Installation of the pump HM-7000-210 unit in block execution

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In the course design, the installation technology in the block version is considered. The graphic part is in A1 format .
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Additional information
Chapter 1. Process Part
1.1 General provisions
1.2 Installation of pump
1.2.1 Loading and unloading operations, supply, storage and acceptance of pump units for installation
1.2.2 Preparatory works. Foundation acceptance
1.2.3 Pre-installation check of pump units
1.2.4 Duration of installation
1.2.5 Unit pump installation Lifting, installation and alignment of foundation frames, pump unit and electric motor Alignment of the electric motor to the pump Addition and filling of foundations
1.3 Testing of pump units
1.3.1 Types of tests
1.4 Preparation of start-up and testing of pump units
1.5 Technical documentation for installation of pump units
Chapter 2 Calculation Part
2.1 Calculation of foundation for dynamic impact
Chapter 3 Methods of soil improvement
3.1. Methods of soil compaction of bases
Chapter 4 Safety and Health
4.1 General Safety Requirements for Installation Works
List of literature
Process Part
1.1 General provisions
The main process equipment of pump stations is pumping (pumping) units, which provide the main function of the pump station - transportation of oil or oil product through the main pipeline. Pump unit consists of centrifugal pump and drive connected to each other by means of toothed couplings. Pumps of pump unit - centrifugal low-pressure single-stage pumps. Each such pump creates a head of 195 to 550 m of the column of transported liquid, while providing a supply of 12,500 to 125 m3/h, respectively.
In the future, MN pump 7000210 will be considered.
The mark of the main pump is indicated as follows: NM 7000210. The decryption of the pump brand is as follows: NM - main pump.
Technical and economic characteristics:
giving, m3/h............................................................7000
head, m...................................................................... 210
impeller diameter, mm. 475/455
permissible cavitation margin during operation on water, m...... 52
Pump efficiency during operation on water,%......................................................................................................................................... 89
pump power at oil operation, kW..................... 3870
electric motor............................................. STD-5000-2
electric motor power, kW.................................. 5000
pump weight, kg........................................................ 6300
mass of the unit, kg....................................................22320
Pumps used to transport oil or oil product through main pipelines are called main pumps. Such pumps consist of a cast split housing; impeller fitted on shaft;
guide vanes, shafts; bearings and sealing devices. The most important part of the pumps is the impeller. The main pumps use a closed impeller with a double-sided fluid inlet. Such wheel consists of two external disks and one internal disk with bushing put on shaft (rotor) of pump. Spiral working blades are arranged between outer and inner disks. Impeller is made cast from steel. At double-sided fluid supply to the impeller more stable pressure is created and axial load is compensated. Impeller is arranged in steel housing by axial connector. Besides, the housing contains supply and discharge devices, guide vanes, bearings with labyrinth seals. If the supply (suction) pipeline and the inner space of the housing are filled with liquid, then when the impeller rotates, the liquid converging in its inner space (between the blades) under the influence of centrifugal force will be thrown to the outer surface of the wheel. Due to this, excessive pressure is created on the outer surface of the impeller, and in the lower part of the inner space between the blades - on the contrary, reduced pressure. The overpressure moves the liquid to the discharge (delivery) line. The reduction of pressure facilitates simultaneous flow of liquid from the supply (suction) pipeline into the inner space of the impeller. Thus, liquid is supplied to the pump and its outlet from the pump under increased pressure.
Normal operation of the centrifugal pump can be ensured under certain so-called cavitation-free conditions. Normal operation is maintained only if the phenomenon at all points of its internal cavity exceeds the pressure of saturated vapors of the pumped liquid at a given temperature. This pressure is called critical P kr. If the pressure in the internal cavity of the pump is less than critical, then the formation of liquid vapors and the onset of the so-called cavitation are possible. During cavitation due to the formation of a large number of bubbles filled with liquid vapors, flow continuity is disturbed. When cavitation bubbles enter the area where the liquid pressure is more than critical (for example, on the surface of the impeller blades), they break down and hydraulic shocks occur in microscopic zones. This results in local destruction of the impeller metal. The occurrence of cavitation depends on many reasons (material and the presence of coating on the surface of the impeller, pumping modes). Of greatest importance is the observance of the so-called cavitation-free operation modes of the pump, at which the pressure at the inlet of the pump Pps should be higher than the critical pressure, that is, the pressure of saturated vapors of the pumped liquid. Special retaining pumps are installed at the head pump stations to ensure the cavitation-free operation of the main pumps, which pump oil or oil product from the tanks and supply it under the required pressure to the suction branch pipes of the main pumps. Oil or oil product is supplied to intermediate pumping station to suction branch pipes from previous station under pressure exceeding permissible cavitation reserve.
Since single-stage main pumps belong to low-pressure pumps, three series-connected pumps and one (fourth) standby pump are installed in the pipeline to provide the necessary operating pressure.
Synchronous three-phase motors in conventional and explosion-proof design are used to drive main and retaining centrifugal pumps. Synchronous motors in the usual design, which are part of the pump units, must be located in the drive compartment, isolated from the pump compartment by a continuous gas-tight wall (partition). This is due to the fact that when pumping units are placed in a common room with electric motors, oil or oil product vapors from pumps can enter the atmosphere, and the formation of an accidental spark in the electric motor can cause an explosion. Explosion-proof motors are devoid of this disadvantage and can be used in a common room with pumps without a separating gas-tight wall. Explosion protection of electric motors is achieved by a number of structural measures: using an explosion-proof shell of the electric motor body; using an intrinsically safe electrical circuit; filling or purging the inner space of the motor with clean air under excessive pressure; filling the internal space of the motor housing with oil, etc.
Most often, blast protection in explosion-proof motors used as the drive of main pumps at pump stations and centrifugal blowers at compressor stations is used to blow the interior of the housing with air at an excess pressure of 100 Pa. The presence of an excessive pressure of clean air inside the motor housing prevents the penetration of the explosive mixture from the surrounding atmosphere of the workshop, and this prevents an explosion. If the pressure of the purged clean air inside the motor housing is less than 100 Pa, then an automatic warning alarm is triggered, and then the motor automatic shutdown system.
1.2 Installation of pump
1.2.1 Loading and unloading operations, supply, storage and acceptance of pump units for installation
Packaged parts are stored in containers and protected against ingress of moisture and dust, as well as exposure to direct sunlight, their effect on the shafts of pumps is especially harmful, since with one-sided heating the shafts can deform. During long-term storage, preserved parts and assemblies are periodically re-preserved, but at least 1 times every six months, at which special attention should be paid to the state of the friction surface of shafts and bearings, the state of mounting surfaces, shaft flanges and impeller.
Pumps from their place of storage to the place of installation are delivered in the factory package by rail, cars or tractors. Loading and unloading operations are carried out by mechanisms and devices, the carrying capacity of which corresponds to the weight and nature of the transported cargo. Slinging shall ensure reliable fastening of the cargo and exclude the possibility of defects and damage to the cargo or its packaging.
The initial operation of the working cycle, which is the filling of the load, is that the working member of the crane - its lifting hook - is attached to the load using connecting devices called slings.
The need to use slings (or other load grips) when loading heavy loads performed by cranes is explained by the fact that most loads are either completely devoid of any protruding elements that could be engaged by the crane hook, or if such elements are provided (for example - clamps or loops at reinforced concrete building parts, earrings or eyes at containers, etc.), then they are usually disproportionate with a crane hook. Naturally, neither the loop nor the earrings on the load can be very large, while the hooks on the crane are massive in terms of the assigned load capacity.
Being as if an intermediate link between the crane and the load, the slings can be loosely hung on the crane lifting hook and reliably hold the load when lifting by binding the load or by engaging the intended elements.
If there are no protruding elements on the load that can be used to engage with slings, so-called annular or universal slings are used. Using such a sling, they bind the load to them, and releasing a part of the sling in the form of a loop, hang it on a lifting hook.
If on cargo (building parts, railway containers, etc.) there are hinges, earrings or other protruding elements, when loading and unloading, you can use the so-called lightweight slings with a ring at one end (or brace) of sufficient size that it can be put on a massive crane lifting hook, and on the other - forged hooks of reduced size or carbines, etc., with the help of which the sling is engaged with the load.
Multi-branch slings are used when the load is very bulky or its severity is so great that it becomes necessary to disperse forces that would be excessive for a single-branch sling.
A multi-branch sling is a combination of several single-branch slings.
The material for the manufacture of slings is mainly steel flexible wire ropes (ropes), less often hemp ropes and steel chains.
If the load lifted by the crane is so large that it is difficult to cope with it even when using a multi-network sling, traverse is used. The crossarms have different design, but for the most part they are a horizontal rocker (usually a metal beam), from which several slings are suspended.
Use of Stropolycki labor during building-up and rebuilding
heavy loads, increasing the labour intensity of these operations, may not favorably affect the productivity of cranes and the duration of car downtime under loading and unloading operations. Only very experienced, well-trained rafters perform development and rebuilding in a few seconds. Often, these operations take 1-2 minutes from the total duration of the crane working cycle.
The desire to reduce the duration of building-up, facilitate the hard work of Stropolycks, increase the productivity of cranes was expressed in the appearance and use of a large number of semi-automatic and automatic gripping devices. Some of them allow the crane driver to do without stropolycks at all, others, not excluding the participation of rafters in loading and unloading operations, provide accelerated buildup and rebuilding.
When transporting the pump to the installation site, the goods must be securely secured to prevent damage. The carrying capacity of the transport must correspond to the weight of the goods carried, and the speed must ensure traffic safety.
Unpacking of pump components is carried out on a special site and in a sequence corresponding to the order of installation work, preserving painted surfaces, packed parts and shipping documentation. First of all, the housing parts of the pumps installed on wooden skids are subject to unpacking. Note here that parts attachment to skids is removed while unpacked parts are transported and mounted on liners at another site where they are stored until they are installed in place. The storage area shall be sufficiently spacious so that the parts are not folded onto each Other, as dry as possible and without abrupt fluctuations in ambient temperature.
When unpacking the components of the pump packed in boxes, only the part of the package necessary for inspection and inspection is removed, it is recommended to remove the rest of the package immediately before installing the parts in place. It is recommended to store such parts and assemblies under a canopy or covered with waterproof caps. It is recommended to store the box with instrumentation and components after opening in a closed dry room until they are installed in place.
Preservation during unpacking should be maintained until pre-installation inspection and subsequent installation of the part in place. After that, if the installation process is a period longer than the storage period in preservation guaranteed by the plant, it is necessary to restore preservation within the specified time frame.
1.2.2 Preparatory works. Acceptance of foundations.
Before starting installation of transfer units, construction works are completed, which provide the necessary front for installation works. In particular, before the start of installation of pumping units, it is necessary to complete zero cycle operations, that is, installation and installation of foundations, backfilling and compaction of soils on all elements of the zero cycle, arrangement of off-site and on-site roads and platforms for the pre-assembly of equipment to be installed. The organization of installation works is defined by SNiP 3.05.05 - 84 "Process Equipment and Process Pipelines," in accordance with which, before the start of installation, the installation organizations receive design and technical documentation and make up the work execution project. Typically, typical work projects in the Minneftegazstroy system are NIPIorganftegasstroy, and the construction and installation organizations are linking the typical PDP to specific conditions. The installation works execution project includes the calendar and network schedules of installation works execution, process charts and process diagrams.
For installation works, installation organizations must have a set of technical documentation, which includes: passports of pumping units, process equipment, block boxes and units of other equipment included in the delivery set; technical specifications for delivery of transfer units, process equipment, units and units; pick (dispatch) lists; operating and installation instructions of manufacturers of pumping units, process equipment, units and units; foundation drawings for transfer units, main and auxiliary equipment of block and non-block supply; assembly drawings of transfer units and process equipment; schematic diagrams of auxiliary systems of units (fuel, lubrication, cooling); installation drawings and drawings of piping parts and assemblies; Equipment and piping specifications.
Installation organizations accept process equipment and pumping units from the customer.
Customers of the under construction pumping stations of the main oil pipelines - the directorate of the companies under construction of the oil pipeline departments of the Ministry of Oil Industry, and the main oil product pipelines and product pipelines (ammonia pipelines, ethylene pipelines, etc.) - the directorate of the companies under construction of the oil product departments of the USSR State Committee for Oil Products and Union Republics and departments or departments of capital construction of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, Ministry of Energy.
A special place in the period of preparation of installation works is occupied by acceptance and preparation of foundations for installation. In accordance with the deadlines established by calendar and network schedules, construction organizations transfer foundations for pumping units and process equipment to installation organizations .
The construction organization (general contractor) shall present to the installation organization (subcontractor) the acts of readiness of each of the elements of the zero cycle for the installation of equipment. This certificate is signed by representatives of the construction organization (general contractor), installation organization (subcontractor) and the customer .
Acceptance of foundations for pumping units and equipment of pump stations starts with their external inspection and measurement. During external inspection attention is paid to the absence of cracks, breakaways and other defects in the foundation body, pedestal and struts. When measuring the foundation, the roulette checks the compliance of its dimensions with the design dimensions. Then, correct application of laying axes on foundation and their mutual perpendicular are checked by means of strings (steel wires) and plumbs. The perpendicular of the breakout axes is checked as follows. By tensioning one of the strings, a transverse axis is indicated. At the ends of the string, plumbs are hung to transfer the transverse axis to the side faces of the foundation. The second string then marks the longitudinal axis and sews the plumbs at its ends. Equal lengths of OS and 0B of arbitrary length are laid from point of intersection of axes 0 on string simulating transverse axis. A length segment 0A of arbitrary length is deposited from the point 0 on the longitudinal axis. The longitudinal and transverse axes will be perpendicular if the sides of the AC and AB of the DIA triangle are equal, that is, if the DIA triangle is isosceles.
Compliance of deviations of real sizes of foundations with design and permissible deviations is also checked, permissible deviations are usually indicated in regulatory documents.
Elevations of support parts of foundations are controlled by geodetic leveling. The binding of wells for foundation bolts in monolithic reinforced concrete foundations to longitudinal and transverse axes is checked using strings and plumbs using a measuring tool - roulette.
If any defects are found in the accepted foundations or other objects of the zero cycle, the installation organization does not have the right to independently carry out work on the foundation management. Only the construction organization, which conducts civil works and has written permission of the design organization, carries out works to correct the foundations and improve them.
After acceptance of the foundations, the installation organization prepares them for the installation of equipment, which consists in obtaining a strictly horizontal support platform on the foundation cut at the necessary design elevation. Moreover, the nature and volume of preparation of foundation support surfaces depends entirely on the chosen method of supporting pumping units and equipment on foundations. The following methods of supporting pumping units and equipment on the support surfaces of massive, frame or pile foundations are used: on flat-parallel linings with milled surfaces; on paired mounting wedge liners; on installation bolts; on steel liners resting on concrete cushions. In the first case, steel liners are laid directly on the concrete support surface of the foundation. The most time-consuming process of preparation of foundation support surfaces is used. Foundation abutments are typically 200X200mm in size and machined to form a strictly horizontal surface. The treatment of the support platform is checked when laying the support plate on it using a level.
Elevation of each control site is determined by geodetic leveling. Leveling usually leads to a reference. A rep is a 120X120 mm steel plate with strictly parallel and carefully machined surfaces. The rep is placed on a specially prepared site, and the height of the rep is known in advance. Typically, a layout is made of each support site with a plate on the foundation surface, indicating the elevation and its deviation from the design elevation. As zero, the maximum elevation of one of the plates is taken, to which all plates on other support platforms are adjusted using liners of different thickness.
It is somewhat less time consuming to prepare foundations when using the method on concrete cushions. In this case, the height adjustment of each support plate due to the use of liners is replaced by the manufacture of concrete cushions on the foundation surface, in the surface layer of which steel support plates are placed. The upper surface of each plate is installed on the design elevation. Formwork is installed on foundation surface for making concrete pad. Preliminary surface of foundation concrete within formwork is treated with 3% aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid. To accelerate the concrete hardening process in the formwork, a concrete mixture is used on a quick-hardening cement of the following composition per 1 m3 of its volume: BTC cement - 350 kg, crushed stone - 1235 kg, sand - 630 kg, water - 175 l (with a water cement ratio of 0.5).
The least preparation of the foundation is required when resting the equipment on paired wedge liners, and especially on installation bolts. Paired wedge liners consist of two wedge-shaped plates 500 mm long and 150 mm wide. Thickness of plates at opposite ends is 5 and 20 mm respectively (slope i = 0.03). Wedge-shaped plates are folded in pairs along inclined planes, which makes it possible to obtain plates with parallel planes with thickness of 25 mm or less during their mutual movement. Mounting bolts are screwed into threaded sockets of support parts of mounted equipment. Ends of bolts rest on support plates installed on surface of foundation. Installation bolts shall be screwed and unscrewed in turn to ensure accurate installation of equipment in horizontal position at the design elevation. The number of mounting bolts is assigned depending on their carrying capacity, diameter and weight of the equipment resting on them.
The preparation of the foundation in this case is reduced to the installation of support plates on the surface of the foundation. Deflections of vertical elevations of support plates are corrected due to preliminary installation of wedge paired linings or height adjustment of mounting bolts.
1.2.3 Pre-installation check of pump units
After the pumps are unpacked, they are inspected to determine the condition and completeness in accordance with the packing list (nested in the box) or suspended tag. Inspection and check of parts completeness is performed in the following sequence: the package is carefully opened and the packing list is taken out; if the part or assembly is installed on wooden skids, first of all check the presence of a tag or tags; check completeness according to packing list and marking; unpacked articles are inspected without disassembling into units and parts. At the same time, attention is paid to damages and breakdowns, cracks, dents and other visible defects of the equipment, as well as to the duration and conditions of storage of the equipment in the customer's warehouses in accordance with the requirements of the technical conditions for the supply of equipment, the state of painting and preservation, the presence and safety of all seals, plugs and plugs on the equipment; parts are sorted in order to determine their further storage places (on an open area under a moisture-tight casing, on sites with a canopy or in a closed dry room).
Acceptance of equipment for installation, as well as defects detected during inspection and insufficiency of equipment are recorded by acts of form.
The inspected and accepted for installation components of the pump unit are placed at their storage places, which are planned during sorting until the moment of final revision and installation on the mounted pump. Depreservation and revision of pumps are performed by articulated units and parts immediately before their installation in place.
Revision of pump components consists in external inspection to determine their condition. At the same time, the units shipped by the factory in assembly, except for sealed ones, are disassembled and inspected. When disassembling the parts and their relative position, mark or lock them together. During disassembly, inspection and subsequent assembly of pump and pump units as a whole, make sure that there are no visible damages and breakdowns of parts, cracks, dents, nicks and other defects. Special attention should be paid to condition of friction mating and centering surfaces of pump parts and assemblies; prevent the presence of manual soldering of machined surfaces of mating parts and assemblies, if there are no special indications of this in the plant drawings. Gaskets of plant thickness shall be used to seal the connector planes; installation of damaged gaskets, as well as installation of additional layers of gasket material in places of damage, is not allowed. Check density of body parts casting of bearings and seals, welded parts, pouring them with kerosene and holding for 3 h. Carefully blow all cavities of parts and assemblies with air before final assembly of pumps.
Components and instrumentation at disassembly are not subject to inspection.
All defects detected during the audit shall be rectified (if possible under installation conditions) and fixed by the certificate of form.
1.2.4 Duration of installation
The duration and labor intensity of installation depends not only on the size of the unit to be installed, but also on the quality of preparatory work, the presence of lifting vehicles, the quality of the supplied equipment, etc. Approximately the duration of installation work (without drying the electric motor) with good preparation of lifting facilities and other necessary tools and devices, without commissioning tests (with fully completed construction work and with quick-grasping cements for gravitation of foundation parts) is 2-4 days for a small horizontal cantilever pump and electric motor received on a common foundation frame with connection to pipelines; for small horizontal pump and electric motor received on separate foundation frames and slabs, 5-6 days; average horizontal pump and electric motor 8-12 days; a vertical axial pump with an impeller with a diameter of up to 500-600 mm and an electric motor for 14-18 days; a vertical axial pump with an impeller with a diameter of more than 600 mm with an electric motor for 20-40 days; vertical centrifugal pump with electric motor 20-35 days.
Depending on the number of workers employed in the installation, single-shift or double-shift work is established and a schedule of installation and commissioning is made. The composition of the team for the installation of small pumps is 2-3 people, and for the installation of large pumps 6-10 people.
In addition to the knowledge of the general techniques of locksmith works, pump equipment installers should be able to perform special., assembly operations, connect and center the shafts of the pump and electric motor, be well aware of the soldering and picking, as well as be able to fit the parts to each other, check the dimensions, accuracy, assembly and installation in place of individual parts and assembled units, know pipeline works and perform lifting and transportation operations. It is desirable to involve the operating personnel of the drivers, their assistants, mechanics, locksmiths in the installation, having previously familiarized them with the design of the pump unit, its operation diagram, installation and operation requirements.
1.2.5 Unit pump installation
Pump units for pump stations of main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines in the block version come from the manufacturer in the form of finished units, fully prepared for installation without the need to disassemble and inspect their units at the installation site. Pump units are supplied in the form of two main units installed on separate frames: centrifugal single-stage main pump and electric motor. The set of the centrifugal pump unit includes the pump itself with the foundation frame supplied separately from the pump, a toothed coupling and foundation or anchor bolts. The electric motor unit includes a synchronous electric motor, an exciter, a foundation frame in the form of two guides from steel rolled stock, supplied separately from the electric motor, and foundation or anchor bolts. Installation of pumping units and complex equipment is carried out with the participation of representatives (chief installers) of factory manufacturers, and the installation organization informs the manufacturer in writing about the start of installation.
The technology and arrangement of unit delivery pump units installation depends on the degree of readiness of the pump shop building. In this regard, two methods of installing pump units are distinguished: before the construction of the pump shop building begins; after completion of construction of the pump shop building. In the first case, the installation of pump units is much easier, since any installation cranes can be used, and the delivery of pump units to the foundations is simplified, which increases the installation productivity, reduces its labor intensity and ultimately leads to a reduction in the construction time of pump shops and pump stations. However, the quality of installation depends significantly on the weather conditions. In addition, during the subsequent installation of the building, it is necessary to take measures to protect the pump units from accidental damage. During the installation of pump units in the finished building of the pump shop, installation conditions are significantly worsened due to space constraints, but at the same time - the installation process itself does not depend on weather conditions. In practice, both methods of mounting pump units are used.
During the installation of pump units prior to the construction of the pump shop building, the organization of installation work for the entire number of block-complete pump stations is the same. Each pump station has four pump units, which differ in drive power, head and feed value, and therefore in weight and dimensions. In addition, the stations differ in the size of the foundations and the distances between them. Self-propelled caterpillar or pneumatic wheeler cranes with lifting capacity of up to 50 tons and automobile cranes with lifting capacity of up to 16 tons are used for installation of pump units. Delivery of pump units (centrifugal pump and synchronous motor) to the installation site or to the crane operation area is carried out on trailers or trucks with lifting capacity of 12 tons.
Installation of centrifugal pump and electric motor on each foundation is carried out from one parking of crane of corresponding lifting capacity at boom take-off required for installation conditions.
The sequence of installation of the pump unit before the construction of the pump shop building is as follows. First, a centrifugal pump is installed on the foundation, which is adjusted on the foundation and fixed in the design position using foundation bolts. Then, a synchronous electric motor is installed on the foundation, which is aligned to the pump and also fixed in the design position using foundation bolts. The adopted installation sequence is associated, first, with smaller plan dimensions and greater rigidity of the centrifugal pump design, second, with easier alignment of the design position of the centrifugal pump.
Consider the installation of the pump unit on a massive reinforced concrete foundation with finished wells for foundation bolts. Besides, the basic principles of installation technological operations are the same for installation of technological equipment of different purpose. Installation operations during installation of pump units are performed in a certain sequence:
preparation and adjustment of horizontal platforms on the foundation surface and installation of support plates for installation bolts using hammers and teeth;
lifting and installation of the pump frame on the foundation, alignment of the frame and its attachment by welding to embedded parts of the foundation using the installation crane, installation bolts, welding unit;
installation of foundation bolts using a template;
concreting of foundation frame for pump to design
marks using formwork and vibrator;
lifting and installation on the pump frame and its alignment using the installation crane and liners;
preliminary tightening of foundation or anchor bolts on the pump using wrenches;
installation of the foundation frame for the electric motor on the foundation using the installation crane;
installation of electric motor on foundation frame using installation crane;
adjustment of the electric motor and its alignment to the pump by means of jacks, liners and alignment devices;
fixing the foundation frame of the electric motor by welding to embedded parts of the foundation from the outside, removing the electric motor and fixing the foundation frame by welding to embedded parts from the inside using a mounting crane and a welding unit;
concreting of the foundation frame for an electric motor with installation of reinforcement with the use of a silo for concrete mixture and a vibrator;
final installation of the electric motor on the foundation frame and its final alignment and alignment to the pump using the installation crane and liners 0.5 mm thick;
final tightening of foundation or anchor bolts of electric motor and pump by means of spanning calibrated wrenches;
installation of toothed coupling connecting shafts of electric motor and pump.
Consider in more detail some of the most important process steps for mounting the unit pumps. Lifting, installation and alignment of foundation frames, pump unit and electric motor
Lifting and installation of foundation frames, pump unit and electric motor are performed by self-propelled cranes with corresponding lifting characteristics.
Slinging of pump and electric motor units is performed by four-branch sling behind eye-bolts of pump housing and for special lugs of electric motor frame.
Alignment of foundation frames - their installation in the design position on the foundation. It is carried out in two planes - horizontal and vertical: alignment in the horizontal plane - accurate installation of equipment units along longitudinal and transverse axes, alignment in the vertical plane - accurate installation of equipment in the horizontal position (horizontal check). Horizontal alignment is performed as follows. Thin steel wire (string) is pulled over frame or pump installed on foundation on posts from angles in direction of longitudinal and transverse axes, on the ends of which plumbs are hung. The screened equipment is moved in a horizontal plane until the lower point of the plumb coincides with hairlines (lines) on the surface of the foundation, indicating mutually perpendicular longitudinal and transverse axes. Movement of electric motor, pump and other equipment in horizontal plane for insignificant distances during alignment is performed by jacks or special screw pressing devices.
Alignment in the vertical plane is performed to give a strictly horizontal position to the equipment being installed. The need for this reconciliation is related to the practical inability to perform the foundation support surface strictly horizontal. Therefore, when erecting the foundation, its support surface is not brought to the design elevation by 50-80 mm and this gap is used to adjust the position of the equipment in the vertical plane.
Two methods are used for alignment in the vertical plane: lining and non-lining (using installation bolts). With the lining method, the horizontal installation of the equipment is achieved by introducing flat or paired wedge linings into the gap between the support surfaces of the equipment and the foundation. Lifting of transfer units or equipment for installation of liners is performed by means of screw, rack or hydraulic jacks. Linings are laid on both sides of foundation or anchor bolts, as close to their axis as possible, in order to avoid increased bending stresses in the equipment frame or transfer unit. The locations of the pads are usually indicated in the mounting drawings. A set of liners typically consists of one or two flat liners and one or two paired wedge liners, but no more than five plates in the set. By changing the number of pads and by shifting the wedge pads relative to each other, the required total thickness of the pile of pads is achieved. After completion of alignment of the lining in the set, it is checked for density of abutment by introducing 0.1 mm thick probe plate between them and support surfaces. Then plates are connected to each other and to embedded parts (or frame) of foundation by short welded seams and preliminary tightening of foundation or anchor bolts is performed.
The lining method of vertical alignment is well mastered in the practice of equipment installation. However, this method is distinguished by the increased labor intensity and consumption of steel for the linings remaining in concrete. To correct the last drawback, the lining package is not fixed by welding, and on three sides it is protected from contact with concrete by formwork. This makes it possible to remove packs of liners after concrete hardening, and fill the remaining voids with concrete mixture. To reduce labor intensity, special wedge jacks can be used instead of liners, which are installed in the gap between the support surfaces of the foundation and the equipment frame. At rotation of jack screw due to movement of wedges local lifting and lowering of mounted equipment is performed. The maximum lifting height of the equipment by this jack is up to 8 mm. In process of concrete mixture pouring wedge jack is protected from three sides by formwork and after concrete hardening is removed. The wedge jack can also be removed after the inventory pads have been inserted into the gap.
For vertical alignment when installing transfer units and equipment, a more efficient, non-laying method is increasingly used by screwing and unscrewing the mounting bolts in turn. Check of equipment horizontality is performed by levels of various types. Locating bolts are fixed by nut and lock nut. Installation bolts are supported by steel liners installed on the foundation surface. The equipment shall be supported by all installation bolts during reconciliation. Density of attachment of end surface of mounting bolts to liners is checked by means of probe plate with thickness of 0.1 mm. During non-clamping alignment with the help of installation bolts, the labor intensity of the process is significantly reduced and metal losses on the remaining liners are eliminated.
Foundation frames of pump and electric motor are adjusted on installation bolts. The number of mounting bolts on the pump frame is usually four, and on the electric motor frame depends on the type of pump unit. Installation bolts for pump units of different power differ not only in number, but also in diameter. The diameter and number of mounting bolts depends on the weight of the equipment, the perimeter and the area of the support part. After completion of adjustment, nuts (locknuts) of installation bolts are tightened to prevent their spontaneous unfolding during concreting of frames and filling of equipment. Electric motor is installed on adjusted frame and aligned to pump. Alignment of the electric motor to the pump
Alignment of electric motor to pump is carried out by toothed coupling clutches, in which torque is transmitted due to toothed engagement. Such clutch consists of two bushings put on keys on shaft of pump and electric motor, respectively, and two toothed half-couplings. On circular rims of these bushings teeth of involute profile are cut. Inner teeth of two half-couplings are engaged with bushings. Half-couplings are connected to each other by bolts with nuts. Annular space between half-couplings and bushings is filled with oil to form oil bath, which is sealed by installation of rubber cuffs and end covers. Rotation is transmitted from the electric motor hall to the pump shaft through gears ensuring smooth transmission. Alignment of shafts is performed for toothed clutches along teeth of bushings in two ways: using a probe and indicators.
After alignment of shafts along half-couplings of frame is completed by short seams it is connected to embedded plates of foundation on external side. Then electric motor is removed from frame, and frame is welded with short seams to embedded plates of foundation on inner side. After that concreting of frame is carried out, leaving its upper support surfaces unbeaten. When concrete reaches the strength level specified in the PPM, but not less than 70% of the design, an electric motor is again installed on the support surfaces of the frame and its final alignment with the pump is carried out. Gaskets 0.5 mm thick are laid between supporting surfaces of concreted foundation frame and electric motor for alignment. After final alignment, foundation or anchor bolts are pre-tightened, and then foundation is added. Completion, alignment and fixation of pump units or equipment on the foundation is fixed by the act of checking the correct installation of equipment on the foundation. Addition and filling of foundations
The construction organization shall perform metering and grouting of the foundations under the supervision of the installation organization not later than 48 hours after the construction organization receives a written notice from the installation organization. Foundation surface is cleaned from dust and debris by blowing with compressed air prior to metering and gravy. Then foundation surface is moistened. At the same time, water accumulations in niches and depressions are not allowed. A wooden formwork with a height of about 150 mm is installed along the contour of the frame at a distance of 100-200 mm from its edge on the surface of the foundation. Concrete is used for concreting and grouting of foundations, the design grade of which is indicated in the PPR, but not lower than the design grade of the foundation concrete. Foundations are added and poured at continuous feed of concrete mixture. It is necessary to ensure penetration of concrete mixture under the entire support surface of the frames of units and equipment, preventing the formation of voids and shells. Compaction of concrete mixture is performed manually with the help of pin. Electromechanical vibrators can also be used to seal it, but in this case it is necessary to avoid contacting the vibrator with the equipment frame.
When pouring the foundations of transfer units and equipment, it is recommended to use storage trays to ensure the continuity of the concrete mixture supply. The storage tray is arranged along the entire length of the filled space. The level of the concrete mixture in the storage tray is continuously maintained at a height of 300 mm. Vibrator is immersed in concrete mix in tray-accumulator for its compaction. The use of trays-accumulators is mandatory with a width of the bearing surface of 1300 mm or more. Tilling is carried out until concrete mixture appears on the opposite side and reaches the level, which is 20-30 mm higher than the height of the main volume of tilling. The surface of the gravy on its peripheral part adjacent to the frame support part is made with a slope of i > 1:50 with a width of 100-200 mm. This protruding surface of concrete is covered with a layer of wet sawdust or wet sac and systematically moistened during the day after the end of the gravy.
When pouring the foundations of pumping units and equipment in winter (at a minimum temperature of less than 0 ° C and an average daily temperature of 5 ° C and below), the concrete mixture is poured according to the rules of winter concreting, in particular, using electric heating of concrete. After completion of gravitation and concrete set of the required strength according to the data of the PPR, but not less than 70% of the design), final tightening of foundation or anchor bolts is carried out. Final tightening is performed with special calibrated wrenches with controlled tightening force.
After tightening of foundation or anchor bolts alignment of electric motor and pump shafts is checked and elements of toothed coupling are connected. The casing covering the toothed coupling during operation of the pump unit is attached to two steel channels embedded in the foundation. Electric cable inputs and air ducts for cooling stator windings are connected to electric motor. During installation of pump unit on pile foundation it is installed on finished and adjusted steel frames separately for pump and electric motor, fixed on pile heads. At the same time, there is no need to install and adjust the intermediate and foundation frame for the electric motor, which, firstly, reduces the metal consumption of the foundation, and, secondly, the installation time. Electric motor frame rests on six piles, and pump frame rests on four. The procedure for mounting the pump unit on the pile foundation is the same as described above, that is, the pump is first installed, adjusted and pre-fixed with anchor bolts. Then an electric motor is installed on its frame, which is adjusted and aligned to the pump in the manner described above using installation bolts. Final tightening of anchor bolts is carried out without pre-filling with concrete, which also reduces the installation time of the pump unit.
In case of installation of pump units in the finished building of the pump shop, the technology and arrangement of installation changes somewhat in terms of delivery of pump and electric motor units to the foundation inside the building and application of lifting mechanism for lifting and installation of centrifugal pump and electric motor on the foundation. The pump and electric motor are delivered inside the pump shop building in two ways: by cars with semi-trailers and on rollers on wooden bars using a winch. The first method is less time consuming and significantly reduces the delivery time of pump unit units. However, this method of delivery is limited by the weight and dimensions of the pump unit units and is used for BKNS1.25 pumping stations; 2.5 and 3.6. The second method is more labor-intensive and low-productivity, but it is used at large weight and dimensions of pump unit units for pumping stations BKNS12.5 and BMPNS12.5.
Another feature of the technology of mounting pump units in the finished building of the pump shop is the use of bridge cranes mounted in the workshop for lifting and installation on the foundation of the pump and electric motor. The use of boom self-propelled installation cranes in the pump shop building is excluded due to the small dimensions of the workshop building. After the installation of the pump and motor on the foundation, the mounting operations do not differ from those described above. When lifting the pump with a bridge crane, an annular sling or a two-branch sling is used, and an electric motor - a crossbeam or a four-branch sling.
During installation of pump units in the finished building of the workshop of BKNS3,6 and BMPNS12,5 pump stations with an explosion-proof electric motor, first, installation is performed sequentially on the foundations of pumps, and then electric motors. For pump shops with delivery of pump unit units by cars, the pump is installed from one parking lot. Pumps are lifted from semi-trailer by means of bridge crane or crane-beam and installed on foundations starting from foundation 1, electric motors are mounted on foundations from two parking lots of car with semi-trailer and with their movement by means of bridge crane. During the period after installation of pump 1 on the foundation and before installation of electric motor V on the same foundation, the installers manage to check and pre-attach the pump with foundation bolts, etc. In case of delivery of pump unit units to the pump shop building by means of a winch in front of the shop gate, a storage site for pumps and electric motors is organized. Then rollers are installed on wooden guides, on which a pump or electric motor is installed using a crane (or two less powerful cranes). Pump or electric motor is moved by winch on rollers inside workshop building. Then with the help of bridge crane pumps are installed successively on foundations/,//,//, IV. Electric motors are mounted on foundations with the help of the same bridge crane in sequence V, VI, VII, VIII.
1.3 Testing of pump units
1.3.1 Types of tests
For pumps according to GOST 6134-71, the following types of tests are installed: preliminary factory, acceptance, installation lot tests, acceptance, periodic, standard and definitive reliability tests.
Each pump to be tested shall be run-in in the service feed interval with a duration for medium pumps of 100 to 400 kW of at least 1.5 hours, for large pumps with a capacity of more than 400 kW not less than 2 hours. The bypass tests are carried out only at the design rotation frequency and continue until then, until the bearings, shaft seals and other parts of the pump have a constant temperature, which shall not exceed the allowable value of the pump fabrication specification.
The following characteristics may be removed in the tests depending on their type.
The pressure characteristic is the dependence of the head on the pump supply. The energy characteristic is the dependence of power consumption and efficiency on supply. Removal of these characteristics shall be carried out simultaneously at the design speed. At each mode, rotation speed, supply, inlet pressure, outlet pressure, torque or power, and liquid temperature are measured and recorded. Cavitation characteristic establishes dependence of permissible cavitation reserve on supply in working interval of supply. The characteristic is obtained as a result of removing the partial cavitation characteristics (at certain and constant feed values). Private cavitation characteristics are removed in at least three points with minimum, nominal and maximum feeds). Removal of each characteristic must begin at suction pressure, which excludes cavitation, and end at complete failure (sharp drop of head at the second critical mode). The number of cavitation margin values must be not less than 16, and in the area from the beginning of cavitation to complete failure must be not less than 8.
The vibration noise characteristic sets at nominal operation mode the dependence of sound level on frequency, as well as the vibration value of pump supports. At nominal mode under specified conditions of pump attachment vibration shall not exceed permissible one.
External leakage through seals is determined during operation
pump at supply and inlet pressure specified in technical documentation.
Pilot pumps and individual pumps shall be subjected to preliminary factory testing to ensure that they meet all technical documentation requirements. These tests include removal of pressure, power, cavitation and vibration noise characteristics. Tests of large pumps with a capacity of more than 400 kW are usually carried out in the field on natural liquid at a speed that differs from the nominal by no more than 5%. The obtained values of supply, head, power and cavitation reserve shall be recalculated to the design rotation speed.
When testing large pumps, it is allowed to determine head and power consumption for controlled modes instead of removing pressure and energy characteristics, then comparing the obtained data with pressure and energy characteristics of the model pump. Cavitation characteristic can be obtained for large pumps by recalculating model test data.
All pumps shall be subjected to acceptance tests
having passed preliminary factory tests and meeting the requirements of technical documentation. According to the decision of the acceptance commission, the results of preliminary factory tests can be accepted for acceptance. On the basis of acceptance tests of pumps of individual production, the issue of their transfer to operation, and to technical
The pump documentation shall include the characteristics obtained during these tests.
Tests of the installation batch of pumps shall be carried out for the purpose of preparation and organization of serial production Serial output of pumps can be started provided that the results of tests of the installation batch correspond to the results obtained during acceptance tests of test pumps.
Each pump shall be subjected to acceptance tests. Selective monitoring is allowed for pumps of reliability groups II and III. During tests pressure characteristic, permissible cavitation margin, vibration of supports are checked. For large pumps it is allowed to replace acceptance tests with control of dimensions and shapes of working elements. Pumps supplied to the consumer assembly shall be air run-in if the pump design permits.
Large series pumps shall be subjected to periodic testing in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation, but not less than one pump in two years. Periodic tests shall include removal of pressure, power and cavitation characteristics, determination of external leaks, vibration check of supports.
The first three series pumps issued after a change in the technology or design of the pump shall be subject to typical tests.
When determining reliability tests, reliability indicators, terms and volumes of repairs should be specified, the need for spare parts should be determined in order to include these data in the technical documentation. Tests are carried out either on special stands for small and medium pumps, or, under controlled operation of a large pump, in full-scale conditions. The number of pumps of one type to be tested shall be at least 10 under controlled operation. Tests shall be carried out with the first pumps of serial and individual production, as well as with the first pumps after standard tests and pumps of serial production within the time frame specified in the technical documentation. Pumps that have passed periodic or standard tests shall also be subjected to these tests.
Definitive tests shall be carried out prior to the need to overhaul the pump or until the final failure if the pump is not overhauled. The reliability indicators obtained as a result of the tests, terms and volumes of repairs should be included in the technical documentation instead of the previously submitted indicative ones.
Reliability tests are the longest, since they determine the time between failures, usually 4000-8000 hours, and the time between overhaul (20-30 thousand hours). For this purpose, controlled stations are selected, where the operation of pumps is systematically monitored with recording in the logs sent by the manufacturer.
1.4 Preparation of start-up and testing of pump units.
After installation of the pump unit, all its units, as well as water intake and spillway pressure structures, are checked. The holding grid is inspected in front of the suction pipe; grid rods must be vertical to retain floating objects. Operation of rotating cleaning grids in front of suction pipe, operation and smoothness of gate valves, return and safety valves, their tightness in closed position are checked. Supply and pressure pipelines are checked according to technical documentation and design of the pump station.
Before starting the pump unit, the room is cleaned of debris and
dirt and foreign objects, check the quality of installation and
all pump units, secure attachment of studs and bolts
with nuts in all available connections as well as availability
electrical equipment and instrumentation. Devices that do not have the label of metrological verification, certifying their serviceability and accuracy class, are not allowed for installation. Electric lighting of the rooms of the engine room at all elevations is provided. The necessary fittings, plugs, hatches and other parts shall be installed according to the drawings of the manufacturers. Check connection of all systems of auxiliary pipelines (coolings, hydroconsolidations, a stock of air, drainage, drain, etc.), lack of leakages on flange connections, presence of pressure and water drain in pipelines for cooling of oil coolers and nodes of bearings of the pump.
All construction works, including
whitewash, device of clean floors. Termination of ceilings of all cable and pipeline channels, presence of oil in oil baths of bearings of the unit is checked. The bearing baths should be filled with oil, then drained, filtered and re-filled to the level indicated on the oil indicators. The oil grade shall comply with the design and be confirmed by certificates and laboratory conclusion. The temperature in the oil baths before testing of the unit must be at least 15 ° С, oil leakage from the oil bath or in the connections is unacceptable.
Correctness of unit rotation direction is checked by short-term actuation of electric motor, which is performed together with pump (at vertical units).
Start-up and testing of the pump unit is performed in the presence of representatives of the mechanical and electrical installation organizations, the organization that mounted the control and automation devices, as well as in the presence of the customer's representatives. When testing large pumping units, it becomes necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of the motor manufacturer in terms of the number of starts and the time intervals between the next starts.
Testing of the pump unit is carried out in two periods: continuous testing until the normal temperature is established in the bearings of the unit, but not less than 2 hours, and testing under working load.
Pressure gauges are installed and their valves are closed, suction pipe of pump is filled with water (air is discharged from spiral housing), electric motor is removed from jacks.
The electric motor of the unit is switched on and the pressure gauge valves are gradually opened, purged and closed. Increase of pump load to operating mode must be uniform. When the electric motor of the centrifugal pump reaches the nominal rotation speed and the corresponding pressure, the disk gate on the pressure pipeline is opened. Operation of centrifugal pump at closed gate is not allowed for more than 6 minutes.
It is necessary to monitor the operation of each bearing of the unit. If the temperature in any bearing after steady state is more than 80 ° С, then it is necessary to check the oil quality and the quality of abutment of the working surfaces of the bearing inserts after stopping.
The following requirements shall be met:
the unit must operate calmly and smoothly, without knocks, shocks and abnormal noise within the operating area of the characteristic;
during the unit operation there shall be no jamming and jamming of rotating parts against stationary ones, oil knocking out from bearing housings, leaks of pumped lubricating and cooling liquids in places of parts connections;
oil temperature in oil baths shall not exceed 60 ° С;
heating of bearing housings, bearing, pump housing, electric motor and all friction surfaces of parts and units of the unit shall not exceed 65 ° С;
fluid must continuously flow through the pump gland or end seal, the gland temperature must not exceed the ambient temperature by more than 25 ° C;
head and power consumption shall correspond to the values specified in the operating area of the pump characteristic;
vibration value shall not exceed sanitary standards established by technical documentation for the pump.
Failures detected during operation of the pump unit are eliminated before tests of the unit under working load.
In case of satisfactory results of acceptance tests of the unit under load, they are executed by an act, which at the same time is a document on completion of acceptance of installation works.
1.5 Technical documentation for installation of pump units
After completion of installation and performance of industrial tests the following documents on state of units are executed.
Sleeve Seal Hydraulic Test Reports
and impeller blades of pump, servomotor and oil
hydraulic drive systems of blade turning mechanism, oil
electric motor coolers and air coolers.
Logbooks: gaps between rotor and stator and axial
rotor position in the stator; shaft alignment (alignment of shaft axis perpendicular to bearing support disk plane); clearances in guide bearings and adjustment of limiting bolts of bearing segments; clearances between blades and chamber of impeller of axial pumps or clearances in seals and protective rings of centrifugal pumps; clearances in guide bearings of pumps; alignment of the shaft along the bores of the pump housing; beating of shaft necks by indicator; alignment of shaft verticality by strings-plumbs.
Motor winding test reports.
Load test report.
Act on pump unit commissioning.
Methods of base soils improvement
3.1. Methods of soil compaction of bases
In the practice of modern construction, soil compaction is often used to improve the work and properties of soil bases. The following compaction methods are used: surface; deep dynamic impact; installation of soil piles; static load; using artificial water reduction.
Surface compaction is used for arrangement of sand and soil cushions, elimination of leakage of macroporous, loose sandy soils, as well as freshly laid connected and bulk soils at moisture degree Sr < 0.7.
Surface compaction is carried out by heavy ramming weighing from 1 to 10 t, the lifting and dropping of which is carried out using a crane from a height of 4... 8 m or more.
Other mechanisms are used for surface compaction of soils, in particular pneumatic ramming, various types of rollers and vibration plates. The depth of compacted soil h, m, below the bottom of the pit, depending on the type of mechanisms used, is given below.
Pneumatic ramps..................................... 0.10,2
Smooth rollers................................................................. 0.10.25
Cam rollers................................................ 0.20.35
Vibration rolls.......................................................... 0.41.2
Rollers with falling loads weight 0.8 - 1, 7 t............. 1.01.5
Vibrating plates...............................................................0,20,6
Double-acting hammer weighing 2.2 tons on metal
plate (pallet)..................................................... 1,21,4
Heavy ramming, t:
10 …………………………………………………………………...5,56,0
Compaction of soils is performed up to density of addition, at which they acquire deformability not higher than specified in design, and required strength.
Compaction of soils with the help of ramming is carried out until the surface of the soil at each subsequent fall falls by the same value, called "failure." The failure size is assumed to be equal to 11.5 cm for dusty-clay soils, 0.51 cm for sandy soils. Failure is achieved after 812 impacts on one trace. The compaction mode is set experimentally depending on the ground conditions at the construction site.
If the soil does not have optimal humidity for compaction, then the soil of the base is refined by supplying additional water to the pit, and compaction is started 1224 hours after penetration of moisture into the soil. Soil condition is monitored before, during and after compaction by sampling or probing.
Excavation of the pit is carried out to the depth with failure to the expected lowering of the soil surface during its compaction. If the compaction cannot be performed to the required depth, layer-by-layer stacking with compaction of each soil layer is used.
Surface vibration compaction is performed by vibration rollers, self-propelled vibration rammers and vibration plates whose weight varies within 0.2520 t at oscillation frequency from 600 to 3000 per minute. This method is used in layered laying of mostly incoherent soils in the arrangement of sand cushions, floor bases and equipment.
In the conditions of construction the heavy tampers began to use for the device of the column bases in vytrambovanny ditches which apply generally under rather easy frame buildings built on collapsible, bulk coherent soil with degree vlazhnostisr <0.7 and loads of the Bases up to 3 MH.
Excavation of pits is carried out using special mounted equipment installed on cranes and excavators. As a result of ramming, round or rectangular pits are obtained under separate foundations of the required depth, in which monolithic concrete is laid with the device of a cup or underbelly.
Application of such method of foundation arrangement ensures tight abutment of foundation walls and bottom to soil, eliminates backfilling of sinuses and increases bearing capacity due to participation in operation of compacted soil both on foundation bottom and on its side surface.
In some cases, when weak soils are used, crushed stone is fed into the pit, which, when crushed, forms a widening, thereby increasing the bearing capacity of the base by 1.53 times, depending on the amount of crushed stone rammed.
The use of foundations in stranded pits leads to a reduction in labor costs by 3-5 times, the volume of earthworks up to 100%, the consumption of concrete and reinforcement up to 50% and the volume of formwork up to 100%. At the same time specific resistance of soils increases by 510 times, and deformation modulus - by 2-5 times. The total reduction in the cost of work during the construction of foundations using this method reaches 5060%.
For compaction of sandy soils of considerable power, deep compaction with dynamic effects is used. Vibration compaction is carried out in two ways: by vibrators or by immersion in the ground of a rod attached to the vibration loader. Oscillating motion, transmitted to the surrounding soil, causes its gradual compaction. If there are unsaturated sands in the base, water is supplied to the vibration zone.
Vibrators are usually used to compress soils from 1 to 10 m deep. For compacting soils at a depth of 520 m, vibration loaders are used that are attached to a tubular rod with horizontal bars welded to it. Vibrators fixed to a special metal frame, which is raised and lowered by means of a crane, are sometimes used to accelerate work during vibration sealing. All types of sandy soils are compacted by vibration.
With the help of explosions, the bases folded with subsidence loess soils are also compacted. For this purpose construction site is surrounded by contour embankment along perimeter of proposed pit and soil is soaked, supplying water to previously drilled filtering or combined wells. Then charges in tubes are installed in these wells and explosions are carried out, which follow one after another with an interval of several seconds. The soil thus compacted, as a result of soaking and deep explosions, loses its subsidence properties and can be used as a basis even for the construction of heavy buildings and structures. When using this method, the surface layer of soil 2-3 m thick is poorly compacted, which is doped with heavy ramming or underwater explosions.
Deep compaction of soil with the help of sandy and soil piles is most often used in macroporous subsidence soils of loose, dusty and fine sands, as well as weak strongly compressed muddy soils. For soil piles, the local connecting soil is most often changed. This type of pile is used to compress only macroporous subsidence soils. For other types of soils, sand piles are used, which are made using inventory pipes with an opening shoe. Inventory pipes are immersed in soil by means of vibration clogging. When required elevation is reached, sand is laid in layer-by-layer into pipe with its subsequent ramming and inventory pipe is gradually removed. With the vibrator on, the pipe is removed, thereby compacting the sand.
Piles are placed, as a rule, in staggered order and vertices of equilateral triangles.
Soil piles in loess subsidence soils, which are capable of holding vertical walls without collapse, are built using an inventory core, which, when clogged, additionally compacts the surrounding soil. After clogging, the core is removed and soil is laid into the obtained well with subsequent layer-by-layer ramming.
Distance between wells is set so that soil in the whole massif acquires design density.
Lime piles installed by means of inventory pipes into which slaked lime is filled are used for compaction of water-saturated mashed and weak water-saturated dusty-clay soils. Lime quenching results from exposure to water in the ground. In the process of quenching, lime, increasing in volume, compacts the surrounding soil.
Surface and depth compaction, as well as compaction with the help of sand piles, are carried out not only directly under the bottom of the erected foundation, but also in areas adjacent to the zones of highest pressure. Width of the condensed site around a contour of a sole has to be at distance 0.2b from a sole side where - base width.

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