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Gear Shaft Calculation Design-Spur, Drawings

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Diploma draft explanatory note, set of drawings

Project's Content

icon Карта наладки.bak
icon Алмазный резец.cdw
icon Вал шестерня.cdw
icon Гидравлический цилиндр.cdw
icon Заготовка.cdw
icon Карта наладки.cdw
icon Нормалемер.cdw
icon Цех.cdw
icon ДП 5.doc
icon Маршрутная карта.doc
icon Програма на токарную операцию.doc
icon СОДЕРЖАНИЕ 5.doc

Additional information


1. General Section

1.1 Service purpose and description of the production facility

1.2 Characteristics of existing production (workshops, sections, machine set). Production type, market demand, annual production

1.3 Manufacturing facility processability analysis, analysis of used materials

2. Process Section

2.1 Analysis of existing, selection, justification and design of new blanks

2.2 Analysis of existing, selection and justification of new machining process

2.2.1 Selection and justification of technological bases

2.2.2 Selection of process equipment

2.3 Defining tolerances and interoperative dimensions

2.4 Determination of cutting modes

2.5 Process rationing. Calculation of time standards for operations

3. Design Section

3.1 Calculation and design of special devices

3.2 Calculation and design of measuring tool

3.3 Calculation and Design of Cutting Tool


4.1 Development of part processing control program on the machine with PCI

4.2 Design of route processing technology with selection of cutting and auxiliary tools

4.3 Development of operating technology with calculation of cutting modes and trajectory of cutting tools movement

4.4 Determination of coordinates of reference points of cutting tool motion path

4.5 Compilation of calculation and processing list and adjustment map of the machine

4.6 Development of adjustment routines

for process operations


5.1 Characteristics of the production structure that is being designed

5.2 Program, required quantity and level of equipment and workplaces loading

5.3 Equipment and Workplace Planning

6. Development of occupational safety, ergonomics and ecology requirements

7. Process Case Feasibility Study

7.1 Key Cost Effectiveness Assessments

7.2 Process Cost

7.3 Payback Period for Capital Investments

7.4 Labor productivity


The rise of the national economy of independent Ukraine and its entry into the world economic system is impossible without the advanced development of mechanical engineering.

Mechanical engineering is the most important branch of the national economy, which determines the level and pace of development of industry, agriculture, energy, transport, etc.

The rapid development of machine-building production urgently requires scientific resolution of issues related to the manufacture of machines. Engineering technology is the science of manufacturing machines of the required quality in the amount established by the production program and in the prescribed time frame at the lowest cost of living and creature labor, with maximum profit and with a high level of labor safety. GOST 2.101094 establishes the types of products of all industries when performing design documentation.

Production of high quality products is considered in all countries of the world as one of the most important conditions for the development of the national economy. The quality of industrial products is influenced by many different factors. Therefore, a systematic approach is needed to solve the problem of product quality management .

Product quality - a set of product properties that make it suitable to meet certain needs in accordance with its purpose.

Quantitative methods of quality assessment, which are used to substantiate decisions made in product quality management and standardization, are combined into science, which is called qualification.

When assessing the quality of the product, the degree of its patent purity should also be taken into account. Quality indicators allow you to quantify all its properties. Distinguish between single and complex indicators. A single indicator (for example: product economy, machine performance) refers to only one of the properties. A complex indicator characterizes quality according to two or more evaluated properties.

Workaround of products for processability is one of the most complex functions of technological preparation of production and is a mandatory stage of process design.

Workability of the articles design (TKI) is considered as a set of properties of the article design, which determine its adaptability to achieve optimal costs during production, operation and repair for the specified quality indicators, volume of production and conditions of work performance (GOST 14.20594).

The composition of works to ensure the processability of the design of products at all stages of their creation is established by the AETPP (unified production preparation system), and the used terms and definitions are established by GOST 14.20194, GOST 14.20394 and GOST 14.20594.

The processability of the design is evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. For qualitative indicators, this is usually a comparative assessment ("good - bad," "permissible - unacceptable") for those design requirements that are difficult to quantify.

The purpose of such an analysis is to identify design flaws according to the information contained in the drawing and technical requirements, as well as a possible improvement in the processability of the design in question.

1. General Section

1.1 Service purpose and description of the production facility.

The gearbox is part of the drive of the DSHZ 1000/320u crusher, which is part of the line for the maintenance of mining equipment.

Crusher consists of:

- loading hopper;

- crushing chamber;

- two drives.

Loading hopper includes cover and housing, which are made in the form of welded metal structures, inside which there is free space. Casing made in the form of welded metal structure is attached to loading hopper assembly.

The drive includes an electric motor and a gearbox 2C3710, which are installed on a welded frame. The frame is installed on the foundation .

Crushing chamber is made in the form of welded metal structure, inside of which there is equipment for crushing. Casing made in the form of welded metal structure is attached to frame assembly. Rods are welded from sheet rolled stock. Toothed racks are attached to lower part of rods and engage with drive shaft-gear.

In this machine, the reduction gear serves to transmit torque from the motor shaft to a gear wheel engaged with the crushing mechanism shaft.

Principle of operation.

Torque from motor shaft is transmitted to input shaft (3) through splines. Then the shaft through the key 62 × 55 × 320 transmits torque to the gear wheel pos 9, is in engagement with the gear shaft pos 5, a gear wheel pos 11 is installed on the same gear shaft. Rotation from the wheel to the gear shaft is transmitted through the key 48 × 48 × 230. Shaft-gear 4 is engaged with wheel by toothed pos.11, which is installed on output shaft pos. 5. Torque is transmitted from the wheel to the shaft through the key 45 × 25 × 200. From the output shaft, torque is further transmitted to the working member through the key 45 × 25 × 200. Reduction gear has one two outputs.

Description of the design.

Reduction gear consists of welded housing, pos.1, and cover, pos.2. Reduction gear case and cover are connected by screws and conical pins pos.68. In upper part of cover there is hole for inspection of oil engagement and filling. The hole is closed with cover 3, which is attached to the housing with bolts M106, pos.48. Also in the upper part of the reducer cover there is a fragrance, pos.8. Oil indicator pos.86 is used for oil level monitoring. Oil is drained through hole in lower part of body, which is closed with plug pos.87. Oil flow to the outside of reduction gear box is prevented by cuff pos. 36. High-speed shaft-gear is installed on two conical roller bearings. Shaft-gear is engaged with gear wheel connected with intermediate shaft-gear by key. Intermediate shaft-gear is mounted on two conical roller bearings. Intermediate shaft-gear is engaged with gear wheel connected with slow-moving shaft by key. Output shaft is mounted on two conical roller bearings. To adjust the gaps between the outer rings of bearings and the ends of the side covers, a remote ring 120 × 15, a remote ring 190 × 15, as well as a set of thin metal gaskets are provided. Side covers are bolted to housing blocks. A rubber cord is installed in the housing into grooves on the 88SA glue. The side caps are also sealed with a rubber cord pre-glued into the rings by an adhesive 88CA. To ensure density of joint, plane of body and cover connector is covered with sealant during assembly. The entrance shaft gear wheel connects to a drive element - the electric motor (electric motor shaft) vents. Output shaft is connected with actuator by key.

Process section.

2.1 Analysis of existing, selection, justification and design of new blanks.

Several options need to be considered in order to choose the best procurement option. Data on quality and characteristics of workpieces are selected as per [7, page 6772] in accordance with the algorithm

1. Forged forging

Forging allows you to make forging up to 350300 tons.

For forging parts such as straight shafts weighing 7.5250kg, spring and lever hammers are used.

The main free forging operations: drawing draft, piercing. Bending, twisting, cutting and welding. From the main operations it is necessary to note billeting of ingots.

Advantages and disadvantages of free forging


1. Free forging allows to obtain high quality metal with high ductility characteristics.

2. Possibility to obtain large forgings (up to 1000 kg)

3. The use of universal machines and tools will reduce costs (since a limited number of parts of a certain type will be produced).

Disadvantages of free forging

1. Low process performance.

2. Big overheads on forging.

3. Large allowances and tolerances.

2. Forging stamped

Stamping on KGShP cannot be used due to the small number of parts produced, it will be economically impractical to produce a die for the production of 100 shafts.

Punching on hammers is carried out in open and closed dies. Steam-air stamping hammers are mainly used. The upper die is attached to the hammer blade, and the lower one is attached to the die holder fixed on the shaft. The stroke is rigid, designed so that the halves close in the plane of impact (a small gap remains between the dies).


1. Obtaining forgings of high accuracy;

2. Allowance is less than at production of blanks by free forging, punching slopes are also less:

3. Performance is 2-4 times greater;

4. The process is fully automated;

5. Operation does not require control of impact energy.


1. Less versatility;

2. Necessity of descaling;

3. A large number of streams;

4. Stamps are more complex;

Thus, considering the possible options for obtaining the Shaft gear blank 2387283, we accept the manufacture of it by free forging, which will give a smaller CMM, but will provide greater productivity.

1. Purpose of main and additional allowances and limit deviations:

a) the main allowances and limit deviations for the diameters of the steps and projections of the part are assigned according to Table 2, GOST 7829-70:

for diameter 306 mm allowance and limit deviation 17 ± 5 mm;

for diameter 210 mm allowance and limit deviation 15 ± 4 mm;

for diameter 200 mm allowance and limit deviation 14 ± 4 mm;

b) allowances and limit deviations for the length of the ledges and the total length of the part are assigned in accordance with paragraph 15, while the length of the ledges is indicated from a single base (the base is the end of the ledge with a diameter of 306 mm in Fig. 1);

for length 108 mm allowance and limit deviation 14 ± 6 mm;

for length 230 mm allowance and limit deviation 17 ± 8 mm;

for a length of 598 mm the allowance is zero, and the limit deviation ± 8 mm;

for a length of 707 mm, the allowance is zero, and the limit deviation ± 8 mm;

for length 815 mm allowance and limit deviation 43 ± 13 mm;

c) additional allowance for non-misalignment is previously assigned to all forging diameters, except for the largest diameter of 306 mm. The lead-rank of the allowance is determined according to Table 3:

for diameter 323 mm allowance 3 mm;

for diameter 225 mm allowance 5 mm;

for diameter 214 mm allowance 6 mm;

Figure 1 shows the drawing of the shaft billet with the limits and tolerances selected in accordance with GOST 792871

Drawings content

icon Алмазный резец.cdw

Алмазный резец.cdw

icon Вал шестерня.cdw

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icon Гидравлический цилиндр.cdw

Гидравлический цилиндр.cdw

icon Заготовка.cdw


icon Карта наладки.cdw

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icon Нормалемер.cdw


icon Цех.cdw
