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Erection of foundations of industrial and civil buildings


Technology of erection of monolithic foundations of industrial building and administrative-domestic complex, 2 sheets + DBE

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Source Data

2. Define Underground Cycle Scope of Work

3. Calculation of labor costs and wages

4. Selection of working methods and set of machines

4.1. Piling works

4.2. Monolithic and installation works

4.3. Waterproofing works

4.4. Backfilling and compaction

5. Economic comparison of machine variants

6. Schedule construction processes

7. Quality Control

8. Safety precautions

9. Occupational safety during all types of work

10. List of literature

4.3 Waterproofing works

Underground structures of buildings and structures protect against the influence of water on them. Water in structures reduces their operational properties, causing metal corrosion, leaching of concrete, destruction, especially in the freezing zone.

The protective coating is waterproofing. Waterproofing depends on the required dryness of the room formed by the walls, the crack resistance of the isolated structures, the value of the hydrostatic head of the external water, and temperature effects.

This project uses paint and adhesive waterproofing. Waterproofing quality depends on surface preparation. For this purpose garbage, dirt, dust are removed from insulated surfaces, they are leveled, sharp angles are cut at 45 and given an oval shape. The surface is then thoroughly dried and, if necessary, primed. Bitumen-based primer compositions are prepared from three parts of solvent (kerosene, gasoline, solvent, white spirit) and one part of bitumen. The concrete surface is dried with calorifers and infrared devices to a humidity of 4% (for coating with hot mastic).

Dyeing waterproofing is applied to the surface by the method of coating, painting (mainly with a paint gun or spray gun), gas-flame filling. Surfaces are coated with hot bitumen with fillers in 2-3 layers with total thickness of 2-4 mm, layer of 0.81.5 mm is obtained with thinned bitumen. Materials for paint waterproofing are delivered by special transport. Adhesive waterproofing is performed by means of bitumen mastic. On top of the coating waterproofing, sometimes protection is arranged from clay locks or a plaster layer.

6. Quality control, safety, occupational safety during all types of work

Depending on the place and time of inspection in the process (control stage):

incoming control - control of incoming materials, products, structures, soil, etc., as well as technical documentation. Control is carried out mainly by the registration method (certificates, invoices, passports, etc.), and, if necessary, by the measuring method;

operational control - control performed in the process of works execution or immediately after their completion. It is carried out mainly by measuring method or technical inspection. Results of operational control are recorded in general or special work logs, geotechnical control logs and other documents provided by the quality management system operating in this organization;

acceptance control - control performed upon completion of the construction of the facility or its stages, hidden works and other control objects. Based on its results, a documented decision is made on the suitability of the control object for operation or subsequent work.

Acceptance control of the same indicator can be carried out on several levels and in different methods. At the same time, the results of lower level control can be the subject of higher level control. The results of acceptance control are recorded in the acts of inspection of hidden works, acts of intermediate acceptance of critical structures, acts of testing piles with test load and other documents provided for by the current standards for acceptance of construction works, buildings and structures.

Waterproofing works

The main types of quality control of waterproofing works are:

• laboratory quality control of raw materials;

• quality control of insulated surface preparation;

• control of finished waterproofing coatings;

• check of waterproofing impermeability.

Preparation of surfaces for insulation is subject to intermediate acceptance with the participation of the customer and creation of an act for hidden works.

Intermediate acceptance of waterproofing coatings with preparation of a concealed works report is performed after quality control of each layer of multilayer waterproofing, waterproofing of deformation joints and joints of prefabricated structures, finished coatings.

The tightness of the seams can be checked by electrostatic method or vacuum appliance, and the strength can be tested by testing coating samples on a breaking machine. The waterproofing permeability of the structure is checked hydraulically.

Concrete and reinforced concrete works

Quality control of concrete and reinforced concrete works shall consist in checking:

• Quality of reinforcement and concrete materials, as well as storage conditions;

• operation of concrete mixing plants, metering devices and concrete facilities as a whole;

• readiness of units and sections of the structure for concreting (preparation of the base, installation of formwork, scaffolding, reinforcement and embedded parts);

• quality of concrete mixture during its preparation, transportation and laying;

• correctness of concrete care, decompression periods, as well as partial and complete loading of structures;

• quality of constructed structures, implementation of measures to eliminate detected defects.

To carry out these activities, it is necessary to systematically monitor the performance of work, perform appropriate analyses, studies and tests, as necessary, maintain established technical documentation for the production and control of the quality of work.

Installation works

Reliable assurance of installation quality depends mainly on its accuracy, compliance of the obtained results with design solutions. Installation accuracy contributes to saving of deficient building materials, reduction of labour intensity, machine capacity, duration and cost of construction. To solve the problem of installation accuracy, a planned systematic update of GOST and SNiP is required, providing for parallel design of structures, their manufacture using the most rational factory technologies, improvement of installation methods and methods.

The accuracy of installation of buildings and structures from prefabricated structures and the optimal construction time cannot be achieved when performing work on the construction site for the preliminary selection of structures or their subsequent fitting in place. In order to obtain the required installation accuracy, the actual dimensions of the structures on must exceed the specified tolerances that ensure the density of their coupling.

Deviations during installation of structures are errors (errors) in their measurement and alignment of axial hairlines and are divided into systematic and random ones.

Environmental protection

When organizing construction production, it is necessary to carry out measures and works to protect the natural environment, which should include land reclamation, preventing the loss of natural resources, preventing or cleaning up harmful emissions into soil, water bodies and the atmosphere. The specified activities and works shall be provided in the design and estimate documentation.

Construction and installation works within protected, protected and sanitary zones and territories should be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by special rules and regulations on them.

On the territory of the objects under construction, it is not allowed to reduce the shrub-tree growth and fill root necks and trunks of growing trees and shrubs with soil, which is not provided for in the design documentation.

It is not allowed to release water from construction sites directly to the slopes without proper erosion protection. When performing planning work, the soil layer suitable for subsequent use must be previously removed and stored in specially designated places.

Temporary roads and other access roads should be arranged taking into account the requirements to prevent damage to agricultural land and shrub vegetation.

During construction and installation works in the settlement areas, the requirements for preventing dust and gas pollution of air must be observed. When removing waste and garbage, it is not allowed to dump them from the floors of buildings and structures without using closed trays and storage bins.

In the course of drilling operations, measures should be taken when aquifers are reached to prevent uncontrolled outflow of groundwater.

Production and domestic effluents generated at the construction site shall be cleaned and neutralized in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the construction organization project and work execution projects.

Associated development of natural resources is allowed only if there is design documentation agreed by the relevant state supervision bodies and local administration.

Land reclamation, the creation of ponds and reservoirs, the elimination of ravines, beams, swamps and developed quarries, carried out in conjunction with the construction of industrial and housing and civil facilities, should be carried out only if appropriate design documentation is available, agreed in accordance with the established procedure with interested organizations and state supervision bodies.

When carrying out work related to the summary of forests and shrubs, construction must be organized in such a way as to ensure that the animal world is pushed outside the construction site.

Drawings content

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