2.4.1 Analysis of procurement methods and selection of optimal
Workpieces processed on automated lines and sections shall meet the following basic requirements:
minimum allowance sufficient to ensure the specified accuracy and roughness of the treated surface;
allowance distribution shall be uniform over the billet surface and stable for the whole batch of parts;
consistency of physical and mechanical properties over the entire surface;
the allowance spread should not exceed the allowable value, which ensures effective clamping of the workpiece into a pre-configured tooling;
The base shall have a relatively high accuracy in the shape and arrangement of the surfaces and ensure reliable attachment of the part during machining;
the nature of chip removal from cutting edges of tools should be free, preventing jamming and breakage of tools, especially when processing holes of small diameter;
deviation from non-perpendicular of billet ends to generatrix
more than 0.5 mm for blanks up to 100 mm in diameter, and not more than 1.0 mm for
blanks with a diameter of more than 100 mm.
The selection of the procurement method is influenced by the part material; its purpose and technical requirements for manufacture; volume and serial quality of production; the shape of the surfaces and the dimensions of the part.
The optimal method of obtaining the workpiece is determined on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of these factors and a technical and economic calculation of the technological cost of the part. The method of obtaining a workpiece, which ensures the processability of making a part from it at a minimum cost of the latter, is considered optimal.
The project performs a brief analysis of the existing procurement method in the plant. It should reflect the technological process, if necessary illustrated by sketches, its positive and negative aspects, the quality of the procurement, the causes of the scrap and the possibility of its elimination. It is necessary to provide data on the cost of the method of obtaining the workpiece in the conditions of the plant, its labor intensity, productivity, material capacity.
Based on the analysis, the study of advanced methods for obtaining similar blanks at other enterprises, as well as literary data and a feasibility study, it is necessary to propose an optimal method for obtaining the blanks for the accepted production conditions. The drawing must be worked on the processability of the design of the part in order to reduce the cost of labor, funds, material and time for the manufacture of the workpiece using the proposed method. It is also necessary to provide for the use of unavoidable metal wastes obtained during the mechanical treatment of blanks (rolled stock cutting, etc.)
For this part, you can use the following methods for producing blanks: hot volumetric stamping on hammers and presses, hot volumetric stamping on horizontal forging machines, as well as obtaining a blank from rolled stock.
The most rational methods of obtaining the workpiece from the above for this part, taking into account the material, weight, configuration, dimensions of the part and the annual production program, are rolled.
Rod of round section is used as initial blank.
2.5.2 Selection of machine tool
More than 25 million machine tools are currently in operation in industry. The manufacturing costs of the tooling thus approach the manufacturing costs of the metal cutting machines themselves.
The importance of technological tooling is determined by the fact that it increases labor productivity and creates the prerequisites for mechanization and automation of production.
Increase of labor productivity during application of technological equipment is provided by the following:
- reduction of auxiliary time for installation and fixation of the workpiece;
- intensification of cutting modes due to increased stiffness and vibration resistance of AIDS system;
- reduction of racing and locksmithing operations during assembly of the article;
- expansion of multi-site service;
- elimination of billets marking before processing;
- improvement of manufacturing accuracy, etc.
Blank is installed by tight contact of base surfaces with fixture mounting elements rigidly secured in its body. This is ensured by applying appropriate securing forces to the blank. For complete orientation of the workpiece, the number and position of the supports must be such that, subject to the condition of continuity of bases from the supports, the workpiece cannot move and rotate about coordinate axes. When the condition of continuity is met, the procurement is deprived of all degrees of freedom.
The number of supports (points) on which the workpiece is installed must not be more than six (rule of six points). To ensure a stable position of the workpiece in the fixture, the distance between the supports should be chosen as large as possible; when installing the workpiece on the supports, there should be no tilting moment. As the distance between the supports increases, the influence of the shape errors of the base surfaces on the position of the workpiece in the tool decreases. The main supports are rigidly connected to the accessory housing.
The most effective way to reduce workpiece deformations under the influence of fastening forces is to direct forces, if possible, on the support. This saves the workpiece from the effects of bending moments.
At the same time, it is necessary to remember some ways to reduce possible deformations: for example, you should not apply more force than is necessary for reliable fixation of the workpiece. Accessories used:
1) Self-centering three-cam hydraulic cartridge Ø 200mm
2) Cams straight Rohm
3) 396100 - Special attachment for fastening the billet Conductor
2.5.3 Cutting Tool Selection
1) A centering drill of Ø3.15 of mm of P6M5 - 371240
2) Pass-through thrust mandrel (cutter) with CN = 95to DCLNL 2525 12 (left) with replaceable cutting insert CNMG 120408 (diamond 80 °)
3) K.01.4980.00015 Boring cutter T15K6 TU 2-035-1040-86
4) Spiral drill Ø50 mm with conical shank P6M5
5) Spiral drill Ø14 mm with conical shank P6M5
6) Groove cutter.
7) Tap for cutting of metric M16, P6M5 thread
2.5.4 Selection of test equipment
The factors leading to the marriage of details are divided into two groups. The first group includes wear of basic elements of devices and elements of machine tools, which affects accuracy of geometric shape and mutual arrangement of treated surfaces. This wear is relatively slow, and therefore it is not necessary to monitor these parameters more often than once a week, which makes it inappropriate to automate the control.
The second group includes the dimensional wear of cutting tools, as well as random factors (part basing errors, fluctuation in hardness and stiffness of the part, etc.). This wear and tear is relatively fast, and to prevent possible failure, control is organized on automated lines and sections:
the actual size of the machined surface directly on the machine, that is, during machining;
statistical quality control of processed parts; limit of tool durability; the operation of the new tool.
Automated sizing of the workpiece directly on the machine is most effective because it prevents the first workpiece from exceeding the sizing tolerance. In the event of accidental factors, the recurrence of scrap on subsequent parts is prevented.
The disadvantage of machine monitoring is a slight decrease in equipment productivity due to an increase in auxiliary time, which can be a significant amount with a large number of controlled sizes.
Controls used:
Caliper of ShTs1 of 250 mm
Micrometer normal accuracy 200225 mm
Threaded plug gauge M16-7H
Indicator NI 160 0.01
Caliber-plug 120H7
Economic section
5.1 Objectives and objectives.
Objectives of the diploma project:
Formation and development of professional and general, assimilation and practical consolidation of educational material.
Formation of working material on the economic part of the diploma project.
Development of the level of economic and managerial knowledge and skills of the student.
Development of broad horizons and erudition, as well as the formation and development of skills of independent research, search and analytical work
The main tasks of the diploma project are:
Analyze the main criteria and key figures that determine the cost of manufacturing a product and generate a planned costing.
Create skills to compile a planned costing of a specific product.
Perform key figure calculations for plan costing or cost estimate items according to the selected activity algorithm.
Perform calculations to determine the profitability of the product.
The algorithm for the execution of the diploma project includes the following items:
Analysis of the task, formation of goals and tasks and selection of the necessary literature, research of databases and other educational and practical material.
Study, consolidation within the theoretical part of the diploma project of the main indicators and criteria determining the planned cost estimate and profitability of the product production (performance of work).
Sequential (article-by-article) mathematical calculation of the indicators that determine the cost of production of the product (performance of work) and are required to form a planned costing.
Create a planned cost estimate for the manufacture of a specific product and calculate the profitability of the product.
For economic calculations, it is necessary to know some of the terms and definitions that are given below.
5.2 Theoretical component of the economic section of the diploma project.
The cost of industrial products is the current cost of production and sale of products expressed in monetary terms.
The largest share of all expenses of the enterprise is the cost of production.
Production costs include:
a) means consumed during production.
b) products and semi-finished products used in the production process, as well as production services of other enterprises.
Direct costs are costs directly related to production.
These costs apply to one product type.
Indirect costs are costs that cannot be directly distributed to and affect objects, but affect them indirectly.
Fixed costs are costs that are carried out independently of the output of production (rent, payment for heat and electricity, etc.).
Variable costs are costs that directly depend on the quantity of products produced (material costs, labor costs of the main workers, etc.).
The price is a monetary expression of the cost of products (works, services). This is an economic category that allows you to indirectly measure the amount of work spent on the production of a particular product, working time and socially useful work.
There are three main types of industrial prices:
1. The wholesale price of the enterprise, which provides for the reimbursement of all current costs for products and profitability. Moreover, profit is the difference between the wholesale price and the cost of the product.
2. Wholesale price of industry. It is formed on the basis of the wholesale price of the enterprise and the additional inclusion in the price of costs from household organizations and value added tax.
3. Retail price. It is the final price of the goods at which the goods are sold through the retail network. It includes the wholesale price of industry and the cost of trading organizations.
The concept of insurance premiums.
Insurance premiums for 2016
Total insurance premiums make up 30% of the main salary of workers:
- Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - 22% of total insurance premiums
- Social Security Fund - 2.9%
- Compulsory Health Insurance Fund - 5.1%:
Federal - 3.1%
Territorial - 2%
Production efficiency.
Revenue from sales of products (works, services).
The sale of finished products allows you to determine the financial result of the enterprise.
Revenue from the sale of products is the amount of money received by the enterprise for the manufactured products.
This is the main source for the reimbursement of costs and the generation of income of the enterprise.
In addition to revenue from the sale of products, the enterprise can receive revenue from other implementations.
Profit is the main goal of entrepreneurial activity. It is the main source, financial resource of the enterprise, associated with the generation of gross income. Where the gross income of the enterprise is revenue from the sale of products minus material costs, that is, it includes labor and profit.
In the balance sheet of the enterprise, two types of profit are distinguished:
1. Gross profit.
This is the difference between income and expenses before all taxes.
2. Net income is the balance of all taxes.
Net profit is used by the enterprise for its own economic needs through funds:
1. Production development funds.
2. Enterprise social development development funds.
3. Reserve funds
As a result of the diploma project, the process of machining the Roller part was developed, which includes: turning operations with NC, drilling, thermal and grinding. Interoperative allowances were calculated on the most accurate surface, as a result of the calculation, a workpiece for this part was designed. For part of machining operations, cutting modes are determined by analytical calculation, and for the rest - assigned according to general engineering standards. Process rationing of machining operation is given.
Section 2.8 provides the process and control program for the NC machine.
Section 3 calculates and designs the hole drilling fixture.
Section 4 provides NC Operator safety instructions.
Section 5 calculates the cost of production of the part "Roller."
The diploma project appendix contains a set of process documentation, which includes: 1) a set of process documentation (process of machining the part "roller"); 2) graphic part (drawing of part, process adjustment, cutting tool).
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