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Heating and ventilation of a residential building


Calculation and graphic work on the discipline "Heat and gas supply and ventilation with the basics of heat engineering"

Sections of work:

1. Design parameters of outdoor air in the construction area.

2. Design parameters of the microclimate in the premises.

3. Thermal engineering calculation of external enclosing structures.

3.1. Determination of standardized (required) values of the reduced resistance to heat transfer of external enclosing structures.

3.2. Determination of operating conditions of enclosing structures.

3.3. Determination of the main thermal characteristics of the materials that make up the enclosing structures.

3.4. Determination of the required thickness of the insulation layer for external walls, attic ceiling and ceiling over an unheated basement and the actual values of the reduced resistance to heat transfer of these fences.

3.5. Selection of the design and the corresponding values of the reduced resistance to heat transfer of windows and entrance doors to the building.

4. Thermal balance of premises of one section of a residential building.

4.1. Determination of transmission heat loss through external enclosing structures.

4.2. Determination of heat consumption for heating infiltration/ventilation air.

4.3. Calculation of household heat dissipation.

4.4. Compilation of the thermal balance of premises and determination of the design load on the heating system.

5. Design of the heating system.

5.1. Selection of heating system and type of heating devices.

5.2. Thermal calculation of heating devices

5.3. Design and hydraulic calculation of the heating system (for one section of the building).

5.4. Selection of equipment of an individual heating unit.

6. Design of ventilation system.

6.1. Determination of the calculated air exchange of the premises of one apartment.

6.2. Design and calculation of exhaust ventilation system. 

Project's Content

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Source Data

Design parameters of outdoor air in the construction area

Design parameters of microclimate in rooms

Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures

Determination of normalized (required) values of the given

resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures

Determination of operating conditions of enclosing structures

Determination of main heat engineering indicators

materials included in enclosing structures

Determination of required thickness of insulation layer, actual reduced resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures

Thermal Balance of Residential Buildings and Calculation Definition

heating system loads

Determination of transmission heat losses through enclosing structures

Heat consumption for heating of outdoor air supplied to premises of residential buildings

Calculation of household heat in premises of residential buildings

Presentation of the results of thermal balance calculation of rooms

Heating system design

Selection of heating system and type of heating devices

Thermal Calculation of Heating Appliances

Heating System Design and Hydraulic Calculation

Ventilation system design

Literature used

Graphic part


to perform calculation and graphics work

in the discipline "Heat and gas supply and ventilation with the basics of heat engineering"

The purpose of the work: using the example of an apartment building to study the basic principles of designing thermal protection of buildings, heating and ventilation systems

Stages of work:

1. Familiarization with the task for inspection work and initial data (attached).

2. Familiarization with regulatory literature for design.

3. Execution of necessary calculations and preparation of their results.

Sections of work:

1. Design parameters of outdoor air in the construction area.

2. Design parameters of microclimate in rooms.

3. Heat engineering calculation of external enclosing structures.

3.1. Determination of regulated (required) values of reduced heat transfer resistance of external enclosing structures.

3.2. Determination of operating conditions of enclosing structures.

3.3. Determination of the main thermal characteristics of the materials included in the enclosing structures.

3.4. Determination of required thickness of insulation layer for external walls, attic floor and floor above unheated basement and actual values of reduced heat transfer resistance of these enclosures.

3.5. Selection of structure and corresponding values of reduced heat transfer resistance of windows and entrance doors to the building.

4. Thermal balance of one section of a residential building.

4.1. Determination of transmission heat losses through external enclosing structures.

4.2. Determination of heat flow rate for infiltration/ventilation air heating.

4.3. Calculation of household heat.

4.4. Compile the thermal balance of the rooms and determine the design load on the heating system.

5. Design of heating system.

5.1. Select the heating system and type of heating devices.

5.2. Thermal Calculation of Heating Appliances

5.3. Design and hydraulic calculation of the heating system (for one section of the building).

5.4. Selection of equipment of individual heat station.

6. Design of ventilation system.

6.1. Determination of calculated air exchange of premises of one apartment.

6.2. Design and calculation of exhaust ventilation system.

Source Data

to perform calculation and graphics work

"Heating and ventilation of a residential building"

1. Orenburg Construction Area

2. General characteristics of the residential building:

2.1. number of floors of 5 ets ;

2.2. floor height 2.8 m;

2.3. orientation of the main facade (facade with street entrance doors) to the south (Yu);

2.4. the building has an unheated basement with light openings in the walls and an unheated (cold) attic;

2.5. height of window openings is 1.5 m; height of openings of street entrance doors is 2.1 m; the width of the openings and other geometric dimensions of the enclosing structures are taken according to the drawing;

2.6. building typical floor section plan in accordance with option 3B (drawing file attached).

3. Characteristics of building enclosing structures:

3.1. Exterior Walls:

layer of internal plaster from lime-sand solution, thickness 2 cm;

brickwork made of ordinary clay brick on cement sand mortar, 38 cm thick;

insulation layer - mineral wool slabs made of stone fiber with a density of 40-60 kg/m3, thickness of 16 cm;

layer of external plaster from complex solution, thickness 3 cm.

3.2. Attic Floor:

reinforced concrete slab without voids, thickness 20 cm.

grout leveling layer, thickness 1 cm;

vapor insulation from roll ruberoid, thickness 0.5 cm;

insulation layer - slabs of polystyrene foam with density of 30-35 kg/m3, thickness of 18 cm;

grout brace, 5 cm thick.

3.3. Ceiling above unheated basement:

linoleum polyvinyl chloride on a fabric basis density 1400 kg/m3, thickness 0.5 cm;

grout leveling layer, thickness 3 cm;

insulation layer - plate made of glass staple fiber "URSA" with density of 60 kg/m3, thickness of 16 cm;

steam insulation from bitumen of oil construction density 1400 kg/m3, thickness 0.5 cm;

reinforced concrete slab without voids, thickness 20 cm.

3.4. Coefficient of thermal uniformity of enclosing structures: external walls 0.83; attic floor 0.86; overlapping above unheated basement 0.97.

4. Building heat supply from thermal network with parameters of the heat carrier T1/T2 - 150/70 wasps. Heat carrier parameters in T11/T21 heating system - 95/70 wasps.

5. The height of the holes of the exhaust ventilation shaft from the top of the attic floor is determined on the basis of the calculation of the exhaust natural ventilation system.

6. The living area of ​ ​ the apartment, which falls on one person - less than 20 m2.

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