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Layout of busbar section of STO


The drawing shows the layout of the bus section of the workshop with equipment and overall dimensions. Included with this is an explanatory note with additional documents

Project's Content

icon Чертеж0101.bak
icon tekh_karta (1).bak
icon tekh_karta (1).kdw
icon ОТЧЕТ1.docx

Additional information




1.1 Type, structure and functions of the organization

1.2 Composition of the tank farm and its operation mode (or "Composition

serviced vehicles ")


2.1 Structure and functions of the technical service

2.2 Production process of maintenance and maintenance of road transport

Organizations (STO)

2.3 Methods of organization of maintenance and maintenance processes

2.4 Methods of organization of labor of repair workers

2.5 Rolling stock maintenance and maintenance standards


3.1 Information on Production Units

Motor vehicle organizations (car service organizations)

3.2 Characteristics of the busbar section

3.3 Production process on busbar



4.1 Safety requirements in the busbar section

4.2 Sanitary and hygienic requirements on tire assembly


4.3 Environmental protection measures at

busbar section


5.1 Duties

5.2 Office Layout

5.3 Job Instruction





The most important task in the development of the national economy and strengthening the economic potential of the country is to increase the efficiency of road transport.

The achievement of this goal is possible by improving the use of the car fleet through the production of more reliable cars and restoring their lost operability in car repair enterprises.

With an increase in the intensity of the use of the car fleet, the need for repair of cars, units and assemblies for the implementation of which is growing. It is necessary a well-organized car repair production, equipped with a modern production base.

Improving the reliability of overhauled cars and units can be achieved by specializing and concentrating production, improving the technology of repair, mechanization and automation of technological operations at all stages of the production process, increasing the technical level of automotive repair production based on the implementation of organizational and technological continuity with the automotive industry.

Organization Technical Service

2.1 Structure and functions of the technical service

The entire staff of the car shop is 4 car locksmiths and one master, master receptionist, accountant, chief accountant and director. All responsibility for the organization of work, consideration of claims on the quality of work performed by one or another car mechanics, payment of light bills, payment of wages to workers, training with personnel on safety and health, purchase of spare parts, materials, workwear is carried out by the director, foreman and chief accountant.

The organization of car maintenance works is carried out in accordance with the process charts for a car. Job instructions are developed by the manufacturer and include a list of mandatory works. The organization of maintenance work can be carried out by two methods individual and aggregate. With the aggregate method, faulty units, devices and units are replaced by new or previously repaired ones taken from the revolving fund. In this workshop, repairs are carried out individually, in which faulty units, units are removed from the car are repaired and placed on the same car. In the event of claims on the quality of the work performed by the customer if they incur material costs, they are carried out by the auto mechanic himself, who made this inaccuracy, if his guilt is obvious.

Technological processes imply two types of work to restore and maintain the operability of the car.

The process of restoring operability provides for a set of works to eliminate a specific failure, a speedometer, a furnace motor, brakes, etc. failed. The client arrives and himself says a malfunction that arose during the operation of the car.

The process of maintaining operability provides for a set of works that ensure the normal functioning of technically serviceable systems in given aisles, restoration of engine idling, ignition control, leveling of pressure in tires, collapse and convergence of wheels, etc. As a rule, the client says that something is wrong with the car, increased fuel consumption, removal of the car from rectilinear movement, whistling from the side of the engine, the mechanic usually already presents what list of work needs to be carried out to clarify and eliminate this malfunction.

When it is discovered, the mechanic tells the client the type of malfunction and the cost of correcting it, the cost of the part if it needs to be replaced with a new one and waits for a response from the client whether he agrees with this, whether he has the means to pay for this repair. Advice on car malfunctions during external inspection and on the inspection pit or on the lifting mechanism is provided free of charge since repairs can be expensive, and the client did not count on this amount.

2.4 Methods of organization of labor of repair workers

Integrated Brigade Method

This method makes it difficult to introduce a narrow specialization of individual performers, and, therefore, leads to an increase in the need for high-skill workers. With this method, each team strives to have its own jobs, maintenance and repair posts, technological equipment and tools, a supply of recycled units and spare parts. This leads to the dispersion of the material and technical resources of the STR and their inefficient use, increased demand for production and storage facilities, deterioration of supply conditions with increased demand for spare parts and materials.

With the method of complex brigades, difficulties arise in regulating the loading of individual performers for various complex brigades. Due to the fact that the failure is a random value, there is a significant variation in the labor intensity of TP for individual complex teams .

Sometimes there are situations when the workers of one complex brigade are overloaded and cars waiting for repair are idle here, and the other are underloaded, but the workers of this brigade are not interested in their early release on the line, since they are neither morally nor materially responsible for the exit of the cars through this brigade. This causes large overconsumption of cars in maintenance and repair, low productivity and efficient use of repair workers. The decentralization of production, the small amount of work for each type of impact make it almost impossible to implement integrated mechanization, the use of high-performance equipment, specialized posts and the in-line organization of maintenance of the PBX and complicate the operational management of production .

The main advantage of the method of integrated brigades is brigade responsibility for the quality of maintenance and repair work assigned to the PBX brigade. With this method, a good basis will be created for organizing intra-farm calculation and socialist competition between teams, ensuring high technical readiness of the most important rolling stock transportation work in this period, etc.

About Manufacturing Units

3.1 Information about production departments of the auto service organization

In the auto service of ODO "TehMegaService" there is one division with 4 posts where TO1, TO-2, diagnostics, bus assembly and TR of cars are carried out.

Maintenance (TO-1)

TO-1 is performed after 15,000 km or after a year of operation of the car. For each car, this parameter is determined by the manufacturer of the car.

At TO-1 check reliability of fastening of units and knots, lack of dribble of liquid.

Electrical wiring and units are cleaned from operational contamination. Reliability of electrical contact is checked, integrity of insulation is checked. Accumulator battery is cleaned from operational contamination, ventilation holes are cleaned, terminals are cleaned from oxides, electrolyte level and density are checked. Fan belt deflection value is checked. Free movement of control rods of throttle and air damper, performance of brakes is checked, steering wheel play is measured. Oil is replaced in the engine, gearbox, bridge. Check the operation of the alarm system, locks, lighting.

Lubricate the units, refer to lubrication map.

Faulty units and units shall be repaired.

Process Maintenance (TO-2)

TO-2 is performed after 30000 km or after two years of operation of the car.

TO-2 consists of works performed during TO-1 and a set of specific works.

- correctness of door opening and closing mechanisms;

Tightness of engine cooling system;

- attachment check and radiator condition;

- attachment of distribution gear cover, fan pulley, water pump, radial clearance in bearings;

- tightness of engine lubrication system;

- pull the nuts of inlet and outlet pipelines and intake pipes of the silencer;

- check condition of engine supports cushions;

- check the status of the power supply system devices;

- remove and rinse the filter element and the fuel fine cup;

- check the actuator action and free stroke of the clutch pedal;

- play in hinges and splined joint of gimbal transmission;

- check the condition and tightness of the rear axle ;

- steering gear plays;

- check attachment and cotter pins of hinge pins and levers of swivel knuckles;

-state of front axle beam;

- remove the brake drums and clean the brake mechanisms from dirt;

- check the condition of the main brake cylinder, amplifiers, pipelines;

- check of actuator serviceability and operation of parking braking system ;

- check of attachment: ramps of front and rear springs, shock absorbers, brackets of their attachment ;

- check of wheels attachment, condition of rims and discs, condition and wear of tyres ;

- clean the battery from dirt and dust, check the electrolyte level in all banks of the battery;

- check the condition of spark plugs;

- after maintenance check operation of units, mechanisms and devices by check mileage;

- check and, if necessary, adjust clearances between valves and rockers;

- remove the hubs, wash the hub bearings and glands in kerosene, check the condition of the bearings, put fresh grease in the wheel hubs, adjust the hub bearings

Diagnostics (D1, D-2)

One of the elements of the maintenance and repair process is diagnostics, which serves to determine the technical condition of cars, their units and assemblies without disassembly. A specific property that distinguishes diagnostics from the usual determination of the technical condition is not to increase the accuracy of its assessment, but to detect hidden faults without disassembling the car. Currently, there are two options for performing diagnostic work: together with maintenance and repair or on specialized posts and diagnostic lines .

D-1 diagnostics are used to check the nodes and mechanisms that ensure traffic safety. This type of diagnostics is performed before TO-1. It is justified to carry out control and diagnostic work before TO-2 in the zone or at the diagnostic station in order to regulate the technological process and extract from the mass of cars entering TO2 those that have a significant amount of TR of great labor intensity. This type of diagnostics is called in-depth diagnostics D2, performed at the post using a stand for checking the traction qualities of cars. Such diagnostics are not carried out in the workshop due to the lack of equipment. Most often, according to the customer, a list of technical effects on the car is immediately revealed, or during the inspection problem units and units of the car are detected.


At the ODO maintenance station, TehMegaService consolidated its knowledge in college, acquired production experience in the design of modern cars, technological process and maintenance and repair. He received additional skills when working at a maintenance station. I got acquainted with the structure of the enterprise.

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