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Large panel 12-storey residential building

  • Added: 24.05.2015
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Purpose of the designed object.
Basis for Design
Input Materials for Design
Composition of the design part
Brief description of the designed object 3



Building system, structural system and building structure.5
Exterior and interior walls.
Stairs and elevators
Filling of window and door openings

Location and characteristics of the site
Vertical site and drainage

Water supply and sewerage
Heating and ventilation
Power supply
Radio, Telephony, Internet



Project's Content

icon ПЗ 12ти эт Краснодар.doc
icon Многоэтажка в Краснодаре 2004.dwg

Additional information




1.1 Purpose of the designed object

1.2 Basis of Design

1.3 Engineering Inputs

1.4 Composition of the design part

1.5 Brief description of the designed object



3.1 Building system, structural system and structural diagram of the building

3.2 Foundations

3.3 External and internal walls

3.4 Overlaps

3.5 Roof

3.6 Partitions

3.7 Stairs and elevators

3.8 Filling of window and door openings

3.9 Floors


4.1 Location and characteristics of the site

4.2 Vertical platform and drainage

4.3 Improvement


5.1 Water supply and sewerage

5.2 Heating and Ventilation

5.3 Power supply

5.4 Radio, Telephony, Internet





1. common part

Purpose of the designed object.

Large-panel 12-storey residential building is intended for permanent residence of families of various composition .

1.2 Basis of Design

The project was developed on the basis of a task to develop a project for a large-panel residential building in Krasnodar.

1.3 Engineering Inputs

The starting materials for the development of the training project were:

Terms of reference for the development of a large-panel residential building project in Krasnodar.

SNiP 23022003 "Thermal protection of buildings"

SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology and geophysics"

SNiP 2.08.0189 "Residential buildings"

SNiP 2.01.0298 "Fire Safety Standards"

SNiP II1277 "Noise Protection"

1.4 Composition of the design part

The composition of the design documentation corresponds to the task for the development of a large-panel residential building in Krasnodar.

The working design was developed in accordance with the design standards in force for 2009.

Space Planning Solution

The residential building is a separate unit. In order to increase the level of comfort of residents, on the first non-residential floor there are premises related to the maintenance of residents of the house and the microdistrict

The entrance to the building from the side facing the inner-district courtyard-to the stairwell and to the elevator hall; entrance from the street - involves servicing the population of the microdistrict with a retail outlet (Minimarket) and holding children's leisure in Izostudia. The passage is organized through between the street and the courtyard.

The lobby, with an area of ​ ​ 12.8 m2, is located in close proximity to the staircase. A corridor with an area of ​ ​ 8.2 m2 and a wheelchair with an area of ​ ​ 18.49 m2 adjoin the lobby, and in the lobby room itself there are mailboxes on the walls.

As already mentioned on the first floor there are: in the left wing - Minimarket with an area of ​ ​ 97.96 m2; in the right wing - Isostudia for the development of children's creativity with an area of ​ ​ 111.93 m2

On each typical floor of the house there are 4 apartments: one-room 1B, two-room 2B, three-room 3B, four-room 4B.

The apartment type 1B has a kitchen 12.8 m2, a common room 18.49 m2. There is also a separate bathroom.

The 2B apartment has a kitchen of 12.8 m2, a common room of 18.49 m2 and a bedroom of 22.08 m2. The bathroom is separate.

The 3B apartment has a kitchen of 9.71 m2, a total room of 18.00 m2, as well as bedrooms of 13.81 m2 and 15, 87 m2, respectively. The bathroom is separate.

The apartment type 4B has a kitchen of 9.71 m2, a large entrance hall of 20.22 m2, a common room of 18 m2, bedrooms of 13.81 m2; 15.8 sq.m; 15.9 sq.m. The entrance hall is equipped with a separate bathroom between the bedrooms and an additional toilet.

This location of apartments is explained by the structural and space-planning solution of the building as a whole

The most comfortable place to stay is a 4B apartment. This apartment has through ventilation, the amount of unused area is kept to a minimum.

Constructive solution

3.1 Construction system, structural system and structural diagram of the building.

The panel construction system is used for the construction of buildings up to 16 floors high in seismic construction. Structural wall panels are made with height to floor and length of 1-2 structural-planning steps with weight of elements up to 810 t. Panel structures are not self-tolerant: their stability during erection is provided by special mounting devices (for details see item 3.3). Load-bearing wall panels are installed on cement mortar, without mutual dressing of seams, and compatibility of static operation of prefabricated elements is provided by construction of connections between them .

The technical advantage of using a panel construction system for this project is significantly greater compared to the traditional strength and rigidity of panel structures. Also, the choice of the construction system for the designed building was influenced by the presence of difficult geological conditions: the IIIB construction area, a significant area of ​ ​ which has subsidence soils. Seismicity from 7 points is also recorded in this area.

The structural system is arceless (wall) - as the basis for designing an apartment building with a time-stable fine-cell volume-planning structure.

In connection with the space-planning decision of the building, the structural scheme is with a mixed pitch of transverse bearing walls and separate longitudinal stiffness walls. The advantage of such a structural scheme is the possibility of a diverse solution of the building plan, as well as the possibility of partial redevelopment during operation - an example of placement on the ground floor of the retail outlet and Izostudia .

3.2 Foundations.

The foundation is a cast-in-situ reinforced concrete slab with a thickness of 800mm under the entire area of ​ ​ the building, for the uniform distribution of loads on weak soils. The slab is reinforced along the top with cross welded grids from AI class reinforcement, d = 12mm; along the bottom, the plate is also reinforced with cross grids from reinforcement of class AIII, d = 20mm. Lower grids are laid on concrete preparation on concrete fixators of protective layer with height of 35mm. Flat frames welded into spatial frames are installed for preparation. Lower grids of upper row are laid directly on frames. Such cross-layout of grids and bottom row and top row forms a grid of working reinforcement with 150x150mm cells. The upper plane of the plate is the floor of the basement.

Reinforced concrete basement panels are installed on a layer of cement mortar of grade 50, composition 1:2 directly onto the slab. Connection of basement panels to each other is provided by steel clamps made of Ø12mm rods welded to loop outlets of reinforcement. Joints and connections of panels are frozen with concrete of B12.5 class .

Internal wall panels provide openings for the passage and wiring of utility networks.

To protect the basement walls from capillary and ground moisture, a dressing waterproofing device (hot bitumen coating 2 times) is provided for the surfaces of the basement walls in contact with the ground .

Lower structures of elevator shaft are installed on monolithic plate.

3.3 External and internal walls.

Bearing external walls are assembled from ceramic concrete panels 500 mm thick, "one or two rooms in size." In the lower three floors, the ceramic concrete brand is 75, density is 800, higher is the ceramic concrete brand 50, density is 800 kg/m3. All external wall panels on the inside are covered with a finishing layer of cement mortar, with an external textured layer of fine expanded clay. The basement panels are lined with stone texture, carpet ceramics above. Corner panels are used in risalits to increase wall stiffness and reduce external vertical welds.

Vertical joint of external panels "open." From the outside, it is protected by a water-removing nylon tape loaded into the slots, in the middle zone - a gasket made of porosol or guernite glued to the mastic of the CP. The "well" between the panels is frozen with expanded clay concrete with a density of up to 1200 kg/m3. Faces of panels forming a "well" are equipped with pyramidal protrusions to form a key.

Inner load-bearing panels with thickness of 160 mm have vertical cutting along floor height and cutting along length in multiple of dimensions of structural cell.

Panels are molded in vertical cassette machines from structural concrete of class B12.5.

To prevent the development of cracks, the panels are structurally reinforced with double-sided nets of Ø14mm rods with 400x400mm cells. Bearing capacity of panels in zone of abutment to vertical joints is increased due to indirect reinforcement of ends by steel grids with 75x75mm cells. In stiffening diaphragms, which additionally work for shear, the reinforcement of the bridges is connected to the vertical reinforcement and covers the entire length of the panel.

Crack resistance along hidden wiring channels is provided by reinforcement with 250mm strip of steel mesh made of Ø3mm wire with 50x50mm cells. To ensure reliable sound insulation in the inter-apartment walls, the channels for adjacent apartments are separate. Sound insulation of wall and floor joints is guaranteed by installation of panels and slabs in joints at 70 mm and arrangement of concrete keys. Flexible gaskets are brought into the joint mouth. The seams are expanded with cement mortar.

The horizontal joints of the internal walls are platform (the walls rest on each other through floors, the slabs of which are brought into the joint by 70 mm). In the gap between the floor plates equal to 20 mm, pin retainers pass.

The vertical joints of the inner wall panels provide the spatial rigidity of the building box.

The practice of construction in given climatic conditions involves the use of these panels. Which is due to the high factory readiness, ease of transportation and installation, reliability of the operational qualities of the building and, as a result, high technical and economic efficiency.

3.4 Overlaps

Slabs with a thickness of 120 mm are solid reinforced concrete for residential buildings of type 2P; 2PD - for surface load of 3kN/m2.

Plates are reinforced with welded blocks installed in cassette in assembled form, including loop outlets, embedded parts and spatial frames-retainers.

Reinforcement elements are connected into spatial unit by contact electric welding. The design position of the reinforcement unit in the cassette compartment during concreting is provided by spatial and flat fixing frames.

Concrete slabs of class B15 are formed. Slabs with a thickness of 120 mm additionally require measures for arrangement and provision of sound insulation of intermediate floors. The soundproofing used is an enlarged brace made of slag-ground concrete with thickness of 60mm.

Diameter of channels for hidden interchangeable wiring is 25mm .

The rigidity of the slab disk is ensured by welding the reinforcement outlets located at the corners; grouting of seams with cement mortar of grade 100 and formation of solution key. Design position of plates is controlled by retainers in bearing walls.

Depth of plate support on external walls - 90mm, on internal walls - 70mm. The slabs adjacent to the staircases increase from the side of the support face by 70 mm to fill the platform joint.

Slabs are supplied with sling loops recessed in niches, which after installation are ground with concrete of class B12.5. Loops are also partially used to secure anchors.

Anchors are made of round reinforcing steel Ø6mm: for external walls - from one rod, for internal walls - compound.

3.5 Roof

The coating is precast reinforced concrete, attic, with a combined roof. The roof is ruberoid, low-slope with an upper armored gravel layer and insulation ceramic concrete slabs.

The roof has a slope of 5% towards the water intake funnel. Slope is formed by laying ceramic concrete slabs (j = 500 kg/cubic m) with thickness from 300 mm to 150 mm (near funnels)

The pipe is discharged from the water intake funnel to the inter-apartment corridor to the storm risers.

Roof ventilation blocks - ceramic concrete and with reinforced concrete covers.

The upper part of the parapet panels is covered with aprons made of galvanized roofing steel and nailed with crutches to wooden plugs.

3.6 Partitions

Partitions are made of panels sized per room with a thickness of 80mm and a height of 2840mm. Partition panels are manufactured by the method of rolling from gypsum concrete with a density of 1.2t/m3, grade 35, with fillers from tuff, which provides a small mass and sufficient soundproofness of the panels.

Panels are made in holder made of wooden triangular bars with lower support bar and reinforced with frame made of racks. Sling loops Ø6mm pass through the entire height of the panel and enter the support bar.

Panels of partitions are installed on reinforced concrete slabs of slabs along a thick gasket with gasket wooden wedges for straightening in height. They are brought into the floor structure with a thickness of 80 mm by 70 mm so that the size of the approach of the upper face of the panels to the reinforced concrete slabs laid above them is at least 20 mm. when finishing the rooms, this gap is thoroughly hemp with pacley wetted in a gypsum solution. Panel surface is secured at two or three points by steel propeller fasteners seamed between floor slabs. Undercuttings for zakrep are cut on the place .

3.7 Stairs and elevators

Stairs are arranged from full-white reinforced concrete marches of a U-shaped section with frieze steps. The platforms rest on the support tables of the transverse walls, the marches - on the platforms. Marches have 10 stages 150x300mm. The sites have a thickness of 70mm. Because the stair structures contribute to the stiffness of the building, the walkways and platforms are also welded together.

Height of flight fences is 900mm. Fences are arranged from steel links welded to embedded elements in the side plane of the march. The fence of the upper platform is attached in special sockets along the edge of the frieze stage, which are then cut with cement mortar. The fence links are filled with steel grids. The polyvinyl chloride handrail is worn on the steel fence strip in a heated state.

The elevator shaft is designed as a separate cantilever-type structure, not connected with the building structures. It consists of the bottom, floor, and top elements covered by a slab. All elements are molded from concrete of class B15. The seams between them are hermetically filled with cement sand paste of grade 200. Shaft elements are equipped with embedded parts for attachment of doors guiding the cabin, and counterweight, welding to each other in height and slinging at installation .

For the purpose of sound insulation between the walls of the shaft and the structures of the building, gaps of 20 mm are provided, filled with ground pouch and covered with plastic linings. Linings are installed with acoustic slot 12mm. plastic is glued to the structures of the building with KN-3 coumaron-rubber mastic.

Sound insulation of the machine room is achieved by installing the winch on the "floating floor." It is formed by an elastic pad of mineral wool slabs on a synthetic bond sealed with a brizol, and a massive reinforced concrete slab laid above it, isolated from the walls of the machine room .

Passenger-and-freight elevators with a loading capacity of 500 kg and the speed of movement 1m/s are used.

3.8 Filling of window and door openings

Based on the required illumination of the rooms and the architectural composition of the elevation, the project provides two window types:,.

Aeration of rooms is performed through opening windows and doors of bindings.

Sashes of window bindings and canvases of balcony doors are framed by bindings. Glass with a thickness of 4 mm is installed in the folds of the bindings. Along the perimeter, the glass is attached with staples with an elastic gasket (frost-resistant rubber). The lower part of the glazed doors is filled with filaments from particle boards and covered from the outside with plank skin along the pergamine layer.

Windows and balcony doors are made with double glazing in separate bindings; in the composite box the webs are arranged with a break of 53mm.

Windows and balcony doors in full factory readiness, including glazing and instrument suspension, are delivered to the construction site by special vehicles and installed in the wall panel. The box, wrapped with a strip of pergamine, is attached on screws screwed into wooden antiseptic plugs (two pieces per slope). To prevent the pressure from the wall settlement, gaps of 20 mm from the top and 30 mm from the bottom are provided between the boxes and the faces of the wall openings. The lower clearance takes into account the sill arrangement. Subsequently, the gaps are hemp with an antiseptic pack and covered with a platter. The clearances hemp provides heat resistance of the joint.

From the inside, the bottom face of the window opening, including the niche for heating devices located in front of it, is covered by a window sill. The windowboard is made of wood. The sill board is inserted into the slot of the window box and is closed with its ends into the wall .

From the outside, the lower part of the window opening is covered with a galvanized roofing steel apron cast with cement mortar. The longitudinal edge of the apron is inserted into the slot of the box, and the side edges are bent upwards to avoid moistening the corners of the opening. The apron overhang is folded and tied with wire to the wall. Under the balcony door, an attack of 100mm high is installed from the inside.

All feathers of internal bindings and door webs are glued along the perimeter with sealing gaskets. The labyrinth configuration of the feathers opposing blowing is formed by "quarters" of a depth of 10 mm and bevels of faces in contact with the bars towards opening by 34mm.

Doors to the construction site are delivered in full factory readiness.

The door opening direction is determined by the unhindered evacuation from the rooms. Smoke-proof doors are installed in floor exits to stairwell.

The seal of the receptacle, essential for the heat, sound and smoke protection of the enclosed opening, is provided by elastic gaskets, which are glued in single-floor doors in the vertical plane in the quarters of the box. Sponge rubber gaskets are used as shock absorbers. Polyurethane foam gaskets are used as smoke protector.

For glazing of canvases, glass with a thickness of 4 mm is used, reinforced in smoke protection doors. Glass slots are framed with wooden layouts and sealed with rubber gaskets.

Door webs 2m high are hung on two hinges. Locks and door handles are installed at a height of 1 m from the floor level.

U-shaped door boxes without a threshold for inter-room doors are expanded from below by a mounting board removed at the installation site .

Entrance door webs are hung in the box by means of three hinges - two from above and one from below. Shock absorbers made of sponge rubber are installed between them and the box to protect the webs and glazing from impact.

When installing door boxes, the slits are canned with pacley wetted in gypsum solution and covered with platbands. The walls and ceiling of the entrance vestibule are insulated with effective materials.

The level of the clean floor drops by 20 mm towards the opening of the open doors with a threshold for hiding it, and in the bathroom and bathroom - to delay the spilled water. In this case, the threshold rises 10 mm above the floor level.

Master Plan

4.1 Location and characteristics of the site

The site allocated for the construction of a residential building is located on the southern side of Krasnodar, in close proximity to the forest park zone. Structures falling under the spot of development should be dismantled, and existing trees should be cut down with the maximum preservation of existing green spaces .

Existing underground utility networks are to be removed.

Landscaping of the site is carried out by arranging lawns, planting shrubs of a hedge, trees.

4.2 Vertical platform and drainage

The relief of the plot is flat. The elevation of the outer edge of the surrounding pavement is taken as the landing mark at the corners of the building.

Drainage from the site is carried out by designed slopes to the boundaries of the site and further along the existing terrain.

4.3 Improvement

The project provides for asphalt concrete paving of entrances and driveways, sidewalks, sand and gravel paving of paths. The device of children's playgrounds and sports grounds was also designed.

5. engineering equipment

5.1 Water supply and sewerage

The water supply of the building is provided from the existing water pipeline with a diameter of 100 mm with the installation of an external fire hydrant. External water supply networks are made of steel pipes.

Waste water removal from the building is designed to the existing separate sewage system. External sewage networks are made of ceramic pipes with a diameter of 150 mm.

To ensure the required head in the water supply network, pumps are installed for the period of fire. On the water pipeline bypass line there is a gate valve with an electric drive, which opens simultaneously with the start of this pump.

5.2 Heating and Ventilation

Heating of the building is provided from an external source - the boiler house of the microdistrict. Water with parameters of 9570 degrees is used as coolant. As heating devices pig-iron radiators of MCh140 type are established. Elevator is installed in basement. Lower wiring system.

Ventilation - exhaust with a natural urge. Air inflow is carried out through open windows and windows or doors of bindings, and exhaust - prefabricated ventilation risers.

The bathroom ventilation in one and two bedroom apartments is carried out in conjunction with the toilet, the kitchen ventilation is independent.

In three and four room apartments, disjointed sanitary and technical cabins of the "glass" type have their own ventilation risers with two satellite channels, for ventilation of the bathroom and bathroom. In the kitchens of these apartments there are ventilation stalls for 1216 storey buildings with four channels of satellites, for ventilation of the kitchen itself and the toilet cabin.

The riser is assembled from storey ventilation units made of structural concrete of class B15 2.

Floor blocks with a height of 2990mm are arranged with a width of 300mm with two satellite channels and two collector channels and 440 mm with four satellite channels and two collector channels. Ventilation risers are calculated as self-supporting structures.

In risers, floor blocks are connected by seams with a thickness of 10 mm on cement mortar. Alignment of channels is provided in clipping with sling loops-retainers .

5.3 Power supply

Alternating three-phase current 380/220V with underground cable from transformer substation.

5.4 Radio, Telephony, Internet

Radialization, telephony - from city networks.

The Internet is a dedicated line.

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