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Frame House Design


Frame house design. Section AP. Executed in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 16.02.2008 N 87 (ed. From 23.01.2016) "On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content." Composition: 1. Explanatory note. 2. Graphic part: l.1 plan at el. 0,000. plan at el. 3,200. l.2 Facade 1-3. Facade 3-1. l.3 Facade A-V. Facade B-A. Section 1-1 .

Project's Content

icon дом лобазников а.а..dwg
icon ПЗ АР Лобазников АА.docx

Additional information

Text part of AP

a) initial data

Climatic area - IIB (Annex A, Figure 1 SNiP 230199 *).

The temperature of the coldest five-day period is minus 28 ° С (Table 3.1 of SP 131.13330.2012).

Standard value of uniformly distributed time load on floors is 150 kg/m2 (SP 20.133302011, Table 8.3).

The snow area - III (the joint venture 20.133302011, appendix Zh, card 1), the weight of a snow cover - 180 kg/sq.m (tab. 10.1).

The wind area - I (the joint venture 20.133302011, appendix Zh, card 3), standard value of wind pressure - 23 kg/sq.m (tab. 11.1).

The depth of seasonal ground freezing is 1.8 m (SP 22.13330.2011, item 5.5.3).

Design evenly distributed time load on the floor 150 kg/m2.

b) space-planning solution

Residential frame house with plan dimensions in building axes 15.0 x 10.0 m in plan with attic; a terrace on the side facade of the house, erected in wooden structures in a plan of 1.95 x 3.00 m. Mansard is performed as a summer floor, without insulation.

Drawings content

icon дом лобазников а.а..dwg

дом лобазников а.а..dwg

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