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Full deployed thermal diagram of the power unit 200 MW

  • Added: 07.06.2019
  • Size: 70 KB
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The 200 MW unit with a single stage intermediate steam overheating consists of a K-200-130 LMZ turbine and a TP-100 drum boiler. The circuit diagram includes three high-pressure heaters, a deaerator and four low-pressure heaters. HPH drain is drained to deaerator by cascade. The LPA 4 and LPA 3 drains are cascaded to LPA 2, and from it the drain pump is pumped to the main condensate line ahead of LPA 2. LPA 1 drainage through siphon is drained to turbine condenser. For the TP-100 drum boiler, a single-stage installation is adopted using boiler blowdown water with containment of separated steam into the deaerator. Steam and condensate flow is filled with chemically demineralized water which is supplied to the condenser. Three TPP units have boiler plants for heat supply to the heating of a housing settlement. The heating steam drain of the boiler unit is supplied by pumps to the main condensate line.

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