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Exchange rate project on metals


Course project on metals, production building, explanatory note, static calculation of the frame, structural calculations of the column, column bases, trusses, drawings .

Project's Content

icon 7_recover.dwg
icon деформации ферма.docx
icon металлы колонна.xmcd
icon МК САМСОНОВ.docx
icon рама.xls
icon табл усилий +дефлрмации рама.doc

Additional information




1. Building Steel Frame Layout

1.1. To Assign a Structural Framing Scheme

1.2. Split Column Grid

1.3. Purpose of through girders

1.4. Assigning Cross Frame Dimensions

1.5.Link System Layout

2. Static Cross Frame Calculation

2.1. Purpose of the calculation scheme

2.2. Load collection

3. Stepped Column Design

3.1. Selection of calculated force combinations

3.2. Purpose of calculated lengths

3.3. Designing the Top of a Column

3.4. Designing the Bottom of a Column

3.5. Calculation of components and parts of stepped columns

3.5.1 Calculation of column parts coupling unit

3.5.2.Compute column base

4 Rafter truss design

4.1. Static calculation of truss

4.2 Structural calculation of truss

4.3. Structural calculation of truss units

4.3.1. Intermediate nodes

4.3.2. Calculation of the assembly assembly

4.3.3. Support unit

5. Designing the crane beam

5.1. Loadings

5.2. Determining Forces in a Crane Beam

5.3. Selection and layout of beam section

5.4. Geometric characteristics of the made-up crane beam

5.5. Braking structure of crane beam

5.6. Check the accepted beam section

5.7. Designing Crane Beam Parts

List of sources used

Drawings content

icon 7_recover.dwg


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