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Iron foundry project - drawings


Course project Iron foundry: explanatory note, graphic part-5 sheets

Project's Content

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Additional information

Design Task

It is necessary to design an industrial facility - an iron foundry.

The main building of the enterprise is a one-story industrial building with a plan size of 120 x 48 m with a column pitch of 612 m. The height of the building is 14.4 m.

The number of people working in production is 285.

The number of people per shift is 95 (3 shifts).

Approximate composition of employees: 25% - women, 75% - men.

Source Data

The construction site of this facility is the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

The temperature of the coldest days with the availability of 0.92: t0.92 = 27 ° С.

The temperature of the coldest five-day period with a security of 0.92: 19.5 ° С.

Average temperature: 6.4 ° С.

Heating period duration: 207 days

Prevailing wind directions: winter - SW;

Master Plan Solution

The plot plan of the site has been decided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP11.8980. A land plot of the necessary area is allocated for the designed iron foundry. The layout is chosen taking into account the prevailing winds. The following buildings are located on the territory:

1. Designed Foundry.

2. ABK foundry.

3. Raw material warehouses

4. Finished goods warehouse.

5. Checkpoints

The master plan is developed taking into account the principle of zoning. The designed foundry is one of the components of the house-building complex, so it is located in the main production zone. All buildings are provided with the possibility of access to transport. Human and transport flows are divided as far as possible. The factory territory is landscaped with deciduous, coniferous trees and shrubs.

Process Description

The building of the iron foundry is located on the territory of the machine-building plant under construction, which is provided with centralized heat supply, water supply, fic and linear sewage.

In the foundry, medium and large products are cast. The workshop consists of two spans, in each of the spans two bridge cranes are installed.

In a large span of 30x120 m are located: casting, moulding and hoop compartment. In a smaller span of 18x120 m there are: a melting compartment, a farmer, a rod and a number of utility rooms. Stock and molding material warehouses are located outside the foundry building. The melting compartment is located in the center of the span of 18x120 m, equipped with two wagons with a capacity of 5 t/h each and occupies the length of the span of 12 m. A special platform is arranged in the smelting compartment to service the cans at 6.000 m. To supply the charge to the site, two shaft type lifts are installed.

During the operation in the foundry, a large amount of heat and various hazards are generated.

The source of heat generation is cupola, ladles with molten metal, drying furnaces. In the moulding compartment - hot castings. Dust is released from the moulding ground and when cleaning castings - in the shell compartment.

Gases are released from drying furnaces, cans, and from filling bladders. Aeration lights and mechanical ventilation are required to control the emerging hazards. The temperature in the working area reaches from + 20 to + 25 ° С. Air humidity reaches 55%. The lighting of the workshop is designed for medium accuracy. The building is heated. Wall Material - Panels.

Volumetric planning solution

This project was developed for the construction of a foundry in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The designed foundry in plan has a rectangular shape with dimensions in axes A-K - 48 m, in axes 121-120 m.

It consists of two spans: 30 m and 18 m. The pitch of the columns between spans of 12 m, the extreme columns have a pitch of 6 m. This building is an industrial one-story building.

Fachwerk columns are located 6 meters at the end walls for the possibility of fixing wall panels.

For the upper lighting of the production area, remote from the window openings, the aeration lights are provided.

The administrative building is attached to the longitudinal side of the building.

The pitch of the columns in the ABK is 6 meters. ABK dimensions are 36 x 54 meters.

The designed foundry relates to buildings of the II degree of fire resistance .

Durability of enclosing structures - II.

Calculation of ABC equipment and room areas

Domestic premises are designed in a two-story building attached to the longitudinal side of the workshop.

In this administrative building there is a II degree of fire resistance, II degree of service of workers, which includes objects of repeated and daily use during the working day, closest to jobs.

The planning decision of sanitary devices in the premises was made taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.09.0487.

Wardrobes have cabinets measuring 0.5x0.25 and 0.4x0.5. Washbasins and shower cabins are installed in the dressing rooms. For the convenience of workers, rooms for dirty and clean working clothes are provided.

Structural solution of ABK

Space-planning solutions of auxiliary buildings, as a rule, are developed on the basis of unified dimensional diagrams or standard planning elements. The designed building, in plan, has a U-shape. The building has dimensions in coordination axes "112" 54m and axes "AJ" 36m. According to the structural diagram, this designed building with a full frame according to the 1.020 series. The building is two-story, with a floor height of 3.3 m. The roof is flat hollow pitched, ventilated, with an internal organized drainage. Exit to the roof of the building through staircases .

This ABC provides for the first degree of service for workers, which includes objects of repeated and daily use during the working day and those closest to jobs. The planning decision of sanitary devices and premises is made taking into account these standards. In household rooms the necessary complex of rooms, the equipment, stock and sanitary devices is designed.

Drawings content

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