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Hot water boiler KV-G-4.65-95

  • Added: 22.04.2014
  • Size: 100 KB
  • Downloads: 6
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In the drawing, a hot water boiler with a capacity of 4.65 MW type KV-G-4.65-95. Water heating boilers are designed to obtain hot water at a pressure of 0.6 (6) MPa (kgf/cm) and a nominal temperature of 95 C, used in heating systems of residential, public and industrial buildings. Natural gas is used as the main fuel. Boilers are made in a gas-thick design, have a horizontal layout, consist of a furnace chamber and a convective gas duct. The furnace chamber is shielded with 60x3mm pipes with a pitch of 90mm entering the headers of 159x4.5mm. Convective heating surface consists of U-shaped screens made of pipes 28x3mm with pitch S1 = 64mm and S2 = 40 mm. The side walls of the convective gas duct are closed by 83x3.5 mm pipes and are simultaneously headers of convective screens. Boilers can be equipped with any foreign and domestic gas burners of the corresponding capacity, having the corresponding technical characteristics and certificate of compliance of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation. There is no load-bearing frame for boilers. Boilers have supports welded to lower headers. Boilers are insulated with heat insulation materials supplied in modern lining from laminated metal sheet with protective coating.

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