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Drawing of retractable stage on the bus


A retractable stage for boarding/boarding children during transportation by educational institutions. The width and length of the step may vary depending on the characteristics of the bus to which it is attached.

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The problem of child traffic injuries is one of the most important in our country. Every year, about 1,500 people die on the roads of Russia and 24,000 underage traffic participants are injured, which cannot but attract attention.

When organizing excursions and tourist trips, school managers and teachers have to solve problems of ensuring the safety of students' transportation by various modes of transport. This topic becomes especially topical with the approach of summer, when the number of trips of schoolchildren increases sharply during vacation holidays. In order to ensure their safety in transit, a careful approach is needed to prepare each exit.

The purpose of the work is to ensure safety during the organized transportation of children in gymnasium No. 11 "Harmony" by bus.


1. Analysis of safe transportation of children by bus;

2. Analysis of the state of work to ensure the safe transportation of children in gymnasium No. 11;

3. Proposals for improvement of measures related to the organization of safe transport of children;

4. Development of a device for safe boarding of children on a bus.


The purpose of this graduation qualification work was to ensure safety during the organized transportation of children by bus in gymnasium No. 11 "Harmony."

As a result of the study, the following tasks were solved:

1. Analysis of safe transportation of children by bus;

2. Analysis of the state of work to ensure the safe transportation of children in gymnasium No. 11;

3. Development of an action plan for the safe transport of children;

4. Development of a device for safe boarding of children on a bus.

An analysis of the problem of ensuring the safe transportation of children on buses made it possible to draw the following conclusions: children are a special category of victims of accidents. According to average data, 1,500 are killed and 24,000 underage road users are injured on the streets and roads of the country every year. The main reason why children fall under the car is the lack of road literacy. In this regard, it is necessary to systematically conduct special classes with students, which leads to a decrease in DDTT by the participation of minors .

The main goal of the work of teachers on the prevention of child road injuries should be to develop children's skills of conscious safe behavior on the streets of the city. At the same time, the administration of an educational institution is obliged to ensure compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts for the transportation of organized groups of children, as well as to be guided by a clear algorithm of work in accordance with current legislation.

When conducting a comprehensive analysis of work related to the organized transportation of groups of children in Gymnasium No. 11, the main problems were identified: a large number of organized transportation of students per year (more than 200); lack of own transport for these purposes; Lack of a clear operating algorithm consistent with current legislation.

However, the main problem that arises at the initial stage is the lack of access roads and an equipped place for boarding/disembarking trainees, which in this particular case requires a practical solution.

Such a solution may be the redevelopment of access roads and the creation of a platform for the landing/landing of children from Dobrolyubov Street.

It is also necessary to create a safety situation at the stage of boarding or disembarking a bus. There are buses that provide for comfortable and safe boarding of children through the use of certain steps. However, there are buses that have this stage, in factory configuration, not.

As a design development, it is proposed to make a footboard for buses, which will allow students to more comfortably enter/exit the bus, and, which is not of little importance, will be able to protect students from unforeseen injuries.

The proposed design development will ensure a safe landing and landing of children, which will reduce child injuries and increase the comfort of LAZ and PAZ buses.

Thus, the problem of safe transportation of children, as well as child road traffic injuries, is one of the most important tasks facing society as a whole. The creation of more comfortable and safe conditions for the interaction of children and transport should be a priority of the state. As a result of studies conducted in this work, a number of measures can be identified that can contribute to the reduction of DDTT not only in gymnasium No. 11, but also in the Novosibirsk region.

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