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Heat supply of residential area in Omsk


District heating system: water, double-tube, open. Lay underground pipelines in impassable channels. Dead end system (radial with closed jumpers). Heat is supplied simultaneously to heating, ventilation and hot water supply. The heating system is connected according to the most used dependent scheme with mixing in the elevator unit. The hot water supply system is accepted as open, i.e. the water discharge is carried out directly from the heat networks.

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Additional information

1. General Information

The source of heat supply for consumers of residential and public buildings of microdistricts is the central heating boiler house. District heating system: water, double-tube, open. Lay underground pipelines in impassable channels. Dead end system (radial with closed jumpers). The coolant is water with the following parameters:

T1 - the giving pipeline.

T2 - the return pipeline.

Heat is supplied simultaneously to heating, ventilation and hot water supply. The heating system is connected according to the most used dependent scheme with mixing in the elevator unit. The hot water supply system is accepted as open, i.e. the water discharge is carried out directly from the heat networks.

The heat network route is selected taking into account geodetic survey and thermal map of the area, taking into account existing and planned underground and ground structures. When choosing routes, they are guided by the reliability of heat supply systems, the speed of accident elimination, the safety of service personnel, as well as the smallest length of heat networks, the minimum cost and scope of work. Structurally impassable channels shall ensure free movement of pipelines from temperature extensions. The presence of an air gap between the pipeline surface and the channel wall ensures that thermal insulation is maintained in good condition. As an insulating material, mineral wool mats are used, which are covered with waterproofing on top. Currently, impassable channels are made of tray reinforced concrete elements. The selected route is applied to the plan of geodetic survey of the area. Approximate pipe diameters are determined from the route based on heat loads. The longest path is selected from heat sources to the last consumer. After the design of the calculation diagram, they begin to design wiring diagrams. It shows: shutoff and sectionalizing valves, pipe diameter transitions, compensating devices (with a pipe diameter less than or equal to 200 mm - U-shaped compensators; with a pipe diameter of more than 200 mm - gland), route turns, water and air blowers, fixed supports. The framed wiring diagram shall contain: marking of pipelines T1 and T2, routing references by fixed supports, values of diameters on the leaders, numbers of transverse dimensions, numbers of intermediate fixed supports, numbers of thermal units. Water descent devices are installed in lower points of the route, and air descent devices are installed in upper points. Steel hot-rolled pipes are used for heat networks, pipes are connected by electric welding. Flanges are used when attaching pipes and fittings. To reduce costs, it is necessary to select the minimum number of heat chambers, constructing them in the places of installation of devices and equipment (gland compensators). Shut-off valves are installed at the outlet of the heat source, branches in the heat point, on all branches from the main main line and for the convenience of operation and repair of heat networks, sectional gate valves are installed on the main line at a distance of not more than 1000 m from each other. Sectioning gate valves are installed with jumpers, on which two gate valves are installed with control valve between them. Gate valves are used steel, with a pipe diameter of more than 500 mm, installed with an electric drive .

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