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Installation of mounted ventilated facades


Course project on the topic "Arrangement of mounted ventilated facades" in the discipline "Construction production technology"

Project's Content

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Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. Heat Engineering Calculation of Wall Enclosures

3. Define the scope and sequence of work

4. Selecting Materials for the Curtain System

5. Define Scope of Work

6. Installation technology of mounted ventilated facades

7. Calculation of labor costs and wages Error! Bookmark is not defined

8. Calculation of brigade composition

9. Identification of logistical requirements

10. Development of quality control activities

11. Development of safety activities

12. Calculation of technical and economic indicators Error! Bookmark is not defined

13. List of literature used


1. The Job Instruction was developed for installation of the system of hinged ventilated facades "Alkobond" for facing the walls of the building with aluminum tiles.

2. For the scope of work, the facade of a residential brick building in Novosibirsk with an area of ​ ​ 2117.93 m2 was adopted.

3. During development of standard routing it is accepted:

- building walls - brick 510 mm;

- the facade of the building has 54 window openings with the dimensions of each - 1800 × 3000 mm and 125 window openings with the dimensions of 1800 × 1500mm.


Alucobond (Alucobond) construction facing composite material. The aluminum bond panels consist of two pre-painted aluminum sheets up to 0.5 mm thick, between which a polymer sheet (based on low pressure polyethylene) is glued (pressed). The total thickness of the plate is 3, 4 or 6 mm. The main application is external lining using ventilated facade technology. It is also used for internal washable, wear-resistant cladding in public places (airports, railway stations, hospitals, restaurants, etc.), for advertising structures and temporary exhibition pavilions...

Advantages of Aluminum Bond Composite Panels:

Due to the multilayering of the material, a significant increase in sound insulation properties is achieved.

The use of insulation in the installation of ventilated facades gives the property of thermal insulation. So in summer the design does not allow heat transfer, and in winter the air layer with insulation does not allow cold to penetrate the room.

The creation of a comfortable microclimate in the room is achieved due to the unimpeded diffusion of steam inside the structure. So the effect of breathing is observed.

Alumobond is not susceptible to aggressive environmental factors such as sun, wind, moisture or cold.

The viscous structure of the resin and the special treatment of the sheets provide a property of good shock resistance.

The invariable quality of the outer coating guarantees perfect wear resistance and durability.

High resistance to high temperatures.

The ductility of the aluminum panels makes it possible to easily achieve the desired shape for the implementation of design solutions.

The lightness of the material allows you to significantly reduce the load on the load-bearing walls and the foundation of the building and fasteners.

Define the scope and sequence of work

1. Material unloading

2. Installation of scaffolding

3. Material Feed to Height

4. Installation of brackets and bolts

5. Installation of insulation

6. Installation of moisture-protective film

7. Attachment of vertical guides

8. Installation of Alumobond Panels

9. Forest disassembly

Development of safety activities

Safety requirements during operation of mechanization tools, scavenging tools, tooling, hand machines and tools:

The personnel operating means of mechanization, the equipment, devices and manual machines prior to works have to be trained in safe methods and methods of works with their application according to requirements of the instruction of manufacturer and the instruction for labor protection.

The surface of the soil on which the scavenging means are installed must be planned (leveled and tamped) with the provision of surface water removal from it. Where these requirements cannot be met, the scavenging means shall be equipped with adjustable supports (jacks) to ensure horizontal installation or temporary supports of the structure to ensure horizontal installation of scavenging means.

Scaffolding means - scaffolding not possessing its own design stability shall be attached to the building by the methods specified in the manufacturer's technical documentation (for inventory scaffolding) or in the organizational and technological documentation for the performance of works.

Attachment points are specified in the organizational and technological documentation. In the absence of specific instructions in the design or manufacturer's instructions, the affixing of scaffolding to the walls shall be carried out through at least one tier for extreme posts, through two spans for the upper tier and one attachment for every 50 m2 of the projection of the scaffolding surface on the facade of the building. Do not attach scavenging devices to parapets, eaves, balconies and other projecting parts of buildings and structures.

In places of people lifting to scaffolding and scaffolding posters shall be placed with indication of layout and values of permissible loads, as well as scheme of workers evacuation in case of emergency. To lift and lower people, scavenging equipment must be equipped with stairs.

Scaffolding means shall have even working floorings with a gap between the boards of not more than 5 mm, and when the flooring is located at a height of 1.3 m or more, fences and side elements. The height of the fence must be not less than 1.1 m, the side element - not less than 0.15 m, the distance between the horizontal elements of the fence - not more than 0.5 m.

Not inventory means of a podmashchivaniye (ladders, step-ladders, ladders and bridges) have to be made of metal or timber of coniferous breeds of the 1st and 2nd grades.

Manual machines shall be operated in compliance with the following requirements: check of completeness and reliability of fixation of parts, serviceability of protective casing, cable (hose) shall be carried out each time the machine is put into operation; check the serviceability of the switch and machine at idle before the start of operation; at interruptions in operation, at the end of operation, as well as at lubrication, cleaning, change of working tool, etc., manual machines must be turned off and disconnected from the electrical or air-conducting network; hand-held machines, the mass of which falls on the hands of the worker, exceeds 10 kg, shall be used with suspension devices; When working with machines at altitude, stable scaffolds should be used as scaffolding tools; supervision of the operation of hand machines should be entrusted to a person specially allocated for this.

The handles of axes, hammers, bricks and other percussion tools should be made of hard and viscous wood (young oak, hornbeam, maple, ash, beech, mountain ash, dogwood, etc.) and have the shape of an oval section with a thickening to the free end. The end of the handle on which the percussion tool is fitted must be pinned.

When performing work at the height, below, under the place of work, it is necessary to identify hazardous areas. When the works are combined along one vertical line, the underlying places shall be equipped with appropriate protective devices (slabs, nets, visors) installed at a distance of not more than 6 m vertically from the downstream workplace.

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