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Aesthetic kindergarten

  • Added: 21.10.2016
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Composition of the course project

General Part and Design Input

Space-planning solution of the building

Structural solution of the building

Heat Engineering Calculation

Technical and economic indicators of the design solution

List of literature

Composition of the course project

The graphic part is made on three sheets of A1 format

Sheet 1: Main elevation M1: 100, First floor plan M1: 100, second floor plan M1: 100.

Sheet 2: Roofing plan M1: 100, plan

.General Part and Design Input

Course project No. 2 - "90-seat nursery-garden."

The kindergarten building is designed for the maintenance of children of nursery and preschool age.

The project includes 3 blocks:

facilities for children of nursery age (2-3 years) - 2 groups on the 1st floor;

room for preschool children - 2 groups on the 2nd floor;

auxiliary and administrative premises - located on the 1st and 2nd floors.

The designed building is located in the I climatic district (Astrakhan) with an estimated average temperature of the coldest five-day period of 20C with a snow cover weight of 150 kgf/m, a wind speed of 35kgf/m.

Building class -F1.1.

Degree of fire resistance III.

Obyemno - planning solution of the building

The space-planning solution is dictated by the prevailing urban planning conditions and features of the site.

The kindergarten building has a rectangular plan shape measuring 39600x16800mm. with a protruding part in the center of the facade. The building is brick, two-story with an attic, the floor height is adopted 3300mm.

The main facade of the nursery-garden building faces west. All rooms of games and bedrooms, as well as auxiliary and administrative rooms have normative insolation.

In the building of the nursery-garden there are two entrances for visitors, through which you get into the nursery groups, the premises of the 1st floor, as well as on the stairs leading to the 2nd floor. The building is provided with 2 stairs made in accordance with fire safety standards .

To load the kitchen unit, a special entrance is provided from the rear facade .

5. Structural solution of the building.

The structural diagram of the building is characterized by longitudinal bearing walls. The building is made of brick. The basement is missing.

Prefabricated foundation, of reinforced concrete blocks and prefabricated reinforced concrete pillows .

Slabs above the first and second floors along wooden beams with panel sloping.

The roof is two-pitched with a rampart along the bar rafters, tiled.

Brick partitions, suspended ceilings.


The foundations are designed on a natural base, ribbon, of reinforced concrete blocks and prefabricated reinforced concrete pillows. The depth of the foundation is 1.8 m from the surface of the earth. Foundation slabs shall be laid on 20 mm thick sand preparation with 20 mm vertical clearance. All elements are connected to each other by welding embedded parts. Waterproofing is laid at the top of the foundation - 2 layers of ruberoid


Masonry of the external walls is made of hollow brick on cement sand mortar, masonry of the internal walls of the building is made of full red burnt brick on lime-sand mortar. The thickness of the brickwork of the external and internal load-bearing walls is constant in height of the building and is 640 mm (2.5 bricks). Internal self-supporting walls are laid 380mm thick (1.5 bricks). The inner surfaces of the outer walls and the inner walls are plastered with a 20 mm layer of cement sand mortar.

Jumpers above window and door openings - prefabricated reinforced concrete .

The basement is lined with sawn lime slabs of smooth texture along the entire perimeter to a height of 130 cm from the level of the cutting of the foundations.


The roof structure above the building is gable, shaft. The structure of the roof bearing elements is bar rafters. The legs of the rafters are made of a bar f200-150mm with a pitch of 1200 mm. All connections of rafter system units are made by cutting and fastening of units with steel staples. The coating is made of tiles. Roof slope is 25 degrees .


Ceilings are made of wooden panel roll with support on wooden beams, with a pitch of 1200 mm.


The nursery building has two staircases. The stairs are two-march. Precast reinforced concrete marches with unlocking to precast reinforced concrete platforms. The sites rest on brick walls.


Windows are a translucent element of the building fence. The box, wrapped with a strip of pergamine, is attached on screws screwed into wooden antiseptic plugs 9 two pieces per slope). Gaps of 20 mm from top and side and 30 mm from bottom are provided between window boxes and faces of wall openings. Subsequently, the gaps are hemp plated and sealed with cement mortar. Double glazed windows with wooden bindings. Types 1 810x 1810 mm.


Doors are delivered in full factory availability. Door consists of box and door webs. The thickness of the door canvases is 35mm thick.

Doors - entrance to the building and tambourine - insulated. Doors in staircases and leading to the roof have an increased degree of fire resistance .

Internal doors have a width of at least 0.9 m. Doors to utility rooms and toilets for personnel have a width of 0.7 m. The direction of door opening is determined by unimpeded evacuation from the premises.

Technical - economic indicators of the design solution

Total area -1013m 2

Usable area - 881m2

Estimated area -

Construction volume - 6688.4 m3

Building area - 619.3 m2

Structural area -

Drawings content
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