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Exchange rate for metal structures

  • Added: 14.05.2020
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The cross frame of the forge-press shop with light and medium-mode cranes with a span of 30 m, equipped with two bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 100 t of the 7K operating mode, was designed. The length of the building is 120 m, the elevation of the rail head is 13.5 m. The pitch of the trusses and columns is 6 m. The place of construction is Mogilev. Single-span building with rigid conjugation of crossbar with columns. The girder is designed in the form of a rafter trapezoidal truss with a height of 3150 mm and a roof slope of 1/12. For all designs C275 steel in accordance with GOST 27772-88 is accepted.

Project's Content

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1 Initial data

2 Cross Frame Design and Calculation

2.1 Development of communication system

2.1.1 Coverage Links

2.1.2 Links between columns

2.2 Cross Frame Layout

2.2.1 Vertical dimensions of columns

2.2.2 Horizontal dimensions of columns

2.3.1 Constant load

2.3.2 Snow load

2.3.3 Crane loads

2.3.4 Wind load

2.4 Static calculation of transverse frame

2.4.1 Determination of calculated forces

3 Step Column Calculation

3.1 Design forces in the column

3.2 Estimated Column Lengths

3.3 Selection of column top section

3.4 Selection of column bottom section

3.5 Coupling of the above crane and crane parts of the column

3.6 Column base

4. Calculation of rafter truss

4.1 Determination of truss loads

4.2 Determination of forces in truss rods

4.3 Selection of cross-section of truss rods

4.3.1 Design lengths of truss rods

4.3.2 Design cross-sections of truss rods

4.4 Calculation and design of truss units

4.5 Connecting gaskets

Appendix A

Appendix B

List of sources used

2 Cross Frame Design and Calculation

2.1 Development of communication system

The links ensure spatial immutability of the frame, stability of the compressed elements of the supporting frame and joint work of all structures. Communications perceive and transmit braking and wind effects on the foundation, provide the necessary installation conditions for the structure elements.

Drawings content

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