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Heat supply and ventilation of the dining room


Assignment option:

3 – polyurethane foam;

Density 60 kg/m3;

8 – Clay brick on cement-sand mortar; Density 1800 kg/m3;

7 – Kaliningrad;

The duration of the heating period is 195 days; The average temperature of the heating period is 1.1 ° C; The temperature of the coldest five-day period is -18 ° C; The building is a dining room.

The premises of the dining room belong to group II according to GOST 30494, for such premises of public buildings:

Optimum air temperature: 16-19 ° C

Optimum air temperature in corner rooms: 19 ° C Optimum relative humidity: 45-30%

Based on these data, the regime of the premises of buildings in the cold period of the year is dry according to Table 1 [1].

The humidity zone of the city of Kaliningrad is normal.

According to Table 2 [9] - operating conditions of enclosing structures - A

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