Fitness building with a gym for 98 people

- Added: 03.07.2014
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Additional information
1. Main part
1.1 Selection of design parameters of external and internal air
1.2 Determination of air volumes removed from rooms and supplied to them
1.3 Aerodynamic calculation of plenum mechanical ventilation system
1.4 Aerodynamic calculation of natural exhaust ventilation
2. Equipment selection
2.1 Calculation and selection of calorifers
2.2 Filter selection
2.3 Selection of fan
List of used literature
Ventilation is a set of measures and devices that provide design air exchange in the premises of residential, public and industrial buildings.
The choice of ventilation system depends on the purpose of the building, its volume, the nature of the emerging hazards and the requirements for the ventilation system.
In modern living conditions, ventilation is one of the main measures that provides the best conditions for high-performance labor. Increase creative activity, as well as a full rest of people. The essential role of ventilation in protecting the environment from pollution.
The main purpose of ventilation - maintaining permissible air parameters in the room - can be achieved in various ways. For example, for a regular room with excess heat, maintaining the necessary conditions can be carried out by natural ventilation (aeration), and organizing air exchange in the room using fans, and supplying specially treated (cooled) air to the room. The methods of air supply and removal are quite diverse.
When choosing a ventilation system, first of all, sanitary and hygienic and technological requirements, as well as economic factors, should be taken into account. When designing ventilation, traditionally preference is given to the simplest method that provides the given conditions.
1.2.5. Basics of Ventilation Design
If there are internal capital walls in the premises, ventilation ducts are usually located in them. Added air ducts, suspended basement incoming a box and the national teams garret a box are carried out from shlakogipsovy, shlakobetonny, penoglinisty and penosteklyanny plates.
In wet rooms (showers, washers), suspended and add-on air ducts are made of galvanized steel sheet.
Plenum louver grilles are located in the room at a height of 2.5 m or more from the floor level, and exhaust grilles at 0.3 m from the top of the grille to the ceiling.
When placing ventilation ducts on the plans, observe the following requirements:
- minimum distance between the brick channels of the same name shall be equal to 140 mm (1/2 of brick), between the channels of the same name - 270 mm (1 of brick), between the channel and the doorway - 410 mm (1.5 of brick);
- channels are not located at the intersection of the masonry of the capital walls;
- exhaust channels from individual rooms are brought to the attic (plenum - to the basement) independently without indentations in the plan.
Plenum rooms are located in the basement, on the ground floor, in the attic or technical floor, as well as on the roof. Exhaust chambers in the attic, technical floor or on the roof.
All vertical plenum ventilation channels located on the basement plan are combined by main air duct, the location of the plenum chamber and air intake shaft is specified. The air intake shaft and the plenum chamber are usually located on the side of the courtyard facade. At the same time, the plenum chamber should not be located above and under various halls (spectators, reading rooms, conference rooms, etc.) so that the noise of the fan does not penetrate the halls.
Air intake is performed at elevation not lower than 2 m from ground surface. In the green zone, the distance from the ground surface to the bottom of the louver screen is allowed to be at least 1 m.
Main air ducts are laid under the basement ceiling and are made of slag concrete and gypsum slabs. Steel ducts may be used in civil buildings with appropriate justification or requirements.
In the attic, all exhaust ducts are combined with prefabricated air ducts, which are brought either to the exhaust shaft (in natural drawing) or to the exhaust chamber equipped with a fan (in mechanical drawing). Only channels from related spaces can be combined into one system. Channels from bathrooms are combined into an independent system.
The prefabricated channels in the attic shall be insulated. They are made of hollow gypsum-slag, slag-concrete or their foam-clay or foam-glass plates.
Schematic diagrams of ventilation organization
When designing plenum and exhaust ventilation systems in buildings of various purposes, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations.
Sports facilities. The estimated number of spectators in the gym when designing ventilation systems is taken based on 100% filling.
Independent systems of plenum and exhaust ventilation should be provided for halls, office, administrative and domestic premises, technological premises.
Air exchange in the rooms is accepted by calculation, but not less than 80 m3/h of outdoor air per person engaged [4].
The exhaust from the shower rooms is compensated due to the additional air inflow from the rooms of the stripes, which provides for an organized air supply in a five-fold volume of showers, but at least twice the volume of the stripes. Removal of air from the stripes is provided in double volume through the shower rooms. In case when the amount of air removed from the showers (taking into account the rooms are stripped) exceeds 10 times the air exchange, the difference in air volumes is removed directly from the rooms stripped.
The exhaust ventilation system from sanitary units and smoking rooms can be combined with the exhaust ventilation system from showers.
To eliminate the unbalance (if any), supply air is supplied to the corridors of the serviced rooms in an amount equal to the floor balance.
The supply air to the gyms is usually supplied through air terminals installed at a height of 3.54 m from the floor of the room with inclined compact jets (Figure 5).
The removal of air from the upper area of the hall, where it has a slightly increased temperature and moisture content, is carried out either by exhaust systems, or, more often, by natural exhaust systems, equipped with insulated valves with electric heating of the flaps and trays with drainage for the drain of possible condensate.
Air recirculation is quite applicable for gyms, but with the obligatory preservation of the standard of fresh air supply.
As a result of the course project, air exchanges in the premises were determined, the air balance of the building was drawn up,.
Constructions of processes of air state change in halls in h-d diagram are performed. On the basis of which the air exchange in the warm period and the thermal power of the heater in the cold period of the year are determined.
Aerodynamic calculation of ventilation systems was carried out, equipment was selected to ensure their operation in nominal mode.
The following equipment is selected for the plenum ventilation system:
- FyaK filter;
- GNV calorifer 243.1166100022,0022;
- fan VP8058

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