Kursovoy - ViK of a residential building

- Added: 14.08.2014
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Additional information
1.1. Selecting a Conduit Scheme
1.2. Internal Water Routing Requirements
1.2.1. Enter. Water metering unit
1.2.2. Water supply network
1.2.3. Shut-off, water, control and safety valves
1.4. Hydraulic calculation of internal water supply
1.4.1. Select Calculation Area
1.4.2. Water consumption standards and design water consumption at the sites
1.4.3. Determination of diameters, speeds and losses at network sections
1.4.4. Determination of the required head at the input to the building
2.1. Selection of sewage system
2.2. Sewer Network Tracing Requirements
2.2.1. Sanitary appliances and drain sewage pipes
2.2.2. Sewage risers
2.2.3. Sewage Network Releases
2.2.4. Pipes for internal sewer network
2.2.5. Hydraulic calculation of internal sewer network
3.1. General Information
3.2. Calculation of internal drain
5.1. Calculation of section of electric cables from TC to BRU of residential building
5.2. Outdoor lighting of a residential building
5.3. Electricity metering
5.4. Input and distribution cabinets
5.5. Distribution and group power grids
5.6. Ensuring electrical safety
5.7. Low-current structured cable networks
The supply of sufficient water to various consumers, the quality of which meets the high requirements of the current GOST, the disposal and treatment of contaminated water for the purpose of repeated or repeated use or discharge into the reservoir are of great economic, technical and social importance. Modern water supply and sewerage systems are complex engineering structures and devices that provide water supply to consumers, as well as waste water removal and treatment. The correct solution of engineering problems in water supply and sanitation largely determines the high level of improvement of settlements, residential, public and industrial buildings, as well as the rational use and reproduction of natural resources and the protection of the environment from pollution.
General Information
This project was developed in accordance with the assignment for the course work and standard design 1210147.13.87 and SNiP norms 2.08.0189 *.
The construction area is Kostroma. Ground freezing depth 1.6 m.
The coursework presents a residential 5-storey 20-apartment block section.
The height of the building floor is 2.8 m, the thickness of the floors is 0.16 m, the height of the basement is 2.2 m, the height of the technical floor is 2.1 m, the type of roof is rolling. The elevation of the floor level of the first floor is 97.0 m, the elevation of the pavement of the building is 96.0 m.
The drinking water supply of a residential building is designed from the existing urban drinking water supply.
• Design head at water pipeline tie-in.
• Design head at the base of risers.
Internal hot water supply is provided from the city network with design head at the base of the risers.
Domestic sewage is connected to the street network in accordance with the development plan of the territory.
The energy supply of the residential building is carried out from the existing TP. In addition, the residential building is connected to the city telephone networks laid in the telephone sewage system. The installation of a cable television network with the installation of a rack on the roof of the house is provided.
Internal plumbing design
1.1. Selects the plumbing scheme.
The choice of the water supply scheme is determined by economic considerations taking into account fire, sanitary and technological requirements. Simple, economical and easy to install and operate schemes should be chosen.
For residential buildings, it is preferable to adopt a bottom-wiring dead end circuit allowing water interruptions. This scheme is the most economical, it allows one water supply.
For a given building, a domestic drinking water supply is designed. Fire-fighting water supply for a 5-storey residential building is not required. For the primary fire extinguishing of apartments in the bathroom, a separate water discharge crane with a hose with a diameter of 15 mm and a length of 15 m with a diffuser is provided.
• Design head at water pipeline tie-in;
• Design head at the base of risers.
The required head is approximately determined by the formula:
, where is the number of floors of the building.
that is less than the specified head on the tie-in equal to 36 m, i.e. the specified head meets the requirements of this residential building and the design of additional booster pumps or installations is not required.
We finally accept the dead end water supply network with lower wiring. The main water supply network from the metering unit is laid open at a distance of 20 cm from the basement floor. According to the adopted water supply scheme, one water pipeline inlet with a diameter of 50mm was designed in a residential building according to SNiP 2.04.0185 *. To account for water flow rate, STV-50 turbine counter of 50 mm caliber is installed at the inlet. (GOST601983). The water supply is designed from steel gas pipelines (GOST 326275 *) Ø15, 20, 25, 32, 50 mm.
1.2. Requirements for routing of internal water supply.
The water supply of the residential building includes the following elements: inlet and water metering unit, water supply network, shut-off, water discharge, control and safety valves.
1.2.1. Enter. Water metering unit.
The input and water meter, which are usually combined into one unit, consists of the following elements:
• A street network connection unit in a well with a shut-off valve or gate valve;
On the street network of water supply at the point of connection there is a railway well. At a depth of about 3 meters, railway rings ∅1.5 m are installed, where shutoff valves and a fire hydrant are located. At the same time, shut-off valves are installed in all directions and branches of the water supply.
• pipeline connecting the well and water metering unit;
• water meter to determine the amount of water consumed by a residential building or part thereof.
The following requirements apply to the listed nodes:
the pipeline from the well to the building should be laid along the shortest path, preferably perpendicular to the external wall of the building;
the depth of the pipe is equal to the depth of the street network, which in turn is laid below the freezing depth by 0.5 m;
slope during laying is selected from 0.002 to 0.005 towards the street network;
the horizontal distance between the water pipeline inlet and the sewage outlet shall be not less than 1.5 m with the diameter of the inlet up to 200 mm and not less than 3 m with large diameters;
it is desirable to place the water metering unit at the centre of the load so that the water flow rates at all branches are approximately the same;
water metering unit includes shut-off valves before and after the counter, STV-50 counter, bypass line with sealed gate valve and control valve installed behind the meter in the course of water flow to empty the network during repair, accuracy check or meter replacement; the bypass line is used in case of repair or the need to pass fire expenses;
it is recommended to place the water metering unit in a separate room, preferably near staircases.
1.2.2. Plumbing network.
The water supply network consists of a main line, water risers, dilution pipelines and water collection devices. The main requirements for the water supply network are as follows:
• the main pipeline connecting the water metering unit with the risers is laid along the shortest route, bypassing the premises, where the temperature can be below 2 ° C with a slope of at least 0.002 towards the input;
• water risers supplying water upwards to apartments are placed, as a rule, in places of the largest water collection, that is, in places of accumulation of water collection valves: toilet, bathroom, kitchen;
• In order to save money, it is desirable to have water and sewage risers nearby;
• dilution pipelines shall be laid according to the minimum length condition according to one of three options:
a) above the floor at a height of 0.2... 0.3 m with vertical lifting of pipes to the water separation valves;
b) at the level of water discharge valves, at a height of about 1 m from the floor;
c) under the ceiling with vertical lowering of pipes to the water separation valves.
The first two options are preferable;
• laying of the riser pipelines is carried out with a slope of 0.002... 0.005 towards the risers, for the possibility of water discharge from them.
1.2.3. Shut-off, water, control and safety valves.
Shutoff valves include valves, valves and plug valves. Its main function is to disconnect individual sections of the network for repair, prevention or in the event of an accident. With sufficient head at the entrance to the building, only isolation valves are installed. Its installation is provided in the following places (except for the places previously designated for entry):
• at the base of risers in buildings with a height of 3 floors or more;
• on branches supplying five or more water discharge points;
• on branches of main water supply lines;
• on branches to each apartment;
• on connections to flush tanks, water heaters;
• in front of external watering cranes.
Water collection valves (in a residential building these are mixers or taps in the kitchen and in the bathroom, a flush tank in the toilet, a heating column, a shower grid and watering taps) are located according to the floor plan. It is allowed to change the placement of sanitary devices without redevelopment of buildings in order to reduce the number of risers, dilution pipelines and more convenient use of them.
Water discharge valves shall be installed at strictly normalized height above the floor:
1100mm - kitchen wash crane;
1100mm - washing or washbasin mixer;
2000 mm - ball valve of a highly located flush tank;
800 mm - ball valve of low flush tank;
250 mm - watering crane (above the pavement in the basement of the building );
1850 mm - shower net.
Along the perimeter of the building through 60... 70 m there are irrigation taps with a diameter of 25 mm, to which branches are laid directly from the main.
Control valves include pressure regulators and control valves
valves. They are used for response, water head in internal water supply networks, as a rule, in schemes with booster installations.
Safety valves include check and safety valves, diaphragms.
1.4. Hydraulic calculation of internal water supply.
The plumbing network of a residential building is calculated in order to determine the most economical pipe diameters and the necessary head at the entrance to the building, which would ensure the uninterrupted supply of water to all water collection units, as well as the necessary flow rate and free head for the most remote of them.
1.4.1. Selects the calculated area.
Select the calculated direction. This is a section from the connection to the external water supply to the dictating device. The dictating device is located on the riser B1-1 on the 5th floor, since of all the devices the highest second flow rate and free head is 3 m at the bath with a mixer common to the bath and washbasin. Divide the selected calculation direction into sections. The design direction is divided into sections located between successive branches from the dictating device to the entry point from the street network.
Water consumption in a residential building changes continuously, subject to the laws of random processes. The basis for determining estimated expenses is the laws of probability theory. Therefore, it is not necessary to assign the maximum flow rate corresponding to the total flow rate of all devices as the calculated flow rate. This will result in a significant increase in pipe diameter. The probability of simultaneous action of all devices is negligible. In addition, a break in water supply is allowed for dead end networks. Therefore, the estimated flow rate is not the maximum possible, but a smaller one, determined by empirical dependence :
where second flow rate of water discharge valves;
factor depending on probability of simultaneous switching on of devices P and their number N.
The second flow rate is selected according to Appendix 2 of SNiP/1/or according to Table 4 of the methodological guidelines. For the device with maximum water consumption of l/s.
The probability factor of simultaneous activation of devices P is determined by the formula:
where the maximum daily water consumption per person l/day; V - number of water consumers, people; N is the total number of devices in the building; standard flow rate of dictating device, l/s.
According to Table 5 of the methodological guidelines, we determine at:
We determine the design flow rate of the water discharge valves:
1.4.3. Determination of diameters, speeds and losses in network sections.
The calculation is performed in the following sequence:
1. The axonometric diagram of the network is drawn with indication of all sanitary and technical devices on it;
2. On the axonometric diagram of the network, the calculated direction from the input to the dictating device is selected and the lengths of the calculated sections between the node points are determined;
3. Estimated expenses at all calculated areas are determined;
4. Pipe diameters are assigned at design sections based on the most economical water speeds:
• minimum speed of water movement -;
• maximum speed of water movement -;
• optimal speed of water movement -
Internal sewer design
2.1. Selection of sewage system.
To design the sewage system of a residential building, a domestic alloy pipeline combined sewage system with ventilated risers is adopted.
2.2. Sewer network tracing requirements.
The sewage network of a residential building includes the following elements: sanitary appliances, drain sewage pipes, sewage risers, outlets, main pipelines, hydraulic locks (siphons), maintenance and cleaning devices, shaped parts and other less significant parts.
2.2.1. Sanitary appliances and drain sewage pipes.
In the apartments there are baths, washbasins, toilets, a wash in the kitchen and a toilet with a drain tank. All devices are equipped with hydraulic locks that prevent the penetration of gases from the sewer network.
Drain pipes are located in the apartment and connect sanitary devices with risers. There are three methods of laying pipes:
• on the floor;
• in the overlap between floors;
• under the floor of the lower floor.
In this project, the laying of branch pipes on the floor is adopted. Pipes are laid from sanitary and technical devices with a slope of not more than 0.15. Laying is carried out with a slope towards the riser. The branch pipes are connected to the riser by a tee or cross at an angle of 90˚, 60˚, or 45˚. The diameters of the branch pipes are always less than or equal to the diameter of the riser.
2.2.2. Sewer risers.
Sewage risers collect waste water from drain lines and are arranged strictly vertically. Risers are placed only on capital walls open or closed in special mines designed for this purpose. Plastic pipes are laid only in a closed manner. For ventilation, each riser is brought to the roof to a height of, m:
• from flat non-operable roof 0.3
• from rolling roof 0.5
• from operating roof 3
• from the edge of the intake ventilation shaft 0.1
For cleaning of risers, revisions are installed at the height of 1.0 m from the floor or 0.15 m above the side of the highest located sanitary device in the following places :
• on the first and last floor;
• in case of indentation - above it;
• with a floor size of 5 or more - through three floors;
• in the basement.
2.2.3. Sewer network releases.
Outlets are horizontal pipelines that collect effluents from risers and bring them to the external sewage network. Issues, as a rule, are placed in the basements of buildings, in the canals of the floor of the first floor or in the technical underground. In residential buildings are located in the basement. Number of outlets is determined according to arrangement of risers. It is advisable to place releases on one side of the building. The depth of pipelines behind the building walls is assumed to be 0.3 m higher than the depth of ground freezing, but not less than 0.7 m from the ground surface. The length of the outlet from the outer wall to the axis of the manhole shall be:
• 6 m - at pipe diameter 50 mm;
• 7.5 m - at pipe diameter 100 mm;
• 10 m with a pipe diameter of 150 mm;
The outlet diameter cannot be less than the diameter of the largest riser.
2.2.4. Pipes for internal sewer network.
Mainly cast iron and plastic pipes are used.
This project uses plastic sewage pipes made of polyethylene according to GOST 22689.289 single-socket with a conditional passage of 50, 100 mm. Pipes are connected by means of funnels or connecting shaped parts. Connecting parts include revisions, elongated taps at angle 90˚, taps at angle 100˚, 120˚, 135˚, elbows at angle 90˚, T-joints at angle 45˚ and 60˚ and straight lines at angle 90˚.
2.2.5. Hydraulic calculation of the internal sewer network.
Hydraulic calculation of sewerage consists in selection or determination of diameters of horizontal and vertical sections of the network. The diameter of horizontal sections of branch pipes from sanitary devices is not calculated, but is accepted according to Appendix 2 of SNiP/1/or according to Table 9 of the methodological guidelines
3.1. General information.
Internal drains divert rain and meltwater from the roof through pipelines located inside the building. Water is drained from internal drains to external networks of rain sewage (closed outlet) or to sidewalks (open outlet). Drains with open outlet at design outside air temperature below -5 degrees must be equipped with a hydraulic lock, which in cold season prevents cold air entry and drain freezing.
Internal drains consist of gutters, risers, branch pipes connecting gutters with risers, outlets, cleaning devices. Drains are mounted from pressure asbestos cement, glass and plastic pipes. Steel pipes are used in suspended areas in the presence of vibration loads. At a distance of 10 m and at least (vertically) from the gutter, pressure-free pipes can be used that withstand a pressure of up to 0.1 MPa. Gutters consist of a housing installed in a floor, a frame, a grille or a garbage trap cap. Funnels are installed at a distance of not more than 48 m from each other taking into account roof relief, building structure, design catchment area. On the roof there is a slope 0.01-0.015 to the gutters so that there are no places on the roof where moisture can accumulate. To compensate for sedimentary and temperature deformations, gutter funnels are connected to risers or branch lines through compensation branch pipes. Audits and cleaning shall be installed in the same places as on the sewage system.
The type of drains in the building is taken depending on the type of building, storey, type of roof, presence of external network of rain sewage.
In residential buildings, risers are located on staircases near walls that are not adjacent to living rooms. To prevent freezing, warm air must be supplied to the risers.
3.2. Calculation of internal drain.
After marking the pipeline route and placement of the drain system equipment on the plans and sections, an axonometric diagram is built and the network is calculated. To do this, you need to know the amount of atmospheric precipitation discharged through the drainage system, which depends on meteorological conditions in the area of the building. It should be borne in mind that the duration and intensity of rain (the amount of precipitation that falls on 1 hectare of the surface) varies significantly, while rains of high intensity are rarely repeated, and of low intensity and long duration - often.
In this project we accept two gutters with connection to one riser. The roof area is - FKP = 264.1m2.
For a roof with a slope of more than 1.5%, we take the estimated rain intensity of 5 minutes.
Waste removal system
Cleaning of buildings from solid waste is one of the most important measures in the field of sanitary improvement.
In the case of the MSW treatment system, the main quantitative indicator is the volume or weight amount of waste generated in the building.
A conventional waste line consists of the following parts:
intake valves;
vertical channel or trash pipe shaft;
garbage collection chamber;
upper chamber with ventilation device and device for cleaning channels.
Garbage ducts are placed at the internal capital walls of the building, not adjacent to living rooms. Channels shall be circular, smooth, with minimum number of joints.
The following additional systems and devices are provided with new SNiPs:
internal lighting system, register of heating system for maintaining positive temperature in winter time, ladder in floor and sink, system of sprinkler fire extinguishing of garbage chambers are arranged in the room of the garbage receiving chamber.
system for washing the trash line barrel.
disinfection system.
natural ventilation system of the garbage chamber and barrel room.
Power supply and electrical equipment
A residential building by the degree of reliability of power supply belongs to the second category. Power supply of the residential building is provided from the external supply network via two mutually redundant cable lines. Cable laying is carried out in trenches 0.7m deep from the planned ground surface and 1.0 m from the asphalt pavement of roads, sites, etc. At the intersection with roads, at the entrance to the TP and in the residential building, cables are laid in sleeves made of asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 100 mm. To protect the cable from mechanical damage, the cables are bricked or a special signal polyethylene tape is laid. The cable section is calculated by the calculated load at the cable entry into the dwelling .
The input load is equal to the specific design load of electric receivers of apartments in the house. The specific design electric load of electric receivers of apartments is accepted according to Table 6.1 of SP 311102003 g. For 20 square meters. residential building it is equal to 1.57 kW/apartment. The total power consumption will be 1 .57· 20 = 31.4 kW .
5.2. Outdoor lighting of a residential building.
Outdoor lighting of a residential building is performed by LCD - 0.7 lamps installed on the facade of the house. Power supply and control of electric lighting is carried out from house control networks of residential buildings.
5.3. Electricity accounting.
It is carried out by an electric meter installed at the entrance to a residential building, as well as individual apartment electric meters located in floor electric cabinets.
5.4. Input and distribution cabinets.
The BRU (introductory switchboard) is installed in the basement of the house. The shield is equipped with an electric meter, a switch at the input, an automatic control unit for lighting staircases, lighting the license plate of the house and the entrance to the residential building.
The automatic lighting control unit is equipped with a photocell. In case of its failure, it is possible to switch on the lighting using a switch. Electric cabinets are installed vertically in the niches of corridors located in the capital walls on each floor. The cabinets house apartment electric meters, group line circuit breakers, protective disconnection devices.
5.5. Distribution and group power networks.
Distribution lines are made by wire in vinyl plastic pipes laid open along the ceiling, basement walls and in the bars of brick walls from the introductory device to electric cabinets located on each floor. There are three group lines in the apartments. The first is used to power the general lighting of the apartment, the second - to power the plug sockets in the living rooms, the third - to power the plug sockets of the corridor electric receivers, kitchen and bathroom. Wiring is hidden in bars or under plaster. For each apartment, a call with a button is provided. The height of installation of lighting fixtures in the bathroom shall be not less than 2.25 m from the floor, lighting fixtures of the second class of protection (with double insulation) are installed. In apartments, switches are installed at a height of 0.8 m from the floor. Plug sockets above the plinth, and in kitchens at a height of 1-1.1 m from the floor.
Lighting of technical equipment and basement is performed by electric cable laid in vinyl-plastic pipes from control panel of BRU. Lighting is switched on and off by local switches.
The lighting of the stairs, the entrance to the house, the license plate of the house is carried out by a separate electric cable, laid from the circuit breaker with a photocell, located in the distribution board of the BRU to the lighting fixtures.
Emergency lighting of stairs at night is not switched off.
5.6. Ensuring electrical safety.
All metal non-current-carrying parts of electrical equipment (electrical panel frames, steel wiring boxes, etc.) shall be occupied with zero network wire. The lines of the group network, laid from the electric panels, are made three-wire (phase wire, zero and zero protective conductor). All wiring is done by a double insulated cable. Pipes of water supply, sewerage, bath are grounded by metal conductors and connected to zero protective conductor of group electric network.
At the entrance of the residential building, protective grounding is performed, which is connected to the BRU frame. In addition, for the protection of electrical circuits in electrical panels, it is provided for the installation of circuit breakers with electromagnetic disconnectors, in which for protection, when indirectly touched, the time for disconnecting the power of electrical receivers is not more than 0.4 s.
Lightning protection of a five-storey residential building according to the requirements of SP 3111003 is not required (performed for high-rise buildings), however, grounding of television and radio racks is performed by laying a conductor from the reinforcement along the facade of the house and connecting it to the grounding loop.
5.7. Low-current structured cable networks.
The residential building is connected to city telephone, radio, as well as cable television networks.
Telephone cables are laid in cable channels from telephone pits to cabinets located in boards on each floor. Along the basement and up to the floor panels, the cable is laid in vinyl plastic pipes. From the storey shield to the entrance hall of the apartment are laid hidden under plaster.
Radio and television networks from city networks are laid by overhead lines along posts located on the roof of the house. A cable is laid through the technical floor in vinyl plastic pipes passing in bars to the floor boards.
List of literature:
1. SNiP 2.04.0185. "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings" Gosstroy USSR. - M.: ZITP, 1986.
2. SNiP 2.04.0285. "Running water. External networks and structures "
Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: ZITP, 1986.
3. SNiP 2.04.0385. "Sewer. External networks and structures "
Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: ZITP, 1985 (since 1986).
4. Kedrov V. S., Palgunov P. P., Somov M. A. "Water supply and sewerage." Moscow. Stroyizdat., 1984
5. Methodological recommendations.
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