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Industrial building work area

  • Added: 23.02.2021
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Working platform of the building opening. FPGS department MDPIK

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1.1.Engineering Assignment

1.2. Sheet flooring calculation

1.3. Selection of floor beam section

Checks the selected section

1.4. To Match a Section of a Secondary Beam

Checks the selected section

1.5. To Match a Main Beam Section

Checks the selected section

1.6. Column Calculation

Matched Section Checks

1.7. Calculation of main beam support on a column

1.8. Column Base Calculation

1.9. Methods of protection of metal structures against corrosion


1.9 Methods of protection of metal structures against corrosion

Modern corrosion protection of metals is based on the following methods:

- increase of chemical resistance of structural materials,

- insulation of metal surface from aggressive medium ,

- reduction of aggressiveness of production environment ,

- reduction of corrosion by application of external current (electrochemical protection).

These methods can be divided into two groups. The first two methods are usually implemented before the start of production of the metal product (selection of structural materials and their combinations at the stage of design and manufacture of the product, application of galvanic and other protective coatings on it). The latter two methods, on the contrary, can be implemented only during the operation of the metal product (current transmission to achieve protective potential, introduction of special inhibitor additives into the technological environment) and are not associated with any pre-treatment before use.

When applying the first two methods, the composition of steels and the nature of protective coatings of a given metal product cannot be changed during its continuous operation in conditions of changing aggressiveness of the medium. The second group of methods allows, if necessary, to create new protection modes that ensure the least corrosion of the product when their operating conditions change. The creation of new protection regimes is especially important for the protection of finished products subject to corrosion destruction.

The widespread method of electroplating (metal) anticorrosion coating with large areas and volumes of treated surfaces becomes economically unprofitable, since it requires a large cost of preparing the process. Therefore, various paint coatings do not accidentally occupy an important place among anti-corrosion coatings. The wide application in practice of this method of protecting metals is due to the successful combination of the properties necessary for corrosion protection (hydrophobicity, water repellency, low gases and vapor permeability that prevent access of water and oxygen to the metal surface), processability and the possibility of obtaining various decorative effects. Another advantage of paint coatings is that their repair is easier and with lower economic costs.

However, the use of most widespread materials entails a number of disadvantages: incomplete wetting of the metal surface; violation of coating adhesion to metal, which can lead to accumulation of electrolyte under protective coating and increase corrosion. The reason for increasing the liquid permeability is also the presence of pores on the surface of the created coating. However, the paint coating continues to protect the metal from corrosion even when the film is partially damaged, while electroplating can accelerate iron corrosion.

In order to increase the durability of building structures, buildings and structures, work is being carried out in the field of improving corrosion protection.

The following basic corrosion protection solutions are widely used:

1) Protective coatings;

2) Treatment of corrosive medium to reduce corrosive activity. Examples of such treatment are: neutralization or deoxidation of corrosive media, as well as the use of various types of corrosion inhibitors;

3) Electrochemical protection of metals;

4) Development and production of new metal structural materials of increased corrosion resistance by eliminating impurities from metal or alloy that accelerate the corrosion process (elimination of iron from magnesium or aluminum alloys, sulphur from iron alloys, etc.), or introduction into the alloy of new components that greatly increase corrosion resistance (e.g. chromium in iron, manganese in magnesium alloys, nickel in iron alloys, copper in nickel alloys, etc.);

5) Transition in a number of structures from metal to chemically resistant materials (plastic highly polymeric materials, glass, ceramics, etc.);

6) Rational design and operation of metal structures and parts (elimination of unfavorable metal contacts or their insulation, elimination of slits and gaps in the structure, elimination of moisture stagnation zones, impact action of jets and abrupt changes in flow rates in the structure, etc.).

To ensure corrosion protection, materials with maximum hydrophobicity, water repellency, low gas and vapor permeability should be used to prevent access of water and oxygen to the metal surface.

Organosilicate compositions have high chemical resistance, light resistance, hydrophobic properties, low water absorption. In addition, they have high adhesion indicators (film tear-off force exceeds 2.5 MPa) to concrete, metal, ceramics, weather resistance, frost resistance and service life (repair-free life - 15 years). Therefore, USCs are indispensable as an anticorrosion coating for various, primarily metal, surfaces.

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