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Drawings of steam boiler BKZ 220


Drawings of steam boiler BKZ 220 Drawings are made in Compass PP Conversion of BKZ-220 to non-design fuel

Project's Content

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1 Assignment for the course project

2 Selection of slag removal method, hot air temperature and number of stages of tail heating surfaces

2.1 Selection of slag removal method

2.2 Hot air temperature selection and tailings layout

heating surfaces

3 Excess air ratio at the top of the furnace and air suction in individual heating surfaces

4 Calculation of volumes and enthalpies of air and combustion products

4.1 Volumes of theoretical quantity of air and combustion products at air coefficient more than unit

4.2 Actual volumes of combustion products

4.3 Calculation of enthalpy of air and combustion products

5 Efficiency of steam boiler operation. fuel consumption per boiler

5.1 Efficiency and heat loss

5.2 Determination of fuel consumption per boiler

6 Selection and calculation of the dust preparation system and burners of the boiler unit

6.1 Thermal calculation of the dust preparation system

6.1.1 Selection of drying agent and its temperature

6.1.2 Mill Device Selection

6.2 Heat balance of drying-mill system

6.3 Recalculation of coal mill capacity for other fuel

6.3.1Recount Mill Capacity

6.3.2Define Mill Drying Capacity

6.4 Calculation of burners

6.4.1 Selection of burner type and furnace layout

6.4.2 Definition of flow sections

6.4.3 Calculation of burner design dimensions

7 Thermal calculation of the furnace chamber

7.1 Structural characteristics of the furnace chamber

7.2 Calculation of heat exchange in the furnace

8 Calculation of heat perception of radiation superheater

9 Calculation of heat perception of steam superheater screen surface

10 Calculation of convective superheater

11 Calculation of air heater

12 Calculation of water economizer

13 Preparation of direct balance of boiler unit

14 Aerodynamic calculation of gas-air duct

14.1 Gas Path Calculation

14.1.1 Calculation of shear superheater resistance

14.1.2 Calculation of convective superheater resistance

14.1.3 Calculation of water economizer resistance

14.1.4 Calculation of air heater resistance

14.1.5 Calculation of gas duct resistance

14.1.6 Calculation of hydraulic resistance of ash catcher

14.1.7 Calculation of stack resistance

14.1.8 Calculation of gravity

14.1.9 Calculation of the full pressure drop along the gas path

14.1.10 Selection of the type of the smoke pump. Determination of its capacity, head and drive power

14.2 Air Path Calculation

14.2.1 Calculation of resistance of cold air ducts

14.2.2 Calorifer resistance calculation

14.2.3 Calculation of air heater resistance

14.2.4 Calculation of resistance of hot air ducts

14.2.5 Calculation of resistance of furnace and burner devices

14.2.6 Calculation of gravity

14.2.7 Calculation of full pressure drop along the air path

14.2.8 Selection of blast fan size. Determination of its capacity, head and drive power

15 Calculation of natural circulation of the middle section of the front screen


List of sources used


It is necessary to carry out structural thermal calculation of BKZ220100 boiler unit operating on the coal of the Kizelovskoye deposit, which consists in selection of heating surfaces layout, in boiler gas ducts, determination of dimensions of heating surfaces ensuring nominal steam efficiency of the boiler at specified nominal parameters of steam, reliability and efficiency of its operation. It is required to select the type of slag removal and the layout of the tail heating surfaces, calculate the total fuel consumption, as well as the calculated fuel consumption.

The calculation of the furnace chamber must be performed by a verification procedure, as a result of which it is necessary to find the thermal perception of the furnace screens, the volume of the furnace chamber and the temperature of the exhaust gases at the outlet thereof.

In the calculation of the radiation superheater, determine the steam temperature at the outlet.

The screen superheater is also considered a test procedure, and knowing the temperatures of steam and exhaust gases at the entrance to the screen superheater, it is necessary to calculate the temperatures of steam and exhaust gases at the exit from the screen.

The calculation of the convective superheater is carried out by a design method in which the required heating surface, the length of one coil and the width of the superheater package are determined.

Tail surfaces are calculated by design method. For the air heater, the required heating surface, the total number of pipes, and the total height are determined. For a water economizer, the total height and length of each coil is determined.

At the end of the thermal calculation, a direct balance of the boiler is made.

And at the end, aerodynamic calculation and calculation of the natural circulation of the middle screen on the front side of the boiler are performed. In the calculation of the gas path according to the found values ​ ​ of productivity and head, the type of smoke pumps is selected. The circulation calculation determines the value of the circulation rate, the net head, and the stagnation and rollover margin.

At the end of the calculations, it is necessary to make a graphical visualization of the boiler unit in the form of a 3D model in SolidWorks.

Job for Course Project

The steam boiler is the main unit of the thermal power plant. Working medium in it for steam production is water, and combustion products of various organic fuels serve as heat carrier.

In this course design, it is required to calculate the BKZ-220-100 steam boiler. Heat calculation of the boiler includes a number of stages: calculation of air volumes and combustion products, determination of fuel consumption, calculation of the dust preparation system and burner devices, calculation of the furnace chamber, as well as calculation of other heating surfaces, radiation superheater, screen superheater, convective superheater, water economizer, air heater. It is also necessary to perform aerodynamic calculation of gas and air paths and calculation of natural circulation of the middle front screen.

Selection of slag removal method, hot air temperature and number of stages of tail heating surfaces

2.1 Selection of slag removal method

Combustion of fuels with solid and liquid slag removal can be arranged in the furnace chamber.

The slag removal method depends on the temperature of the liquid melting state of the ash (t3). Since ash is refractory, since t3 = 1380 ° C ≥ 1350 ° C, we choose a furnace with solid slag removal.

Drawings content

icon Вид сбоку 19.cdw

Вид сбоку 19.cdw

icon Вид сбоку вова без штриховок.cdw

Вид сбоку вова без штриховок.cdw

icon Вид сверху 19.cdw

Вид сверху 19.cdw

icon Чертеж вид с фронта 19.cdw

Чертеж вид с фронта  19.cdw