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Individual heating point of the shopping complex - heating, power supply

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Graphic, Explanatory Note, Specifications

Project's Content

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icon ПЗ.doc
icon ПЛАН.dwg
icon Принц схема ИТП.dwg
icon разрезы.dwg
icon речь.doc
icon спец.dwg
icon электричество_ок.dwg

Additional information



List of graphic documents


I. General information on TTI. Equipment

1. Technical solutions, heat supply

2. Automation, heat supply

3. Fittings

II. Process Part

1. Calculation of thermal scheme for maximum winter mode

2. Calculation of the thermal scheme for the summer period

3. Calculation of the thermal scheme by the average temperature for the coldest


4. Calculation of the thermal scheme by the average temperature during the heating period

III. Pump station

1. Structure

2. Appointment

3. Installation

IV. Instrumentation and automation

1. ITR Automation Solutions

2. Commercial accounting of thermal energy and heat carrier

V. Power supply and electric drive

1. Check of electric motor capacity compliance with pump characteristics

2. Calculation of electrical loads of CTP

3. Cable Wires and Strands Selection

4. Selection of control and protection devices

VI. Life safety

1. Characteristics of hazardous production factors and measures to ensure equipment injury safety

2. Hygienic assessment of working conditions and characteristics

3. Fire safety

4. Emergencies

VII. Environmental management and protection

1. Analysis of environmental impact of ITR and environmental protection measures

2. Protection of surface and groundwater from depletion and pollution

3. Environmental protection during utilization of production wastes

VII. Economics

1. Determination of techno-economic indicators

2. Determination of thermal energy production costs

3. Cost of thermal energy

4. Profit Determination

5. Determining the Investment Value

6. Determine payback period


Bibliographic list


The purpose of the diploma project is to design ITP to provide heat supply for heating, ventilation and hot water supply loads of the building.

To do this, you must:

1. Perform thermal circuit calculation and equipment selection.

2. Design a common metering unit for heat and water consumption.

3. Provide automation of ITR equipment within the scope of SP 4110195 requirements.

4. Provide for installation of automated coolant parameters control system in heating, ventilation and WAN systems

6. Make economic calculation of the project.

7. Consider life safety issues,

environmental management and protection.

8. Calculate the electrical part of the project.

The design boundaries of ITP are: by network water - from the inlet valves within the ITP room inclusive, by the circuits of heating, ventilation, cold water, GVA to the valves to the corresponding connections within the ITP room inclusive, connection of electrical equipment - from the inlet cabinet in the ITP room.

I. General information on TTI. Equipment.

The heat supply scheme for consumers is 2 pipe, independent of heating and ventilation with a closed water intake with circulation to the WCS during the heating season and open water intake without circulation in the summer.

1. Technical solutions, heat supply.

The technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other standards applicable in the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the specified measures.

1.1. Input node.

To reduce the pressure in the supply pipeline of the external heating system, a throttle washer is provided.

To maintain the optimal pressure drop upstream of the heat exchange equipment, a differential pressure regulator of the type is provided on the return pipeline of the thermal network in the ITP

AFP-9/VFG 2 Du 80, with a tuning range of 0.53.0 bar (0.050.3 MPa). The regulator maintains the pressure drop at the level of 15 m of water. St.

(0.15 MPa).

1.2. Heating.

In connection with the use of an independent connection scheme for the heating system of the residential part of the building, the ITP provides for the installation of a detachable plate heat exchanger of the M10BFG grade on 51 plates of the Alfa Laval company (Heating Module ).

Coolant temperature downstream the heating heat exchanger corresponds to 90/70 ° C. Heating medium temperature corresponds to 150/70 ° C. At the end of the heating season, the heat exchanger can be washed if necessary. Heat exchanger replacement time in case of failure is 6 hours.

To ensure weather compensation and create a comfortable temperature in the premises of the building, the installation of the dual-circuit ECL Comfort 300 C66 controller from Danfoss with programming card No. C66 (heating circuit and WAN I zone circuit) is provided.

With ECL comfort 300, temperature sensors and control valve are installed for the heating circuit:

- outdoor temperature sensor ESMT for building heating system;

- ESMU submersible water temperature sensors on internal heating circuit pipelines;

- submersible water temperature sensor ESMU on the return pipeline of the external heating system;

- control valve VB 240 with electric drive AMV 20 on the supply pipeline of the external heating system.

To create a circulation in the building heating system, a dual grade circulation pump is provided

TPD 80170/4 from Grundfos, one operating and one standby. When selecting the heating circulation pump, the following pressure losses were taken into account:

- in the consumer heating system;

- in heating line to consumers;

- in equipment piping;

- on heating heat exchanger.

To fill and make up the building heating system, the design provides for an automatic makeup line from the return pipeline of external heat networks. Makeup line includes:

solenoid valve SCE238A005 Rp 1 "from ASCO;

pressure switch (pressostat) KPI35 of Danfoss company for adjustment of make-up actuation pressure;

pressure increasing station with two CR17 pumps of Grundfos company, one - operating and one - standby;

pressure switch (pressostat) KPI35 of Danfoss company for protection of pumps from "dry" operation;

necessary shut-off valves.

To compensate for thermal expansion of the coolant and minimum leaks, DE 500 expansion tanks (1 pc.) of REFLEX are provided.

To prevent the heating system from overpressure, the Prescor S 700 safety valve is installed. The valve is installed on the return line of the heating system and operates when the pressure reaches 10 bar (1 MPa).

1.3. Ventilation

In connection with the use of an independent connection scheme for the building ventilation system, the ITP provides for the installation of a detachable plate heat exchanger of the M15BFG grade on 134 plates of Alfa Laval (Ventilation Module ).

Coolant temperature (40% ethylene glycol) after ventilation heat exchanger corresponds to temperature schedule


Temperature of heating medium corresponds to temperature chart 150/70 ° С.

To ensure weather compensation and create a comfortable temperature in the premises of the residential part of the building, the installation of the Danfoss ECL Comfort 300 dual-circuit regulator With programming card No. C66 (ventilation circuit and WAN II zone circuit) is provided.

Complete with ECL Comfort 300 controller, temperature sensors and control valve are provided for ventilation circuit:

- submersible water temperature sensor on the supply pipeline of the internal ventilation circuit of the building - type ESMU of Danfoss;

- submersible sensor of water temperature on the return pipeline of the external heating system - type ESMU of the company "Danfoss ";

- control valve VF280 with electric drive AMV 55 from Danfoss company on the supply pipeline of the external heating system .

To create circulation in the building heating system, a circulation pump of grade TPD 150220/4 from Grundfos is provided, one - working and one - standby.

When selecting the ventilation circulation pump, the following pressure losses were taken into account:

- in ventilation system ;

-in equipment piping

- on ventilation heat exchanger .

To fill and make up the building ventilation system, the design provides an automatic makeup line from the ethylene glycol reserve tank.

Ventilation makeup line includes:

-solenoid valve SCE238A005 Rp 1 of ASCO company;

-Danfoss pressure (pressostat) KPI· 35 for adjustment of make-up actuation pressure .

1.4. Hot water supply.

To prevent exceeding the maximum allowable pressure of the lowest located water disassembly device of consumers of the specified SNiP 2.04.0185 * as 45 m of water. Art., the project provides for the division of the hot water supply system into three zones (I zone - 1-7 floor, II zone - 8-21 floors, III zone - 22-36 floors ).

In connection with the use of closed water intake for hot water supply of zone I in winter, according to a parallel single-stage scheme, it is provided to install a detachable plate heat exchanger of the M6FG grade on 122 plates of Alfa Laval company (Module of the GVA of zone I). Temperature of heated heat carrier downstream the zone I WCS heat exchanger corresponds to 5/60 ° С temperature schedule. Temperature of the heating heat carrier is accepted 70/42os, for normal operation of the GVS heat exchanger during a transition period .

To ensure the necessary head of hot water at consumers in the WCS I zone system during the winter and summer periods, the project provides for :

-installation of pressure increasing station with grade pumps

Hydro-MPC-E 2CRE 106 from Grundfos, one operating and one standby;

- installation of DE 300 pressure hydraulic tank of REFLEX company. The tank is connected to the pump head line.

To ensure and maintain the specified water temperature for the needs of the WAN I zone during variable water disassembly, consumers are provided with the installation of the Danfoss ECL Comfort 300 dual-circuit regulator with programming card No. C66 (heating circuit and WAN I zone circuit).

In complete with ECL Comfort 300 regulator, temperature sensors and control valve are provided for the WAN I zone loop:

-ESMU submersible water temperature sensor on hot water supply pipeline;

-ESMU submersible water temperature sensor on the return pipeline of the external heating network ;

- control valve VB 250 with electric drive AMV 30 on the supply pipeline of the external heating system .

To create circulation in the GVA system of the I zone, the UPS 3280 180 circulation pump of Grundfos is to be installed.

In connection with the use of closed water intake for hot water supply of zone II in winter, according to a parallel single-stage scheme, it is provided to install a detachable plate heat exchanger of the M6FG brand on 30 plates of Alfa Laval company (Module GVA II zone). Temperature of the heated heat carrier after the GVS II heat exchanger of a zone corresponds to the temperature schedule 5/65os. Temperature of the heating heat carrier is accepted 70/42os, for normal operation of the GVS heat exchanger during a transition period.

To ensure and maintain the specified water temperature for the needs of the WAN II zone during variable water disassembly at consumers, the installation of the dual-circuit ECL Comfort 300 regulator from Danfos with a porpamination card No. C66 (ventilation circuit and WAN II zone circuit) is provided.

In complete with ECL Comfort 300 regulator, temperature sensors and control valve are provided for the WAN II zone loop:

-ESMU submersible water temperature sensor on hot water supply pipeline;

-ESMU submersible water temperature sensor on the return pipeline of the external heating network ;

- control valve VB 232 with electric drive AMV 30 on the supply pipeline of the external heating system .

To create circulation in the GVA II zone system, it is planned to install a TR 3280/4 circulation pump of Grundfos company, and in connection with the use of closed water discharge for hot water supply of zone III in winter according to a parallel single-stage scheme, it is planned to install a detachable plate heat exchanger of brand M6FG on 29 plates of the Alfa Laval company (Gal III) zone module).

Temperature of the heated heat carrier after the GVS III heat exchanger of a zone corresponds to the temperature schedule 5/65os temperature of the heating heat carrier is accepted 70/42os, for normal operation of the GVS heat exchanger during a transition period.

To ensure and maintain the specified water temperature for the needs of the GVA III zone during variable water disassembly at consumers, the installation of the single-circuit ECL Comfort 200 regulator from Danfoss with programming card No. P66 (GVA III zone loop) is provided.

In complete with ECL Comfort 200 regulator for ECL Comfort 200 zone WAN loop, temperature sensors and control valve are installed:

-ESMU submersible water temperature sensor on hot water supply pipeline;

-ESMU submersible water temperature sensor on the return pipeline of the external heating network ;

- the VB 232 control valve with the AMV Z0 electric drive on the giving pipeline of an external heating system .

To create circulation in the GVA III zone system, the Grundfos TP 3280/4 circulation pump is to be installed.

To provide the necessary head of hot water for consumers in the summer period according to an open scheme without circulation, the project provides for :

- installation of multi-stage pump with CRE 323 frequency drives for summer WAN II zone;

- installation of multi-stage pump with frequency drive CRE 336 for summer WAN III zone;

-installation of pressure switch (pressostat) KRIZ6 of Danfoss company on head line of LGVS II zone pump;

- installation of the pressure switch (pressostat) KRIZ6 of Danfoss on the line of a pressure of the pump LGVS III of a zone ;

- installation of pressure transducers MBS 3000 of Danfoss company on head lines of LGVA pumps;

-installation of pressure hydraulic tank DE 100 (1 pc.) of "REFLEX" company for hot water supply of zone II.

The tank is connected to the pump head line;

- installation of pressure hydraulic tank DE 100 (1 pc.) of "REFLEX" company for III hot water supply zone. The tank is connected to the pump head line ;

- to protect the pumps from "dry" operation, installation of pressure switch (pressostat) KPI35 of Danfoss company is provided. Pressure switches are installed on the suction line of the pumps .

2. Automation, heat supply.

Automation of technological processes along the heating, ventilation and GVA path has been developed in an amount sufficient for work without permanent maintenance personnel and provides for: ATS of heating and ventilation circulation pumps;

- make-up of the internal heating circuit in automatic mode;

-signalling of equipment condition.

Weather compensation and hot water temperature control during the heating season are performed by the Danfoss ECL Comfort 300 and ECL Comfort 200 regulators, which provide:

- automatic maintenance of the specified temperature mode of heating and ventilation systems depending on ambient air temperature;

- maintaining of constant water temperature at HVAC at variable water disassembly at consumers;

-night decrease of coolant temperature in the heating system (if necessary).

Drawings content

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