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Functional generator

  • Added: 28.08.2011
  • Size: 138 KB
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Rationale for the Structural Diagram

To generate rectangular pulses whose frequency is controlled by an analog signal, it is possible to select a circuit of a functional generator with a controlled frequency of an output signal. Structural diagram is given in Drawing 1.

To excite oscillations, a commutator (a voltage repeater whose sign depends on the state of the transistor) and a Schmidt trigger (a comparator with positive feedback) are used.

An integrator is used to generate time slots.

Dif. Cascade is introduced, since the lower frequency of the bandwidth is 0.3 Hz, (see below) and it can be said that the output amplifier is a direct current amplifier (DC amplifier). It follows that if a capacitance is simply used at the input of the output amplifier, then its value will be on the order of hundreds of microfarads or units of millifarads, which are quite large values.

The terminating stage will be a two-stroke stage because the load on the job is low. With proper selection of the operating mode, the use of the latter will increase efficiency and reduce non-linear distortions at the output of the amplifier.

For "swinging" of the two-stroke amplifier and matching, the pre-amplifier OE is used, which controls the input current of the transistors.

GST are used to stabilize the OE and DiF currents.

To significantly reduce nonlinear distortions at the output of the generator, SSE is used.

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