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Low-rise residential building from small-sized elements of Tula

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TAMBOV STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY "Architecture and Construction of Buildings" Course project in the discipline "Fundamentals of Architecture" on the topic: "Low-rise residential building of small-sized elements" Tambov 2018 Initial design data: 1. Construction area - Tula2. The structural system is a wall system. 3 Structural diagram - longitudinal 4. Foundation - tape assembly5. External walls - from silicate brick, insulation outside 6. The inner walls are made of ceramic bricks. 7 Partitions - from ceramic bricks. 8 Floors - reinforced concrete bales 9. The roof is pitched with elephant rafters made of bar 10. Building area diagram number -11. Soils of the base are buoyant. 12 Groundwater level - below the surface of the earth by 5 m. This work considers the development of architectural and structural drawings of a two-story residential building with a basement and attic. Contents: Introduction 1. Geographical, socio-economic and climatic characteristics of the construction area. Required Design Building Parameters3. Functional process of the building 4. Space-planning solution of the building 5. Structural solution of the building 5.1. Foundations. Determination of foundation depth. External and internal walls 5.3. Peregorodki5.4. Slabs and floor5.5. Lestnitsy5.6. Rafters and roofs5.7. Windows and doors6. Sanitary and engineering equipment of the building. 7 Architectural and artistic solution of the building. 8 Situational plan of the building plot 9. Justification for selection of building enclosing structures9.1 Thermal engineering calculation of external wall 9.2 Thermal engineering calculation of attic 10. List of sources used

Project's Content

icon ПЗ.docx
icon Чертежи.dwg
icon Лист 1 A1A.pdf

Additional information



Geographical, socio-economic and climatic characteristics of the construction area

2. Required parameters of the designed building

3. Building Functional Process

4. Space-planning solution of the building

5. Structural solution of the building

5.1. Foundations. Determination of foundation depth

5.2. Exterior and interior walls

5.3. Partitions

5.4. Floors and Floors

5.5. Ladders

5.6. Rafter system and roof

5.7. Windows and doors

6. Sanitary and engineering equipment of the building

7. Architectural and artistic solution of the building

8. Development Site Situational Plan

9. Justification for selection of building enclosures

9.1 Thermal design of the outer wall

9.2 Thermal engineering calculation of attic

List of sources used


Job for coursework

on the topic: "Low-rise residential building of small-sized elements"

Design Input:

1. Construction district - Tula ______________________________________________

2. Structural system - wall _____________________________________________

3. Structural diagram - longitudinal ____________________________________________

4. Foundation - strip prefabricated _______________________________________________

5. External walls - made of silicate brick, insulation outside ___________________

6. The inner walls are made of ceramic brick ___________________________________

7. Partitions - _ of ceramic brick ______________________________________

8. Slabs - _ reinforced concrete beams __________________________________________

9. The roof is pitched with elephant rafters made of bar ____________________________

10. Building site diagram number - ______________________________

11. The soils of the base are heaving ______________________________________________

12. Groundwater level - below the surface of the earth by 5 m _________________________

List of issues to be developed:

Develop architectural and structural drawings of a two-story residential building with basement and attic

Composition of Explanatory Note

Cover Sheet

Design Task

Project List



Geographical, socio-economic and climatic characteristics of the construction area.

Required parameters of the designed building.

Functional process of the building.

Space-planning solution of the building.

Structural solution of the building.

Foundations. Determination of foundation depth.

Exterior and interior walls.


Floors and floors.


Rafter system and roof.

Windows and doors.

Sanitary and engineering equipment of the building.

Architectural and artistic solution of the building.

Situational plan of the development site.

Justification for selection of building enclosing structures.

Thermal calculation of the outer wall.

Thermal calculation of the attic.

List of literature


List of graphic material for development:

Graphics part is performed on two sheets of A1 format

Facades: from the entrance and side (M 1:100);

Plans of the 1st and 2nd floors (M 1:100);

Longitudinal section - near the skate (M 1:100);

Plans: foundations, floors of the 1st floor, rafters and shingles, roofs (M 1:100; 1:200);

Structural section along the outer wall (M 1:50, 1:20);

Structural units, parts (M 1:10, 1:20);

Situational plan of the development site (M 1:500)

Explication of buildings and structures to the situational plan;

Floor Explication.


The main purpose of architecture has always been to create the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings having an internal space, a complex of buildings and structures organizing an external space. Masonry is a structure consisting of stones laid on a building mortar in a certain order. Masonry perceives its own gravity, other structural elements resting on masonry, and the loads applied to them, and also performs heat-insulating, sound-insulating and other functions. Under the conditions of modern construction, brick buildings are being erected. According to many experts, the oldest building material brick remains unsurpassed in terms of the degree of durability and quality of facade decoration created, and ease of manufacture.

The traditional system with manual masonry of brick walls, despite its labor-intensive nature, has a number of decorative and operational advantages.

Due to the small size of wall elements, this system allows you to design buildings of any shape.

Structures with hand masonry walls are reliable in operation, they are very rack and durable. The decorative properties of brick masonry are very diverse, which allows in most cases to use them as facade compositions. Currently, it is widely used to make exterior walls of buildings from light masonry with insulators, which allows significantly reducing the consumption of brick and cement, as well as increasing the resistance of walls to heat transfer, which reduces fuel consumption.

The course design is developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 31022001 and the design assignment. The project consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note. The graphic part consists of two sheets of A1 format. The explanatory note consists of 27 sheets.

Structural solution of the building

Structural system - wall. Structural diagram - with transverse bearing walls. Rigidity and stability of the building is ensured by mutual dressing of masonry rows at the intersection of external and internal walls. Floor beams rest on load-bearing walls for 200 mm and are attached to the wall by support cushions.

5.2. Exterior and interior walls

Walls are made of fine-sized elements - silicate bricks. Masonry is performed on cement sand mortar. Seam thickness: vertical min 20 mm, horizontal 20 mm.

The external structural wall reference is 200 mm. At the inside wall, the reference to the axis is 190 mm (along the geometric axis ).

External walls design - with external insulation. It consists of brickwork 510 mm thick, mineral wool plate insulation 110 mm thick and an outer plaster layer 20 mm. A 20 mm thick cement sand mortar is also applied to the wall from the inside. The total thickness of the outer wall is 660 mm.

The external insulation is attached to the brick wall using plastic dowels.

Inner walls are made of ceramic brick, 380mm thick. The inner walls, at their intersections with each other and with the outer walls, are reinforced with steel nets with rods with a diameter of 6 mm, to give the walls greater rigidity.

Openings on top are covered with reinforced concrete bridges, which perceive the load of the wall itself in self-supporting walls, and the load of the carriers from the floors.

The window openings are made with quarters in order to reduce the air permeability of the openings.

Ventilation ducts measuring 140x140 mm and 140x270 mm are made in inner walls, 380 mm thick. The thickness of the partitions between the ventilation channels is ½ brick. The distance from the ventilation channel to the outer surface of the wall is also ½ brick. Ground floor plan. (see graphic part of sheet 1.)

5.3. Partitions

Partitions are made of 120 mm thick ceramic brick. Partitions on both sides are plastered and fixed to beams using reinforcement.

5.4. Floors and Floors

Slabs are made on reinforced concrete beams (BT40, BT48, BT60). Pitch of beams 600, 800 mm. The width of the beams resting on the wall is 120200 mm. Inter-beam filling inserts - prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs - lightweight concrete double-hollow slabs 80 mm high. Then a layer of ruberoid is laid and baked sand for soundproofing is filled, and 60x100 mm lags with a pitch of 600 mm and a floor with a thickness of 40 mm from chopped boards are laid on top.

On top of the black floor, depending on the room, lies ceramic tiles and dotted boards. In bathrooms, inter-beam filling is arranged from light concrete stones-inserts. In attic floors, a ruberoid layer, a 140 mm thick mineral wool insulation and running boards are laid over the roll shields. And above the beams on top of the insulation, wooden boxes with insulation are installed to protect the ends of the beams from freezing.

5.5. Ladders

Stairs are used to connect the rooms of the 1st and 2nd floors and the basement.

Three staircases with straight and cross-country steps are designed in the building. The width of the flights of stairs leading to the residential floors and to the basement is 1100 mm. Slope of stairs 1:2. The staircase fence is 1.2 m high.

The dimensions of the tread and riser are assumed to be 300x187.5 mm. Prefabricated stages are laid on wooden (75x300 mm) straps.

The slope of the entry stair is 1:2. Tread - 300 mm. Riser - 157mm.

5.6. Rafter system and roof

The roof is multi-pitched, with layered rafters. The rafters have a pitch of 815 mm. The section of the rafter legs is 50x200 mm. They rest with their lower end against the mauerlat (140x160 mm), between the mauerlat wall there is a lining of toll. Posts (120x120 mm) shall be placed in increments of 3000 mm. The posts abut against the bed (140x160 mm), under which the ruberoid layer, the brick column 250x250.

The ends of the rafter legs in the cornice part are attached to the wall using wire with a diameter of 6 mm.

A 100 x 25 mm grate with a pitch of 217 mm is nailed along the rafters' legs. Galvanized roofing steel is attached on top. The roof slope is 300.

Auditory windows are used to illuminate and ventilate the attic. Entrance to the attic is carried out by sliding stairs from the house.

For the rafters plan and roof plan see graphic part of sheet 2.

Sanitary and engineering equipment of the building

Pipelines with hot and cold water were laid in the house, water control meters, coarse water treatment filters, as well as sewage and gas pipes were installed. Gas meter is installed on the latter. A gas heating boiler is installed. The house was wired with grounding and a telephone cable was connected, as well as an optical fiber cable

Ventilation channels 140x140 mm and 270x140 mm are made in the wall for ventilation of air in bathrooms and kitchens on the first and second floors.

Thus, the building is equipped with all the technical systems and devices necessary for life.

Architectural and artistic solution of the building

As the main elements of the building, small-sized elements are used, which allows you to erect a residential building of any configuration with a good architectural and artistic appearance. Small-sized elements allow you to embody the ideas of the architect and satisfy the wishes of the customer.

The house is plastered with polymer cement mortar. Galvanized roofing steel is used as roof.

Development Site Situational Plan

The area of ​ ​ the plot is 3744 m2. On the site there is a designed house, a guest house, a playground, a swimming pool lined with paving tiles. The site is planted with lawn, trees and shrubs. The building area of ​ ​ the house is 299.62 m2.

Justification for selection of building enclosures

9.1. Thermal calculation of the outer wall.

1. Introduction:

The calculation was made in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

SP 50.13330.2012 Thermal protection of buildings.

SP 131.13330.2012 Construction climatology.

SP 231012004 Design of thermal protection of buildings

2. Source Data:

Construction area: Tula

Relative air humidity: φв =55%

Building or Space Type: Residential

Enclosure View: Exterior Walls

Design average temperature of internal air of the building: tv =20 °C

9.2.Teplotechnical calculation of attic floor.

1. Introduction:

The calculation was made in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

SP 50.13330.2012 Thermal protection of buildings.

SP 131.13330.2012 Construction climatology.

SP 231012004 Design of thermal protection of buildings

2. Source Data:

Construction area: Tula

Relative air humidity: φв =55%

Building or Space Type: Residential

Enclosing structure view: Attic floors (with roofs made of piece materials)

Design average temperature of internal air of the building: tv =20 °C

Drawings content

icon Чертежи.dwg

icon Лист 1 A1A.pdf

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