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Insulator for horses 16 seats

  • Added: 28.02.2014
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Coursework. Drawings - Elevation 1-5, Elevation A-B, Roof Plan, Section 1-1, Section 2-2, Plot Plan, Plan 1-5. There is a note to the exchange rate

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Design Input


1 Functional Process Description

2 Construction area, its climatology and geological characteristics

3 Description of the Master Plan

4 Space planning solution

5 Constructive solution

5.1 Foundations

5.2 Foundation beams

5.3 Reinforced concrete columns

5.4 Walls, partitions

5.5 Coating plates

5.6 Windows

5.7 Doors

5.8 Roof

5.9 Floors

6 Engineering equipment

7 Finishing works

8 Construction Physics

8.1 Heat Engineering Calculation of External Enclosing Structure

8.2 Determination of insulation thickness

9 Summary specification of reinforced concrete products

List of literature


Today, the industrial construction market is huge. When designing industrial facilities, it is necessary to take into account that, unlike civil engineering facilities, they have the following features:

• concentration of industrial enterprises in large areas (formation of industrial units, industrial zone, etc.);

• A large range of industries with a significant number of process varieties;

• the release by industrial enterprises of harmful substances dangerous to nature and man ;

• specific modes of transport;

• saturated territory with engineering networks, availability of engineering facilities and open engineering equipment ;

• Continuous technological changes that necessitate technical re-equipment and reconstruction of enterprises;

• mandatory application of process design standards along with construction codes;

• use of specific means of architectural expressiveness in shaping the appearance of industrial development.

The architectural and construction principles of the formation of industrial facilities, developed earlier, and currently are the fundamental basis for the design and reconstruction of industrial buildings, structures and their complexes.

At present, after a long period of sharp decline in capital construction, there is a trend of growth in industrial construction.

The transformation of Russian industry is primarily related to the need to achieve the competitiveness of domestic products in the conditions of world economic integration. In this regard, industrial construction is proposed to be developed in the following main areas.

The first direction is the reconstruction of previously built buildings and industrial enterprises operating at a loss and subjected to physical or moral wear and tear, based on the improvement of architectural, construction and engineering solutions. At the same time, the problem of preserving the existing development of historical cities with the presence of production facilities in them, many of which can be attributed to architectural monuments, becomes especially urgent.

The second direction is the formation of industrial enterprises and buildings of knowledge-intensive industries on the basis of innovative centers (technology parks, technopolis, etc.), which make it possible to achieve technical progress and competitiveness of domestic products.

The third direction is the formation of small and medium-sized enterprises oriented to the domestic market (metalworking, light and food industries, car services, processing of agricultural products, household services, etc.).

In modern conditions, the creation and development of the small and medium-sized business sector becomes the basis for the social development of society and the transition of the country's economy to a modern market economy. The concept of designing and building small and medium-sized enterprises was created, which became the basis for the development of such enterprises in design and construction organizations. A catalogue of such enterprises was compiled with information on equipment and technological processes.

The fourth direction is the formation of enterprises, processing industries, raw materials industries using resource-saving and waste-free technologies.

When designing such enterprises, first of all, a complete block method for the construction of the technological part and engineering and technical systems from a set of units of high factory readiness, including aggregated technological equipment and supporting structures, should be used with the maximum transfer of construction and installation work from the construction site to the industrial production of supplier enterprises.

In recent years, the construction of civil and industrial facilities has been carried out in areas with difficult geological conditions, often near existing buildings. Therefore, when designing buildings in such territories, it is necessary to develop special measures to strengthen the foundations for the foundations. Currently, expert bodies do not consider the compliance of working documents with approved projects, which is one of the reasons for the decrease in quality and increase in the cost of construction.

It is advisable to introduce into practice the consideration by expert bodies of compliance of working documentation with approved projects for the construction of buildings with mass visits of people (shopping and entertainment complexes, sports facilities, large and responsible enterprises, etc.). For such facilities, special construction specifications with increased design parameters are required.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the above:

• In order to improve industrial construction, it is necessary to develop a methodology for certifying industrial facilities and create regional databases of such facilities with reference to the land cadastre;

• It is advisable to develop a concept for the location of industrial enterprises in large cities, principles and techniques for their removal from centers and their placement in new territories;

• The development of scientific recommendations on the architectural reconstruction of existing production buildings, optimization of space planning and structural solutions, the creation and implementation of new engineering systems that minimize energy consumption during the construction and operation of buildings, with the aim of improving the safety and humanization of the environment of industrial enterprises, is considered relevant.

• In addition to developing optimal conditions for the production of competitive products, a comprehensive approach is needed to create a high-quality and safe environment in industrial enterprises and buildings.

KP sheet


Functional Process Description

The 16-seat horse insulator is designed to serve horse breeding farms with a total number of horses from 2 to 3 thousand heads and can be built as a separate facility or as part of a veterinary clinic.

The isolator is designed to hold horses, patients or suspected of disease with contagious diseases.

The isolator has two sections designed for the maintenance of animals with different infectious diseases. At the entrance to each section there is a diskette.

Sick animals are kept in denniks and stalls equipped with feeders and drinkers.

Animals delivered from farms to the insulator undergo sanitary and hygienic treatment using a shower mesh with a flexible hose. Clinical examination of animals according to indications is carried out in the room for treatment procedures.

Feed distribution and manure harvesting are performed using manual trolleys TU300. Horses are sung from PA1A autopilets. For the storage of fodders and mineral feeding, forage is provided.

Process indicators:

• insulator capacity - 16 heads;

• area for one head: in the dennik - 12 m 2;

in the stall - 3.75 m 2;

• feeding front - 1 m/goal;

• electricity demand per horse per year - 288 kWh;

• feed consumption per head per year in feed units - 3500.

Work is carried out in one shift. The total number of employees is 1 person.

Construction area, its climatic and geological characteristics

The designed building is intended for construction in the city of Novgorod, which is located in the climatic subdistrict IIB.

Climatic characteristics of the cold season:

• The air temperature of the coldest days with a security of 0.92: minus 31 ° С.

• Air temperature of the coldest five days with security of 0.92: minus 25 ° С.

• Absolute minimum air temperature: minus 45 ° С.

• Duration and average air temperature of the period with average daily air temperature ≤ 8 ° С:

duration 221 days,

average temperature minus 4.5 ° С.

• Average monthly relative humidity of the coldest month: 85%.

• Rainfall per November: 176 mm.

• Prevailing wind direction for December February: Yu.

• The maximum of the average wind speeds in rumbes in January: 6.6 m/s.

• Average wind speed for the period with average daily air temperature ≤ 8 ° С: 4.68 ° С.

Climatic characteristics of the warm season:

• Absolute maximum air temperature: 34 ° С.

• Rainfall for April: 424 mm.

• Daily maximum precipitation: 72 mm.

• Prevailing wind direction for June August: SW.

• Minimum of average wind speeds per rumba for July: 4 m/s.

Master Plan Description

The master plan - the summary document of the projected building of the territory on which are shown placement of the buildings designed, existing, reconstructed and subject to demolition, constructions, engineering networks, highways, railway tracks, subjects to gardening, improvement, planning of a land relief, etc.

The general plan is made on the basis of existing norms and rules in connection with the current situation. The area of ​ ​ the site within the boundaries of improvement is 10,000 m2.

The designed building is located in accordance with fire, sanitary and other standards (SNiP 210197; SNiP *).

For the improvement of the territory are provided: deciduous trees and lawns.

Space Planning Solution

The designed building in the plan has a rectangular shape. Overall dimensions 12x24 m. The total area of ​ ​ the building is 288 m 2.

The building construction system is a complex characteristic of the structural solution of the building according to the material and the construction technology of bearing structures. According to the material - reinforced concrete, construction technology - full-assembly, construction system - panel.

The structural system is an interconnected set of vertical and horizontal load-bearing structures that together provide its strength, rigidity and stability.

In accordance with the functional diagram of the technological process, sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements of technological communication, the following space-planning solution was designed:

- structural diagram of the frame;

- span 6 m;

- two-span building;

- 1 storey building;

- longitudinal pitch of load-bearing columns 6 m;

- transverse span is 12 m.

Architectural composition is a holistic system of architectural forms that meets artistic, functional and structural and technological requirements. The composition of the building is latitudinal (the size in the plan prevails over the size of the height). Composites such as symmetry, meter, and proportions are used.

There are no basements, technical floors and crane equipment.

Drawings content

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