Diploma - electric power systems and networks - network development during the reconstruction of the Leninsk substation
- Added: 14.05.2015
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In this diploma project, an option for the development of the network during the reconstruction of the Leninsk substation was developed. The structure of the medium voltage switchgear of the substation was substantiated. Calculation of operating currents and short-circuit currents was made. The main electrical equipment was selected. Relay protection of transformers is selected. Reliability of power supply of PS "Leninsk" was calculated. Grounding device of PP was calculated. Feasibility study for the reconstruction of PS was carried out and the economic efficiency of investments was determined
Project's Content
1 Варианты передел.vsd
10 Экономическая часть.vsd
2 География.vsd
3 Режимы нормальные.vsd
4 Режимы послеварийные.vsd
5 Режим откл. автотрансформатора.vsd
6 Однолинейная схема сети.vsd
7 Вид сверху ру.vsd
8 Эл схема.vsd
9 Специальная часть СТК.vsd
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