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Fitness complex in light metal structures for thesis

  • Added: 10.05.2014
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Diploma. Drawings, note, calculations. Sections ARES, KZh, MD + TH

Project's Content

icon АР Фасад 1-17; План 1 этажа План 2 этажа; .dwg
icon АР х-ки грунта.doc
icon АР ПЗ.doc
icon АР Фасад У-А; План кравли; ГенПлан; СитПлан.bak
icon АР Фасад У-А; План кравли; ГенПлан; СитПлан.dwg
icon КЖ х-ки грунта.doc
icon КЖ Схема расположения .dwg
icon КЖ ОиФ ПЗ.doc
icon КМД ПЗ №3.doc
icon КМД ПЗ №1.doc
icon КМД ПЗ №2.doc
icon Таблица 4.6-Расчет продолжительности работ.doc
icon ТХ.doc
icon raschet ploskaja rama.SPR
icon Приложение к диплому Scad.doc
icon Введение.doc
icon Заключение.doc
icon Исправления в записку.doc
icon тит.doc
icon ИНФ!!!.txt

Additional information


According to the assignment for graduate design, a project was developed on the topic "Physical education and health complex in light metal structures ."

The diploma project includes: architectural and planning solutions, where volumetric planning and structural solutions of the building have been developed; structural section containing calculation of main structural structures; bases and foundations; organizational and technological section, which contains a task list for the performance of one of the types of construction works, a construction plan and a work schedule; economic section, which provides estimates for the construction of the building.

The project was developed in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD and SPDS, the requirements of the SniP and GOST, structural solutions and accepted construction materials meet the modern level of construction production.

The project consists of an explanatory note with the volume of pages of A4 format and a graphic part on 10 sheets of A1 format watman.


In the course of this diploma project on the topic "Physical Education Complex in Light Metal Structures," the following results were obtained: building class 2; degree of durability 2; ste-stp fireproof2; minimum fire resistance: bearing elements R90; external load-bearing walls RE15; internal walls of staircases REI90; marches and platforms R60. Structural fire hazard class C1. Fire hazard class of building structures: external walls on the outside of K2; walls, partitions; staircase walls and K0 fire barriers; routes and platforms of stairs K0. Building class by functional fire hazard F51. Foundation class by frost resistance F25.

Building area: aboveground 3096m2. The total area is 3292m2. Construction volume: above-ground part 34366m3. Perimeter of external walls 4221m. The area of ​ ​ the windows is 532m2. The coverage area is 3096m2 .

The structural framework of the building includes foundations, columns, rafters, floors, stairways and platforms.

The walls are plastered and painted in light tones. The ceilings are plastered and whitened with chalk. Walls of sanitary units are finished with facing tiles.

Plot Plan. The area of ​ ​ the plot is 12331 m2. The area of ​ ​ road surfaces is 1435 m2. Building factor Kz = 0.42. Greening coefficient 0.12 .

The estimated cost amounted to 33.04 million rubles. - in 2010 prices.

Drawings content

icon АР Фасад 1-17; План 1 этажа План 2 этажа; .dwg

АР Фасад 1-17; План 1 этажа План 2 этажа; .dwg

icon АР Фасад У-А; План кравли; ГенПлан; СитПлан.dwg

АР Фасад У-А; План кравли; ГенПлан; СитПлан.dwg

icon КЖ Схема расположения .dwg

КЖ Схема расположения .dwg