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Electric lighting of the automotive repair shop

  • Added: 13.08.2020
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In the course of this course work, a project was developed for electric lighting of the car repair shop. Light sources of general uniform lighting were selected or calculated; - normalized illumination and safety factors for each room of the workshop; - type of lighting fixtures, height of their suspension and location of the main workshop and auxiliary rooms; - light sources, placement, height of suspension and type of lighting fixtures of emergency lighting; - power scheme of lighting network; - type of lighting boards, grade of wires and cables, protective devices. Graphic part of the project: Layout plan of electrical equipment and electrical lighting networks. Power supply circuit. Format A1.

Project's Content

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1 Justification for selection of normalized illumination of rooms and reserve factors

2 Rationale for the selection of light sources for the common working and emergency lighting system

3 Substantiation of selection of type of lighting fixtures, suspension height and placement on the room plan

4 Lighting engineering calculation

4.1 Calculation of the system of general uniform lighting by method of light flux utilization factor

4.2 Calculation by point method of emergency evacuation lighting

5 Electrical calculation

5.1 Development of supply and group network diagram of lighting plant

5.2 Determination of installed and design power of lighting plant luminaire groups

5.3 Selection of Wire, Cable, Routing Methods and Core Section Calculation

5.4 Protection of lighting network and selection of circuit breakers of group and power supply network

5.5 Electric Lighting Control


List of sources used


Electric lighting plays a huge role in the life of a modern person - it increases the productivity and quality of products, creates a normal ethical and psychological state.

14% of the generated energy is spent on electric lighting in the country. Rational design, the transition to energy-efficient lamps, as practice shows, saves at least 20% of electricity. Competent use of lighting installations can increase labor productivity by 5-10% and vice versa, unlimited use can lead to fatigue of the visual apparatus of workers, injuries and a decrease in the working capacity

The prospects for the development of electric lighting envisage an improvement in the technical and economic indicators of existing light sources with an increase in light yield. In addition, lighting should not negatively affect labor productivity, job safety, create a comfortable human condition.

The purpose of the lighting plant design is to create a light environment that provides high-quality lighting taking into account the peculiarities of production, color reproduction requirements, normalized lighting and safety at minimum power consumption and material and labor costs for the purchase, installation and operation of the OU.

The main purpose of this course work is the design of electric lighting of the general uniform and evacuation lighting system of the car repair shop. It is necessary to select light sources for rooms; selection of type of lamps, calculation of their number, placement, suspension height and power; and selection of necessary electrical equipment (switchboards, protective equipment, wires, etc.). The design part of the project is accompanied by a layout plan of electrical equipment and electrical lighting network laying.

Justification for selection of normalized illumination of rooms and stock factors

The choice of the normalized illumination of the work performed, workplaces is one of the most important stages of the design of lighting installations. The correct determination of the normalized illumination level makes the lighting installation very effective.

Standards of illumination of artificial lighting of industrial enterprises are regulated by regulatory documents. The main normative document for selection of minimum illumination standards is [2].

Normalized illumination values shall be provided during the entire operation of the lighting unit. However, due to the fact that the period of operation there is a constant decrease in illumination, the initial illumination should be taken more than rated for the reserve factor Kz, the value of which is selected according to [2] and Table 2.1, [9].

According to Table 1 [2] we choose the normalized illumination with the system of general uniform illumination for the premises of industrial enterprises. Values of normalized illumination are taken depending on characteristic of visual work, size of object of distinction, discharge and sub-discharge of visual work, contrast of object with background and characteristic of background.

The margin factor takes into account the decrease in the luminous flux of light sources by the end of the service life due to their aging, dusting, etc. This coefficient depends on the amount and nature of dust in the air, the degree of aging of this type of light source, the type of lamp and is selected according to Table P6, [10].

Justification for the choice of light sources for the common working and emergency lighting system

The selection of light sources is determined by the requirements for illumination (chrominance of radiation, visual comfort, gloss of others) and is carried out on the basis of a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of existing light sources in accordance with the requirements [1], [3].

The following main factors are taken into account when selecting light sources:

- electrical characteristics (voltage, power, current type);

- lighting parameters (luminous flux, luminous intensity, color transmission, color temperature, spectral composition of the study);

- design parameters (shape and dimensions of the bulb or length of tubular lamps);

- Average working hours;

- stability of the luminous flux;

- economy (cost, light output).

It is necessary to give preference to discharge light sources as the most economical, having a light output of more than 50 lm/W, and in this regard providing minimum electricity consumption.

General (regardless of the adopted lighting system) artificial lighting of industrial premises intended for the permanent stay of people should be provided by discharge light sources.

Low pressure fluorescent lamps are recommended for use in public and industrial premises:

- where the work is related to high and long-term visual stress;

- where hue recognition is required;

- where fluorescent lighting is appropriate for architectural and artistic reasons.

Induction lamps are used to illuminate industrial and public buildings, having a number of advantages compared to discharge lamps. Induction lamps in their design do not have spirals, electrodes and therefore the service life increases to 100 thousand hours. The tightness of the flask, the absence of electrodes and spirals allows the use of induction lamps in rooms with various media and external installations.

LED light sources are constantly improved, light output is increased, blinding effect is reduced, which makes them competitive with luminescent and discharge light sources.

For emergency lighting (safety lighting and evacuation lighting), the following are used: filament lamps; fluorescent lamps; LED in view of their fast ignition. High pressure discharge lamps, subject to their instantaneous or rapid re-ignition, both in hot state after short-term voltage shutdown and in cold state.

Any light source may be used for security lighting.

In view of the above, we will select light sources for the general uniform lighting system of the car repair shop.

Justification for selection of type of lighting fixtures, suspension height and placement on the room plan

Light fixtures are short-range lighting devices and are designed for rational redistribution of light flux of lamps, as well as protection of eyes from excessive brightness, protect light sources from contamination and mechanical damage. Structurally, they consist of a reflector body and (or) a diffuser, a cartridge and a fixing device.

For internal lighting, luminaires with light distribution of the type: D - cone curve of light intensity, D - deep or K - concentrated are most effective.

Main criteria for selection of lamps:

- by design;

- the degree of protection of the lamp against ingress of solids and water;

- light distribution, i.e. distribution of light flux in space;

- by blinding - when selecting lighting fixtures, their blind action is taken into account according to the indicator of blinding, which is normalized and compared with the actual indicator of blinding;

- in terms of economy (the selection of lamps according to the criterion of economy is carried out at a minimum of reduced costs).

With a general lighting system, lighting fixtures can be placed either uniformly or locally above the illuminated surface. With uniform illumination, the lamps are arranged in regular symmetrical rows, thus creating relatively uniform illumination over the entire area, and with localized illumination - individually for each workplace or section of the production room, while creating the required illumination only at workplaces.

With general uniform illumination, the best options for arranging luminaires with point light sources are their location at the corners of the rectangle or in staggered order, this achieves the most uniform distribution of illumination over the entire area of ​ ​ the room.

The choice of the distance between the lamps depends on the type of lamp, the height of its suspension above the working surface, and sometimes the way the lamps are arranged depends on architectural or construction conditions.

When placing the luminaires on the room plan, it should be borne in mind that increasing the distance between the luminaires in a row or between rows of luminaires leads to an increase in the power of the lamps and an increase in the uneven distribution of illumination on the illuminated surface, since the illumination under the luminaires is much greater than the illumination of the points between them.

With the frequent arrangement of lighting fixtures, the unevenness of the illumination distribution is reduced, however, in this case, low-power lamps with low light output are used, which leads to increased electricity consumption and an increase in initial costs.

It follows that when selecting the distance between the lighting fixtures, it is necessary to determine one that provides the lowest installed power of the lighting installation and sufficient uniformity of lighting for practical conditions.

The rows of luminaires with fluorescent lamps should be placed parallel to the long side of the room with light openings. If the openings are located on the short side, then the rows of lamps can be located both along and across the room.

Electric Lighting Control

Electric lighting of administrative, public, residential buildings is controlled by general-purpose switches. Electric lighting in production rooms is controlled by circuit breakers installed in group boards. Lighting fixtures are switched on and off in rows depending on the level of natural illumination in the room.

For remote control of electrical lighting of production shops and areas with large spans, control panels are used, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 5.3. PUIn1 remote controllers can be used together with lighting guards and can operate six three-phase or single-phase lines. Power supply voltage of 220V AC control panel. The panel has insulated zero (N) and protective bus (PE) connected to the housing, which allows their use in a three-wire power supply system. The panel consists of an input circuit breaker QF1, six switches with a fixed position of the "TUMBLER" type and seven sets with signal valves on LED emitters. To remotely switch on and off the group lighting lines, it is necessary to apply electromagnetic starters in addition to the control panel, which with their main contacts will turn on or off the group lighting lines. The control panel can be installed in the dispatcher's room or in another room with on-duty personnel of the workshop or section, and electromagnetic starters directly at the lighting group panel. The diagram works as follows. Actuation of QF1 circuit breaker (Fig. 12.1) supplies voltage to control and alarm circuits. At the same time, the LED emitter VD8 receives power, signalling the supply of voltage "VOLTAGE ON." If it is necessary to switch on the group lines, the switches SB1... SB6 by the shop personnel are switched on in manual mode. After that, electromagnetic actuators are turned on, which turn on group lighting lines. Coils of electromagnetic actuators are connected to XT11 conclusions... XT16 of the remote control. Disconnection is performed by the same switches SB1... SB6. The switched on state of group lighting lines is signaled by LED emitters VD9 ... VD14.


In the course of this course work, the design of electric lighting of the car repair shop was developed, creating the necessary light medium that meets the requirements of TKP 454.04-149-2009 and TKP 3392011.

The following were selected or calculated:

- light sources of general uniform illumination;

- normalized illumination and margin factors for each workshop room;

- type of lamps, height of their suspension and location of the main workshop and auxiliary rooms;

- light sources, location, suspension height and type of emergency lighting lamps;

- power supply circuit of lighting network;

- type of lighting boards, grade of wires and cables, protective devices.

The nominal power of IE lamps of the main room and auxiliary rooms is selected by the method of light flux utilization factor.

Evacuation lighting has been developed. Emergency lighting operation mode is constant. The emergency lighting board is supplied from the FTP.

The power supply scheme of the lighting plant has been developed. Electric lighting is supplied from the transformer.

400/230V AC voltage is used to power the lighting devices of the general uniform internal lighting.

Circuit breakers were selected as protective devices. The rated setpoint current is selected from the design line current.

Selection of cable cross section is performed by permissible voltage loss and check by long-term permissible heating of currents and for matching with the machine.

List of sources used

1. Electrical Installation Rules/Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. - 6th ed. additional and processing. - M.: Glavgosenergoizdat of Russia, 1998. - 608 s;

2. TKP 45-2.04-153-2009. Natural and artificial lighting. Construction Design Codes. M.: Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, 2009. – 59 pages.

3. TKP 454.04-149-2009. Electrical systems of residential and public buildings. Design Rules. Misnk, 2009.

4. GOST 30331.295 (IEC 364393). Electrical installations of buildings. Part 3. Main characteristics. - Mr.: Ed. Standards, 1995. 11 pages.

5. GOST 30331.152001 (MEK55293). Electrical installations of buildings. Ch.5. Selection and installation of electrical equipment. Chapter 52. Wiring - Mn.: Publishing House of Standards, 1993. – 17 pages.

6. GOST 321142013. Standards of electric power quality in general-purpose power supply systems. Mr.: Ed. Standards, 2014. 20s;

7. Electric lighting: training method. manual for course work for students of specialties 143 01 03 "Electricity supply (by industry)" and 143 01 07 "Technical operation of energy equipment of organizations" days. and zaoch. training forms/comps. V. D. Elkin. - Gomel: State Technical University named after P.O. Sukhoi, 2017. – 69 pages.

8. Knorring G.M. Reference book for electrical lighting design. - L.: Energy, 1976. – 385 pages.

9. Kozlovskaya V.B. Electric lighting: reference book/V.B. Kozlovskaya, V.N. Radkevich, V.N. Satsukevich. - 2nd ed. - Minsk: Technoprospective, 2008. - 271 p.: il.

10. Us, A.G. Electric lighting: prakt. manual for course and degree design in the course "Electric Lighting" for students of specialty 143 01 03 "Power Supply," 143 01 07 "Technical Operation of Energy Equipment of Organizations "/A.G.U., V.D.Elkin. - Gomel: State Technical University named after P.O. Sukhoi, 2005. – 111 pages.

11. Us, A.G., Evminov, L.I. Power supply of industrial enterprises and civil buildings: training manual. - Mn.: NEPOO "PION," 2002.

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