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Kursach Stroimeh

  • Added: 02.03.2016
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Explanatory note 25 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, 6 sources. In the course project, a goat crane bridge was designed. The purpose of the project is to develop a goat crane bridge with specified parameters. In the process of operation, analysis of existing structures of goat cranes was carried out. Calculations of the steel structure of the goat crane bridge were made and an assembly drawing of the goat crane bridge was developed. Contents Introduction....................................................................................5 1. General information about gantry cranes................................................6 2. Choice of the main geometrical sizes of a farm............................11 3. Examination of geometric stability of truss...................... 12 4. Definition of efforts in panel cores from action of constant load...............................................................................................................12 5. Construction of influence lines..................................................... 15 6 Definition of total settlement efforts in cores of the set panel......................................................................................17 7. Choice of sections of cores.............................................................18 8. Calculation of weld joints..........................................................21 9. Definition of the greatest bending moment in the vertical plane and pererezyvayushchy force..................................................23 the List of the used literature.....................................................25

Project's Content

icon Spetsifikatsia.cdw
icon ЗАПИСЬКА.doc
icon Курсовой проект.pptx
icon Слайды.docx
icon ТИТ.doc
icon ферма козлового крана печ.cdw
icon ферма козлового крана печ.cdw.bak

Additional information




1. General information about goat cranes

2. Select the primary geometric dimensions of the truss

3. Examination of geometric stability of truss

4. Determination of forces in panel rods from constant action


5. Draw Influence Lines

6. Determination of total calculated forces in rods of specified


7. Select Rod Sections

8. Calculation of welded joints

9. Determining the greatest bending moment in the vertical

planes and cutting force

List of used literature


Explanatory note 25 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, 6 sources.

In the course project, a goat crane bridge was designed.

The purpose of the project is to develop a goat crane bridge with specified parameters.

In the process of operation, analysis of existing structures of goat cranes was carried out.

Calculations of the steel structure of the goat crane bridge were made and an assembly drawing of the goat crane bridge was developed.


When performing this course work, the main truss of the goat crane is calculated and designed, its analysis is carried out, ways are determined to improve and improve the design and maintenance of this mechanism, taking into account modern development traditions. During the course work, the necessary skills of engineering calculations of metal structures, design and layout of assemblies and panels of trusses are acquired. Calculations of this truss are carried out using the method of limit states. When designing the truss, special attention was paid to metal saving and the processability of the design.


As a result of the course project, the goat crane bridge with the specified loads was calculated. Geometric parameters of the goat crane bridge were determined (number and length of panels; truss height).

- lines of force influence in truss rods are built;

- the greatest forces in the rods are determined;

- rods are selected;

a maximum bending moment in the vertical plane of 1070.9 N m and a cutting force of 16.8 kN is determined;

- the beam has been checked for strength.

An assembly drawing of the gantry crane truss, a specified truss panel and a panel welded assembly was made, in which the largest number of rods in the A1 format converges.

Drawings content

icon Spetsifikatsia.cdw


icon ферма козлового крана печ.cdw

ферма козлового крана печ.cdw
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