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Electrical equipment of the compressor unit

  • Added: 17.05.2022
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Downloads: 2
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1. Purpose and general characteristics of the electrical equipment of the designed compressor

2. Settlement part

2.1 Calculation of the power of the compressor electric motors and their selection

2.1.1 Calculation and selection of the main drive motor

2.2 Verification calculation and selection of start-up equipment

2.2.1 Calculation and selection of magnetic actuators

2.2.2 Calculation and selection of thermal relays

2.2.3 Calculation and selection of circuit breaker

2.3 Calculation and selection of wires and cables

2.3.1 Calculation and selection of wires for electric motors Calculation and selection of the wire to the motor M1 Calculation and selection of the wire to the motor M2

2.3.2 Calculation and selection of the input cable to the compressor

2.4 Calculation and selection of control scheme elements

2.4.1 Calculation and selection of power transformers

2.4.2 Calculation and selection of fuses

3. Organizational and technological part

3.1 Principle of operation of the electric drive of the compressor

3.2 Preparation for the commissioning of electrical equipment

4. Labor protection and fire prevention measures



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icon Схема электрическая принципиальная.dwg
icon Kursovoy_proekt_.docx

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icon Схема электрическая принципиальная.dwg

Схема электрическая принципиальная.dwg

icon Kursovoy_proekt_.docx